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Opec is to study further the effect of the falling US dollar on its economies following calls for it to price oil in currencies other than the greenback.
The move, which emerged at the summit of cartel leaders in Riyadh, was an attempt to bridge the divide within the group over how to respond to the dollar’s decline. Iran and Venezuela had pushed for Opec to move away from the dollar in the face of strong opposition from the summit’s host, Saudi Arabia.
伊朗总统马哈茂德·艾哈迈迪-内贾德(Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad)在领导人峰会后表示,美元不断贬值意味着,石油生产国正在为美国政府及其人民提供补贴。
Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, Iran’s president, said after the leaders’ meeting that the falling dollar meant oil producers were subsidising the US government and people.
“They get our oil and give us a worthless piece of paper,” he said. “We all know that the US dollar has no economic value.”
The dollar has dropped 16 per cent this year against a basket of major currencies, and 44 per cent against the euro since the last Opec summit in Caracas, Venezuela, in 2000. Iranian officials have said that the average price of a barrel of their oil so far this year is, at $63, only $2 higher than for the same period of 2006. Priced in euros, oil has been cheaper this year than last year.
Finance and foreign ministers from Opec countries are to meet in Abu Dhabi in the next few weeks to discuss the effect of the dollar, a move hinted at in an oblique reference in the summit’s closing declaration.
沙特阿拉伯外交大臣沙特·费萨尔亲王(Prince Saud Al-Faisal)上周五警告称,如果在该宣言中提及美元,美元可能“被套”。
On Friday, Prince Saud Al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, warned that the dollar could “collapse” if the US currency was mentioned in the declaration.
His remarks – made in what was supposed to be a closed ministerial meeting – were accidentally broadcast to reporters.
After the summit, Prince Saud played down the significance of the ministers’ further examination of the dollar problem, saying it did not have any “hidden implications” and reflected Opec members’ duty ”to maximise the return from their resources”.
Fortunately for economists, eBay offers solutions as well as problems. With hundreds of thousands of auctions starting every day, the auction site provides masses of data. And if the publicly available data isn't enough, it's also easy to conduct an experiment "in the field", studying bidders in their natural habitat.
亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)经济学家戴维·赖利(David Reiley)自eBay出现之前就一直在研究网上拍卖。在最近与拉玛·卡特卡尔(Rama Katkar)合著的一篇论文中,他对eBay拍卖中的保留价格应该公开还是保密的问题进行了研究。
David Reiley, an economist at the University of Arizona, has been studying online auctions since before eBay existed. In a recent paper with Rama Katkar, he investigated whether reserve prices in eBay auctions should be open or secret.
Auction theory offers an argument that a secret reserve price is better. A secret reserve price allows bidders to see each others' gradually ascending bids and thus draw confidence that they are not alone in prizing the item. Even though the bids are too low to beat the reserve, they serve an important purpose of reassuring bidders that others are also interested. An open reserve price on eBay makes that reassurance impossible; nobody can submit a bid below the open reserve, and lacking any signs of confidence from other bidders, there is a danger that nobody may submit a bid above it either.
要判断这种理论观点在实践中是否真的有价值,有太多不可精确估量的因素。因此,卡特卡尔和赖利通过拍卖50对匹配的收藏卡片对这个理论进行了检验。他们的方法是,在保留价相同的情况下,一半公开保留价,一半保密保留价。他们的结论与这种理论观点截然相反:保密的保留价达不到预期目的。它们不是激发出价方的兴趣,反而似乎是让他们退却,这也许是因为他们担心,保留价之所以保密,是因为它高得离谱。由于不想浪费自己的时间,许多出价方就会点击浏览器上的 "返回"键,再找别的地方出价。
There are too many imponderables to tell whether this theoretical argument is what really counts in practice. So Katkar and Reiley put the theory to the test by simply selling 50 matched pairs of collectible cards, half with an open reserve price and half with a secret reserve price of the same level. Their conclusion, contrary to the theoretic argument, is that secret reserve prices are counterproductive. Far from stimulating interest they seem to put off bidders,who perhaps fear that a secret reserve is secret because it is far too high. Not wishing to waste their time, many of them just click "back" on their browsers and find somewhere else to bid.
The conclusion may not shake the world but the method is important. David Reiley was one of the first economists to realise that the internet was generating vast amounts of researchable data. Now that data, from sites ranging from eBay and Amazon to Match.com, is enriching the study of economics. It may enrich a few eBay sellers, too.
蒂姆·哈福德的著作《卧底经济学家》(The Undercover Economist)(小布郎出版社(Little, Brown))目前已经出版平装本。
Tim Harford's book "The Undercover Economist" (Little, Brown) is out now in paperback.