试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-09-27 09:31:08 试题 我要投稿




  How to Succeed at Interviews

  The aim of a job interview is to establish whether you are likely to do well in a particular job in a specific organisation. This is not only a matter of having the necessary technical knowledge and skills. You must also have the motivation, the ability to adapt to new ways of working and to a new work environment, and the personality to do the job and fit into a new team. (example)____. These include getting on with people, oral and written communication, teamworking, problem solving and good time management.

  Most people think that interviewers know what they are looking for and will recognise it when they see it. (8) ____. This applies to recruiters as much as anyone else. In fact a former head of selection at one big firm used to say that “some interviewers are so poor they would do better to rely on chance”.

  In companies which recognise this, various methods are used to try to find the right person (9) ____. Research has shown that this approach is more reliable than the ordinary job interview, though not as effective as using personality tests or assessment centres.

  In a structured interview the interviewer groups the qualities listed in the job specification under various headings. There are two well-established structures for this: the National Institute of Industrial Psychology’s Seven-Point Plan and the Five-Fold Grading System. Both these systems cover factors such as physical appearance, qualifications, general intelligence, motivation and previous experience.(10) ____.

  However, they should not give equal weight to each one. Some factors are more important in one job than another. For example, physical appearance and manner will be more important in a sales position than in a researcher who works behind the scenes. It is also a fact that the impact the candidate makes in the first three of four minutes of an interview is of major importance.(11) ____.A decision not to hire is often made during those first few minutes.

  It is not always possible to tell whether structured interview techniques are being used. If interviewers ask questions systematically, using some kind of checklist, and occasionally make a brief note, they probably are. On the other hand, if the interviewer goes through your application form to confirm what you have already said, or asks irrelevant questions, or jumps from one topic to another the interview is unlikely to be structured. Before you attend any interview, look again at the job description and the personal specification. (12) ____. If you already have a mental list of the key points that you need to mention, you are unlikely to waste time giving irrelevant information or to omit important points in your favour.

  A Study them closely and assess what your interviewer will be looking for.

  B However, people are actually not very good at assessing one another.

  C A number of skills are common to most of these interviewing situations.

  D Although a favourable impression may be reversed later in the interview, a negative impression is rarely changed.

  E The most common is the structured interview.

  F The effectiveness of the interviewer can be improved by training.

  G For each of these areas the interviewers score candidates against how well they fit the job specification.

  H The ability to cope with stress and get on with people is essential.

  I But there are other personal skills that affect your success in a job.

  答案:8.B 9.E 10.G 11.D 12.A


  今天,我要分享商务英语的知识,主要分享基本职场词汇(essential job vocabulary).我以一个非常基本又非常常见的问题开始:Where do you work? 你在哪里上班?


  -I work at ......

  -I work in ......

  -I work for ......

  -I work with......


  (1)I work at/for.....+公司名称; 比如:I work at Google.我在谷歌上班;I work for Nike.我在耐克上班;

  (2)I work for ... + 人;比如:I work for Bingo. I'm his assistant.我的老板是Bingo,我是他助理;

  (3) I work in ... +地方;比如:I work in an office. 我在办公室上班;I work in a school.我在一个学校工作;

  (4)I work in ... +城市/国家;比如:I work in Shanghai.我在上海工作;I work in China.我在中国工作;

  (5)I work in ...+公司部门;比如:I work in sales.我在销售部工作;I work in the marketing department.我在市场部工作。

  (6)I work in ....+行业;比如:I work in finance.我是做金融行业的;I work in consulting.我是做咨询行业的';

  (7)I work with ...+你的工作对象;比如:I work with computers.我的工作跟电脑打交道;I work with special-needs children.我的工作是跟特需儿童打交道。

  如果你想更具体,描述自己的工作职责,可以在后面加句型:I'm responsible for...... ,比如:I'm responsible for updating the company's website.我负责更新公司网站。

  有时候老外也会不问where do you work,而是问相对更常见的What do you do或者What do you do for a living? 回答方法是一样的。但如果你目前处于无业状态的话,可以这么说:

  (1) I'm unemployed.我目前无雇主;

  (2) I'm between jobs at the moment. 我目前无业;(between jobs显得自己在不同工作之间来回表明自己在找工作,更委婉的表达)


  (1) I'm self-employed.我就是自己的雇主;

  (2) I own a .....restaurant/small company.我是一家餐厅老板/我是一家小公司老板。


  如果你被一个公司正式雇佣了,这个动作就是他们hire你了,也就是你被hire了;例句:I was hired by an insurance company last week.上个礼拜一家保险公司雇了我。

  被雇佣之后,你就是这个公司的employee(职员);这个公司就是你的employer(雇主);这个公司其他的职员就是你的colleagues或co-workers(同事);管你的那个人就是你的boss或supervisor(上级);工作后,你每个月都会earn a salary(赚一笔工资);如果你工作表现好的话,你可以会得到一个pay raise或raise(涨工资);也可以得到一个promotion(升职);每年年底呢,有些公司还会给优秀员工bonus(奖金);如果你犯错误,你的公司可能fire(解雇)你;比如:She got fired because she never came to work on time.由于她从来不准时上班,她被解雇了;如果你没有犯错,而是其他原因失去工作,这个叫被laid off了,比如公司裁员,缩小规模等。比如:I got laid off because my company started having financial problems.因为公司出现资金问题,我丢了工作。


  (1) I'm going to quit my job. (较口语)

  (2) I'm going to leave my job. (口语正式均可)

  (3) I'm going to resign. (较正式)
