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Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的商务英语高级试题考前密押卷,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!
part 1
Read the article below about getting a pay rise.
For each question 31-40, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet .
There is an example at the beginning, (0) .
There is a commonly held view that the only way to get (0) decent pay increase is to move on: to go out into the job market and find someone (31) is prepared to pay you a figure more in line (32) the talents you can offer. Whilst changing employers from time (33) time is something we probably all need to do to advance our careers in the directions we want them to take, it is nevertheless an activity that carries quite definite risks. Irrespective of (34) well we research prospective employers, a new jib is still largely a step into the unknown . It may turn (35) to be a good move or it could prove to be a complete disaster : most of us (36) had experience of both. The point here, though, is that changing employers is not something we want to be doing all the time and certainly not (37) time we feel the urge for better pay . We’d (38) taking more risks than we needed to just to achieve a pay rise. Getting a pay rise should always be viewed (39) a serious business. There are no quick fixes or gold methods with “ guaranteed “ results. Quick fixes only serve to trivialize the issues and could (40) some circumstances get you into very serous trouble indeed.
part 2
0 Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation .
0 A B C D E
1. This company has been involved in diversifying its business activities.
2. Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal with
3. This company has reduced the profits it makes on individual items
4. One statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than another
5. The conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the future
6. This company’s share price has been extremely volatile over the last twelve months
7. This company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near future
8. This company’s performance exemplifies a widely held belief
A Chemical Company
Masterson’s interim pre-tax profits growth of 20% was somewhat inflated as a result of the income received from the disposal of several of the company’s subsidiaries. The underlying 8% rise in operating profits is a more realistic gauge of the company’s true progress. However, Masterson’s impending merger with Bentley and Knight and its appointment of a new chief executive should mean that the company will be able to sustain growth for the foreseeable fut5ure. The share price has varied little during the course of the year and now stands at £ 6.75
B Hotel Group
During the past year the Bowden Hotel Group has acquired 77 new properties, thus doubling in size . last week the group reported pre-tax profits of £ 88 million in the first six months of the year, ahead of expectations and helped by a strong performance from its London-based hotels and newly expanded US business. However. There is still some way to go. Integration of the new acquisitions is still not complete and, while the share price has risen recently, major problems with integration have yet to be solved.
C High-tech Company
This time last year a share in Usertech was worth just over £ 1. six months ago it was worth £ 40. today it is priced at under £ 8 . if proof were need, here is an illustration of how much of a lottery the technology market can be. But some technology companies are fighting back and Usertech is one of them . What has renewed excitement in the company is the opening of its new American offices in Dallas and its ambitious plans to expand its user base in both North and Latin America.
D Building Company
Renton’s share price has risen gradually over the past year from £2.4 to £ 3.8 . The company has been successful in choosing prime location for its buildings and has benefited from the buoyant demand for housing. Whilst this demand is expected to slow down somewhat during the next year, investors are encouraged by the company’s decision to move into building supermarkets. Work has already begun on two sites in London, and the company is expected to sign a contract within the next month for building four large supermarkets in Scotland.
E Pottery Manufacturer
Milton Dishes has been through a shake-up over the past year. The group, which has been cutting margins and improving marketing, may post a small profit this year. The many members of the Milton family, who between them own 58 per cent of the business, have been watching the share price rise steadily and several are looking to sell. Trade rival Ruskin has bought up just over 17 percent of the shares and could well be spurred into further action by the signs of a recovery at the firm.
1 D 2 B 3 E 4 A 5 D 6 C 7 E 8 C