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task 1
We would like to modify the offer given to you in our fax last week. We have discovered that the material to be used to make each unit will be NT$1500, not NT$1000. Thus, we regret to inform you that the offer must be raised from NT$4000 to NT$4500 per unit. We are very sorry for the error; no extra costs will be passed on to you. As we stated in the last fax, this offer remains in force until the end of the month. Again, we remind you that this is an offer without engagement.
modify the offer 修正报价
"modify" ‘修正、变更’。报价之后,如经对方同意,亦可做修正,例如变更报价之展期等。
offer remains in force until... 报价至...为止有
"remain"‘维持不变’。"in force",这个词组是说‘有效、实行中’;"force"在此意指‘效力’。"until"之后加日期,这个表达语等于"offer is valid until..."。
offer without engagement 不受约束之报价;可变更
"engagement" ‘约束’。此类报价方式之报价人有权变更原条件,即使已收到对方的.确认函(电),仍可变更原报价。
1. We regret to inform you that...
2. We are sorry to have to tell you that...
3. It is with (sincere) apologies that...
"regret"‘遗憾、抱歉’之意。"inform" ‘通知、告诉’之意,比"tell"正式严肃。此说法通常用于告诉对方坏消息时,一开始应先表示己方之遗憾或抱歉,让对方先有心理准备,再进一步解说问题所在,要求对方的谅解或认同。
task 2
Questions 21 -35
. Read this text about an Italian car company.
. Choose the best word to fi71 each gap.
. For each question(21 -35) mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
. One answer has been given as an example.
Gianni Agnelli ,Chairman of Fiat , Italy’s largest private industrial corporation ,is known in Italy as the lawyer ,because he trained in law at Turin University. ____example____he has never practiced , his training may soon be useful. On April 17th Mr. Agnelli admitted to a group of Italian industrialists in Venice ____21____ Fiat had been ____22 ____ in some corruptions in Italy. On April 21st, Fiat’s lawyers and Cesare Romiti , its managing director , met Milan magistrates to ____ 23 ____ the firm’s involvement in bribery to win business from state-owned companies.
Fiat is not the ____24____ Italian company caught up in Italy’s increasing Political corruption scandal. According to the latest figure ,some 200 businessmen and politicians were sitting in prison ____25 ____ a result of judicial inquiries into kickbacks paid to politicians by firms. Hundreds more are still____26____influence of Fiat, ____27____sales are equal to 4/00 of Italy’s home product ,the scandal at the company has ____28____the industrial establishment.
Though neither Mr. Agnelli____29____Mr. Romiti has been ____30____ of wrongdoing, several other senior Fiat managers have allegedly been involved in paying kickbacks to win state-owned contracts ____31____ arrested include Francesco Mattiol , Fiat’s finance director , and Antonio Moscon , the ____32____ head of its Toro insurance branch____ 33____men have been ____.34____about their previous roles on the board of Cogefar-Impresit, Fiat’s construction subsidiary. Last May, Enzo Papi admitted paying a 1.5 million-dollar bribe for a contract , ____ 35 ____ to Milan’s underground.
21. A what B that C when D if
22. A involved B connected C related D done
23. A talk B say C speak D discuss
24. A one B single C worst D only
25. A as B for C with D after
26. A in B under C at D on
27. A who B which C whose D its
28. A rocked B ruined C damaged D destroyed
29. A or B also C and D nor
30. A accused B charged C criticized D blamed
31. A Who B Those C He D That
32. A old B former C late D last
33.A Either B All C Every D Both
34. A solved B answered C questioned D replied
35. A contracted B related C connected D communicated
参考答案:21. B 22. A 23.D 24. D 25. A 26.B 27.C 28. A 29.D