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时间:2022-11-01 19:50:15 期中考试 我要投稿




  六年级英语上册期中检测试卷 1


  ( ) 1. A. postcard B. picture C. people

  ( ) 2. A. what B. where C. who

  ( ) 3. A. doctor B. driver C. farmer

  ( ) 4. A. men B. man C. women

  ( ) 5. A.Mexcio B.Canada C. Australia


  ( ) 1. A. How long is it ?

  B. How big is it ?

  C. How tall is it ?

  ( ) 2. A.There are lots of Chinese shops.

  B. There are lots of bicycles in China.

  C. There are lots of Chinese restaurants.

  ( ) 3. A. This is the West Lake.

  B. This is the Huangshan Mountain.

  C. This is the Yellow River.

  ( ) 4. A. Have you got any stamps from England ?

  B. Have you got any stamps from Canada ?

  C. Have you got any stamps from America ?

  ( ) 5. A. I've got some dolls.

  B. She's got some books.

  C. He hasn't got any kites.


  1. Collecting stamps is Simon's hobby. ( )

  2. Tell me more about the Great Wall. ( )

  3. Simon has got some stamps from Australia. ( )

  4. The Chinese stamps are from Simon's letter to Daming. ( )

  5. What's your favourite festival , Simon? ( )


  ( ) 1.It's got eight million people.

  ( ) 2. These stamps are from my letters.

  ( ) 3. I've got some Chinese kites.

  ( ) 4. Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.

  ( ) 5. I've got two friends from England.


  ( ) 1. Dragon Boat Festival A. 中秋节

  ( ) 2. Lantern Festival B. 春节

  ( ) 3. Mid-Autumn Festival C. 圣诞节

  ( ) 4. Christmas D. 龙舟节

  ( ) 5. Spring Festival E. 元宵节


  1. I've got two ___(friend / friends) from Canada.

  2. I like ___(write / writing) stories in French.

  3. This is ____(he / his) address in England.

  4. Who can ___(be / is) your good friends ?

  5. I can sing ___(China / Chinese) songs.



  America / in the east /is /of /New York / .


  is / there / a / New York / in / Chinatown / .


  do /what /you /on /do /Flag Day / ?


  4. hobby / is / her /collecting / dolls / .



  ( )1. Tell me more _the Great Wall.

  A. in B. about C. at

  ( )2. What is Daming doing ?

  —He ____a panda.

  A. drawing B. draws C. is drawing

  ( )3. He wants to ____ Chinese.

  A. learn B. learns C. learning

  ( )4. — ____ have you got in your room?

  —I have got a computer.

  A. What B. Where C. When

  ( )5. Laura is _.

  A. America B. Americans C. American

  ( )6. We can _lots of stone animals.

  A. see B. saw C. sees

  ( )7._to meet you.

  A. Pleased B. pleased C. please

  ( )8. ——This is Daming. He is from China.


  A. Pleased to meet you.

  B. How fantastic!

  C. Yes, please.

  ( )9.——Have you got any Chinese stamps?


  A. you have B. I have C. I havenˊt

  ( )10.There ___famous men and women in the room.

  A. is B. be C. are

  ( )11. Have you got ___photos of America ?

  A. some B. any C. a

  ( )12. Simon ___a Chinese kite.

  A. have got B. is C. has got

  ( )13. This stamp is __America.

  A. at B. of C. from

  ( )14.Do you want to ____ my pen friend.

  A. is B. be C. are

  ( )15.——How ___is the river?

  —— It is about two thousand kilometres.

  A. high B. short C. long

  ( )16. You can see Chinese __in the street.

  A. dancing B. dances C. danced

  ( )17. Flying kites ____my hobby.

  A. am B. is C. are

  ( )19. What do you do ___ Christmas Day.

  A. in B. of C. on

  ( )20. Look! These postcards____great.

  A. is B. am C. are

  六年级英语上册期中检测试卷 2



  ( ) 1. A. jeep B. sheep C. ship

  ( ) 2. A. east B. easy C. near

  ( ) 3. A. far B. fast C. farm

  ( ) 4. A. where B. what C. when

  ( ) 5. A. next week B. next weekend C. this weekend

  ( ) 6. A. No.7 bus B. No. 17 bus C. No. 70 bus

  ( ) 7. A. comic book B. note-book C. story-book

  ( ) 8. A. get off at the bank. B. get off at the museum. C. get off at the supermarket.

  ( ) 9. A. climbing the mountain B. going to climb mountains C. climbs mountains

  ( )10. A. a comic book and a picture book. B. a dictionary and a comic book

  C. a dictionary and a picture book


  ( ) 6. You can go to the park by the No. 30 bus.

  ( ) 7. His home isn't far from the hospital.

  ( ) 8. The cinema is on the left.

  ( ) 9. I usually walk to school.

  ( ) 10. I am going to read a magazine tonight.


  ( ) 1、 A.I go by car. B.It's near the park. C.There are seven.

  ( ) 2、 A. Yes, I do. B.Yes, you do. C.No, it isn't.

  ( ) 3、 A.I'm drawing pictures. B.I often draw pictures. C.I'm going to draw pictures.

  ( ) 4、 A.It's in front of the school. B.I go straight for five minutes. C. You're welcome.

  ( ) 5、 A. I'm going to visit my grandparents. B.A picture book. C.This evening.


  1、________ at a red light.

  2、Is there a ___________ near here?

  3、Li Ming goes to Hong Kong by _______.

  4、_______ are you going to do sports? This afternoon.

  5、What are you going to do next ______?

  五、 根据录音的对话内容,判断下列句子的正误,对的打“”,错的打“”。(10分)

  ( ) 1. John is going to buy a toy bus on Saturday

  ( ) 2. John is going to buy a toy car for his friend.

  ( ) 3. John is going to the post office on Sunday.

  ( ) 4. John is going to post a letter on Sunday morning.

  ( ) 5. John is going to the post office by subway.



  ( ) 1. A. bus B. car C. book

  ( ) 2. A. school B. bus C. park

  ( ) 3. A. red light B. traffic light C. yellow light

  ( ) 4. A. go B. Canada C. English

  ( ) 5. A. stop B. go C. light


  ( ) 1.Usually I go to school on . A. bike B. foot C. plane

  ( ) 2. _______ do you go to school? A. How B. Who C. Where

  ( ) 3. I'm going 3 o'clock. A. on B. in C. at

  ( ) 4. I'm going to buy a magazine plants. A. about B. at C. in

  ( ) 5. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the .

  A. traffic rules B. traffic C. traffic light

  ( ) 6. Red means _______. A. go B. wait C. stop

  ( ) 7. ______ is the cinema, please? A. Where B. What C. When

  ( ) 8. Is it far here? A. from B. about C. for

  ( ) 9. The hospital is ______ the left. A. for B. in C. on

  ( ) 10. Walk straight three minutes. A. at B. for C. in

  八、连词成句。 注意---句首字母大写,标点符号正确,书写工整。(10 分)

  1. do, how, to, you, go, school

  2. foot , I, to, usually, school, go, on

  3. a, at, light, stop, red

  4. What, you, going, do, to, are, this weekend?

  5. the, you, go, by, bus, can , No.15


  A. What are you going to buy?

  B. Where are you going this evening?

  C. Is it far?

  D. When are you going there?

  E. How can you get there?


  B: I am going to the fruit stand this evening.


  B: I am going to buy some grapes.

  A: ________________________________________________?

  B: Yes, it's far. The fruit stand is next to the pet shop.

  A: ________________________________________________?

  B: I can get there by the No.112 bus. Then get off at the pet shop.

  A: I want to buy a big watermelon. Can I go with you?

  B: Sure. Let's go together.

  A: Thank you.


  Hello! I'm Liu Ying. I'm going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I'm going to the Renmin Park with my sister Liu Hong by bike. In the afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents. In the evening I'm going to visit my aunt with my mother. On Sunday morning, I'm going to the bookstore with my good friend Tom. I'm going to buy some story-books. After lunch, I'm going to play sports with Amy. In the evening, I'm going to watch TV and clean my room. How happy I am!

  ( ) 1. Liu Ying is going to __________ on Saturday.

  A. the bookstore B. the zoo C. the park

  ( ) 2. How is Liu Ying going to the Renmin Park?

  A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.

  ( ) 3. -----What is Liu Ying going to do in the bookstore? -----She is going to ___________.

  A. buy a new CD B. buy a pen C. buy story–books

  ( ) 4. Liu Ying is going to the bookstore with __________.

  A. Tom B. Amy C. her sister

  ( ) 5. Liu Ying is going to clean her room on ___________.

  A. Saturday morning B. Saturday evening C. Sunday evening



  1. 条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范;

  2. 体现提示的信息,适当发挥想象。

  I'm Mike. I'm going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning,



  1. I go to Shang Hai by ship.

  2. It's east of the hospital.

  3. Canada is far from China.

  4. When are you going to the hospital?

  5. Where do you live?

  6. You can go by the No.17 bus.

  7. I want to buy a note-book.

  8. I often get off at the supermarket.

  9. Amy often climbs mountains on the weekends.

  10. I am going to buy a comic book and a dictionary.


  1. A:How do you go to Zhong Shan Park?

  2. B: I often go to Zhong Shan Park by taxi.

  3. Go at a green light.

  4. The bookstore is west of the supermarket.

  5. A: What are you going to do tonight?

  B: I'm going to visit my grandparents.

  6. A: What are you going to do this weekend?

  B: I'm going to the Great Wall with my father.

  7. A: How can I go to the park? B: You can go by the No. 30 bus.

  8. A: I s your home near the hospital? B: Yes, it is.

  9. Go straight for 3 minutes. Then turn left. You can see the cinema on the right.

  10. A: How do you go to school? B: I usually go to school on foot.

  11. A: What are you going to do this evening, Chen Jie?

  B: I am going go read a comic book.

  二、 听录音,将最合适的答案的字母编号填到括号里。

  1. Where is the pet shop?

  2. Is your school far from your home?

  3. What are you doing?

  4. Thank you very much.

  5. When are you going to the cinema?

  三、 根据录音内容,在句子的空格填上单词,将句子补充完整(每空一词)。

  1. Stop at a red light.

  2. Is there a cinema near here?

  3. Li Ming goes to Hong Kong by train.

  4. When are you going to do sports? This afternoon.

  5. What are you going to do next week?

  五、 根据录音的对话内容,判断下列句子的正误,对的.打“”,错的打“”。

  Z: What are you going to do this weekend, John?

  J: I'm going to the toy shop on Saturday.

  Z: What are you going to buy?

  J: I'm going to buy a toy car. I like toy cars very much.

  Z: Are you going to have a busy Sunday, too?

  J: Yes, I am. In the morning, I am going to buy a post card in the post office for my friend.

  Z: How are you going there?

  J: I'm going to take the subway there.

  六年级英语上册期中检测试卷 3


  ( )1.A.teacher B.grandma C.driver

  ( )2.A.plane B.doll C.car

  ( )3.A.coat B.computer C.dress

  ( )4.A.China B.English C.America

  ( )5.A.juice B.tea C.cake

  二、读一读,找出不同类的词:( 5分)

  ( )1.A、China B.Germany C 、left D、Scotland

  ( )2.A、foot B、 bus C、bike D 、subway

  ( )3.A 、near B、behind C、GPS D、front

  ( )4.A、 cinema B、comic C、museum D 、library

  ( )5A、evening B、tonight C 、get D、next week


  ( )1. Stop ____ a red light.

  A. on B. at C. to

  ( )2. How can I get ______ the park?

  A. in B. at C. to

  ( )3. I _____ go to school by bike. But sometimes I go by bus.

  A. sometimes B. usually C. today

  ( )4. —What are you going to ? —A comic book.

  A. be B. do C. Buy

  ( )5.Liu:Excuse me.Where is the library?


  A. There is a hospital in the middle.

  B. No,there isn't.

  C. Yes,there is.

  D. It's in front of the school.

  ( )6.Chen:Is your home far from your school?


  A. It's the post office.

  B. No,it's not far.

  C. Yes,it's not.

  D. It's on the left.

  ( )7.-----Amy and I _____ going to read a poem.

  A. am, B.are, C. is,

  ( )8.The cinema is ___ to the hospital.

  A. next B. to C. In

  ( ) 9、What are you going to do on the weekend? .

  A I'm going by train. B It's next to the shoe store.

  C I'm going to read a magazine.

  ( ) 10、I am going to see a film _______space travel.

  A .about B. at C. from


  ( )1. What are you going to do ? A. By train.

  ( )2. When are you going ? B. I'm going to take a trip.

  ( )3. Where are you going ? C. Yes ,we are.

  ( )4. How do you go to the zoo ? D. I'm going at 3 0'clock.

  ( )5. Are you going to the library ? E. I'm going to Beijing.


  1、are Where this you going afternoon ?


  2、next It's the to hospital .

  __________________________________________http://w ww.xkb 1.com

  3、are to We watch going TV .


  4、How you do there go ?


  5、at light Slow down yellow and stop a .



  A.Where is it? B. How can I get there?

  C.Thank you! D. What are you doing to do there?

  E.Is it far from here? F. That's OK.

  G.When are you going ?

  A: Excuse me, I'm new here. I want to go to the post office.

  B: It's near the bookstore.


  B: Yes ,it is .


  B: You can go by the No.302 bus. Get off at the hospital, and then turn left .You can see it.

  A: I'm going to buy a post card, and send it to my cousin.

  B: You're welcome.



  I go to school by .


  My father and mother are going to the ___ _ __

  3. —下周你要去哪里?

  — are you going next ?


  —I'm _______ ______ the bookstore.

  4. 我要去买一本漫画书。

  I'm going to __ ___ a ___________ _________.


  Hi! I'm Liu Yun. I'm going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, I'm going to the bookstore by subway. I'm going to buy a new CD and some story books. On Sunday, I'm going to go home and read the new books. On Sunday, I'm going to the supermarket with my mother. We're going after lunch. Then, in the evening, I'm going to visit my aunt. We are going to watch TV together. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?

  ( )1. Liu Yun is going to buy a dictionary on Saturday.

  ( )2. On Sunday, Liu Yun is going to the supermarket with her mother.

  ( )3. She is going to go home at five o'clock on Sunday.

  ( )4. She is going to visit my aunt after lunch.

  ( )5. She is going to have a busy weekend.

  九、小作文 (10分)










