

时间:2023-03-28 01:30:40 期末考试 我要投稿
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  第一部分 听力(20分)


  ( )1、I get up at _______ in the morning.

  ( )2、I can _____ ______ ______.

  ( )3、I like ________ food.

  ( )4、They ______ ______ noodles for lunch now.

  ( )5、______ to our hotel.


  ( )1、A. Apple B. Rice C. Coke

  ( )2、A. It’s 8:00. B. In 8:00 C.At 8:00

  ( )3、A. You’re welcome. B. Thank you. C.Here you are.

  ( )4、A. I like rice. B. I can do the dishes. C.I am helpful.

  ( )5、A.I like China. B. I come from China. C.I am Chinese.


  ( )1、A. 8:30. B. 8:00 C. 7:00

  ( )2、A. He can do the dishes. B. I can do the dishes.

  C.He can do the homework.

  ( )3、A. Soup. B. Spoon C.Fork

  ( )4、A. Bookstore. B. Supermarket. C. Children’s Park

  ( )5、A. China. B. Chinese C.the USA

  笔试部分 60%

  四. 默写字母Bb ~ Nn(大小写都要)。(11%)

  五. 正确抄写下列各词并写出中文意思 (12%)

  March November September

  January July August

  (三月 ) ( 十一月) (九月 )

  ( 一月 ) ( 七月 ) ( 八月

  六. 从方框中选出下列动词的过去式,并写在横线上。(20%)

  1.do did 2.look looked 3.is was 4.play played 5.buy bought

  6.take took 7. Visit visited 8.swim swam 9.see saw 10.are were


  1. Turn left 2. Go straight 3. Turn right

  八. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案填在括号里。(8%)

  Hello, I’m Peter. I’m from the USA. Now I live in Fujian. I like my school life here. I have many friends. Yesterday I went to the zoo. I saw pandas. I took a photo of the pandas. I had a good time.

  1. My name is _C______.

  A、 Chen Ling B、Tom C、Peter

  2. I’m from _B_______.

  A、 Fuzhou B、the USA C、England

  3. I went to the ___A______.

  A、 zoo B、park C、bookstore

  4. I took a photo of the __B______.

  A、 penguins B、pandas C、cats