

时间:2024-03-27 21:15:24 王娟 期末考试 我要投稿
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  Tigers wait ______ it is dark,and then they go out to find their food.

  A.unless B.as C.because D.until

  We speak to the Japanese seriously that Diaoyu Islands(岛)are ours but not______.

  A.they B.them C.theirs D.their

  ---______ are you going to the movies with this weekend?

  --- My parents.

  A.Who B.Where C.When D.What

  My daughter says she is going to____ a hobby such as playing the piano.

  A.put up B.grow up C.take up D.look up

  We decided not to climb the mountain because it was raining ______.

  A.strongly B.heavily C.hardly D.badly

  --- You look______.What is happening ,Kate?

  --- I can’t find my ticket.The movie will start soon.

  A.worried B.relaxed C.tired D.excited

  Of all the vegetables,Lucy likes______ best.

  A.watermelon B.bread C.lettuce D.cheese

  Boys,stop talking so loudly.I really can’t ______ you.

  A.mind B.stand C.look D.find

  --Peter,don’t play that kind of jokes any more?

  --Sorry,I ________ do it again.

  A.won’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.wouldn’t

  Where are you going to work?

  ______.Maybe Hollywood.

  A.I hope so B.Next month

  C.That’s a good ideaD.I’m not sure yet


  Joe wanted a ______.He asked his ______ for the money and they said he must get the bike himself.But how did he get it? He ______about this when he walked home.Not many people wanted to ask children to work for ______.Maybe he could clean ______ for the neighbors(邻居).But this was not winter.He had to wait a long time ______ it.He couldn’t cut grass for their gardens ______ he had no tools(工具)to do the work with.

  Then he saw one of his ______,Sue,who sits next to him,delivering(送)newspapers.He thought “I can do that,too.______ I can get the bike soon.” He ran to Sue and ______ her a lot of questions.He ______ that it was ______ to get twenty-five dollars each week.He also learned that the job took about two ______ each night.Sue ______ him the phone number of the newspaper manager(经理).

  Joe almost ran home.______ he told his mother ______ he thought,she smiled ______,“I think it is a ______ idea,” she said,“I’ll call the newspaper.”

  “Wait,mum,” Joe said,“I’ll call.After that,I’m going to be a _______ and I’m going to make a lot of money.” Joe’s mother was very ______.

  1.A.book B.computer C.bike D.radio

  2.A.teachers B.friends C.classmates D.parents

  3.A.thought B.asked C.said D.spoke

  4.A.it B.them C.us D.you

  5.A.rain B.sun C.snow D.wind

  6.A.on B.to C.of D.for

  7.A.because B.when C.while D.after

  8.A.students B.brothers C.teachers D.classmates

  9.A.Maybe B.Just C.Although D.Only

  10.A.studied B.asked C.carried D.got

  11.A.saw B.learned C.read D.thought

  12.A.friendly B.kind C.wrong D.possible

  13.A.days B.weeks C.hours D.minutes

  14.A.taught B.gave C.made D.talked

  15.A.After B.Before C.And D.Because

  16.A.why B.when C.what D.where

  17.A.angrily B.sadly C.easily D.happily

  18.A.big B.great C.large D.bad

  19.A.teacher B.artist C.doctor D.businessman

  20.A.happy B.useful C.careful D.sad


  The winter holiday is coming.What are the students going to do during the winter holiday? We did a survey and this is what we learned.All students like the winter holiday because there is an important festival—the Spring Festival.During the Spring Festival,they are going to visit their friends and relatives.During the winter holiday most students say they are going to finish their homework first.After finishing homework,they can have a good time.They’re going to buy some new clothes and good food.Most students are going to watch TV with their families.Some are going to play computer games with their friends.Li Lei is going to travel with his parents.They are going to Hainan Island because it’s warm in winter.Huang Jing is going to the countryside to see her grandparents with her parents.Yang Fan is going to take guitar lessons.He loves to play the guitar.Lin Juan is going to play ping-pong every day in the winter holiday.She wants to have a healthy body.I hope all of them can enjoy themselves during the holiday.

  1.What is the article about?

  A.The students.

  B.The Spring Festival.

  C.friends and relatives.

  D.The activities during the winter holiday.

  2.What aren’t the students going to do during the winter holiday from the article?

  A.They are going to finish their homework.

  B.They’re going to buy some new clothes and good food.

  C.They are going hiking in the mountains.

  D.They are gong to play computer games with their friends.

  3.What does the underlined word “relative” in this article mean?


  4.Who is going to travel in Hainan Island?

  A.Yang Fan.B.Li Lei.C.Huang Jing.D.Lin Juan.

  5.Why does Lin Juan want to play ping-pong every day?

  A.Because it’s warm in winter.

  B.Because she wants to have a healthy body.

  C.Because she loves to play ping-pong.

  D.Because she can enjoy herself during the holiday.

  Nowadays ,more and more parents have moved to cities to make a living(谋生).As a result,their children have become “ home-left children(留守儿童)” and they need more care.The survey below is from villages in Bazhong,Sichuan Province.200 children were chosen to answer the questions.

  What they








  The way to


  Have sports

  Talk with friends

  Do some reading




  The way they

  like to live

  Live with parents

  Live with


  Live at school




  The happiest




  Friends’ homes




  1.What do home-left children want most?


  2.How do most of the home-left children relax themselves?

  A.Doing some reading.B.Having sports.

  C.Living at school.D.Talking with friends.

  3.How many home-left children like to live with their grandparents?

  A.14%.B.27 %.C.52%.D.59%.

  4.How many home-left children think school is the happiest place?

  A.22. B.38.C.104.D.96.

  5.What do we know from the form?

  A.Home-left children want more money.

  B.Home-left children want to live with their parents.

  C.Most home-left children want to make a living.

  D.Most home-left children like to stay in their friends’ homes.

  After a long day’s study at school,you are very tired.So after school you go home to relax.When you get home,a robot greets you.He’s happy to see you and helps you take your school things to your room.He listens to you talk about your school life and tells you a new joke.And he tells you to call your cousin and to say happy birthday.And then he helps you with your homework.

  This is your future,and the robot’s name is NAO.NAO has a small body,big eyes and a large head.He can walk and dance.He listens and talks,and he even learns and thinks for himself.His creators(创造者)predict that the robot will be in people’s homes before 2040.

  This $16,000 robot knows who you are.NAO can even express emotions(表达情感).He is a self-guided(自动导向的)robot.A self-guided robot can sense(感觉),think and act.Other robots might do some easy things.For example,a robot might sense things using cameras and think using computers,but with no arms,he can’t act.Another robot can move and sense things,but he can’t think for himself.These aren’t self-guided robots.But NAO can do them all.

  1.What does the underlined word “greet” in this article mean?


  2.What does the robot tell you to _____ to your cousin?

  A.say happy birthday B.dance

  C.send a birthday gift D.help you with your homework

  3.What does NAO look like?

  A.He has small eyes and a small head.

  B.He has big eyes and a large head.

  C.He has a large body with a large head.

  D.He has a small body with small eyes.

  4.When will people have robots like NAO in their homes?

  A.In 2040.B.During 2040.

  C.After 2040.D.Before 2040.

  5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?

  A.NAO isn’t a self-guided robot.

  B.NAO can’t help kids with their homework.

  C.NAO is more than fifteen thousand dollars.

  D.NAO can’t even express emotions.

  My city Suining is a great place to live in.It’s the best place to enjoy your free time.There are some movie theaters in the city,such as Baoli Cinema、Wanda Cinema、Yongyi Cinema、Zhonghuan Cinema……They are all good,but the nearest one to my house is Wanda Cinema.It is the best.It has the best sound and the most comfortable seats.Shopping is also easy.There are many shops and most of them are popular.They sell very fashionable clothes.The prices are also cheaper than ones in other cities,so students love to shop here.There are also a lot of video and music stores.These are very popular with students.I go to the music stores every week to buy a new CD.The most crowded place for students to hang out is Wolong Park.Everyone goes there,so it’s really interesting.

  Sometimes there are even street performers.Some students think they’re boring,but I think they’re the most creative people.I want to be a street performer,too.

  1.How are the movie theaters in Suining?

  A.They are all awful.B.They are all relaxing.

  C.They are all great.D.They are all bad.

  2.Which cinema is the nearest to the writer’s house?

  A.Yongyi Cinema.B.Wanda Cinema.

  C.Baoli Cinema.D.Zhonghuan Cinema.

  3.How are most of the shops ?



  4.What does the writer thinks of these street performers?

  A.They are popular.B.They are boring.

  C.They are funny.D.They are creative.

  5.What is the best title about the article?

  A.Sunning city.B.Cinemas.

  C.Music stores.D.Shops.



  A:I’m hungry,Mum.

  B:Well,What would you like ?


  B:OK.Can you help me make them?


  B:Well,help me cut up the tomatoes.


  B:Two is OK.

  A:What else?


  A:OK.Here are the eggs.

  B:First,I put some oil.Then put in the green onions…

  A:I know next pour into water.

  B:So clever.But remember boil(烧开)the water for more than ten minutes.Then put in the noodles when the water is boiled again you can eat the noodles.

  A:Oh.It’s nice.5.

  A.What can I do for you?

  B.Bring me two eggs.

  C.Let’s make beef noodles.

  D.I’d like tomato and egg noodles.

  E.How many tomatoes do you need?

  F.I can’t wait to eat them.

  G.How much salt do you need?










  Swimming is very popular on summer.People likes swimming because water makes them to feel cool.If you like swimming and swim in a right place,it may not dangerous.Last year,more than ten people die because they weren’t carefully in the river near our city.Most of them were student.They often thought they could swim very good and nothing could happen to they,but they were wrong.Please look after ourselves and loving our life.











  Exercise is very important to us



  Look! That old man is crossing the road.Let’s go and help __________.


  John is an American.He came to China __________ 2012.


  —__________ do you read English storybooks every day,Linda?

  — At 7:00 pm.


  Hurry up,__________ we’ll have to wait another two hours for the next train.

  A.and B.but C.or D.so

  — How do you come to school every day,by bus or by bike?

  — By bus.It’s much __________ than by bike.

  A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest

  My grandma __________ dinner when I got home yesterday.

  A.cooksB.is cookingC.was cookingD.will cook

  Tom always __________ up early on weekdays so he is never late for school.

  A.getsB.was gettingC.gotD.will get

  — What did Jim do yesterday?

  — He __________ shopping with his mother.

  A.is goingB.goesC.will goD.went


  My son lived in New York.Last winter my husband and I visited him there.One day,while we were walking down the street,my son went to a store to see if there was a _____ he wanted.

  It was very cold.I went over to a supermarket to buy some chocolate,but my husband waited outside alone.When I came out,my husband was talking to a homeless man.I saw my husband take off his gloves and hat and____ them to Frank,the homeless man.

  Frank said he had been living in New York before a heavy rainstorm hit the city in the autumn of the year.He lost his ______ in the rainstorm,so he had no place to sleep.He was begging(乞讨)and trying to get $25 to find a cheap hotel where he could sleep for some hours.All he had to keep ______ was a jacket.My husband’s gloves and hat were surprising gifts for him.

  After a while,my son came out of the store,and a new coat was in his hand.I asked him what he was going to do with the old one.He said he would ______ keep it.I told him the story and suggested leaving it to Frank.To our great surprise,my son walked up to Frank and gave the new coat to him.Frank asked,“Did you buy this for me?” My son said no,but he wanted Frank to have it.Frank stood there ______ the coat,with tears(泪水)in his eyes.He ______ us with his whole heart.He said he would try to find a job as soon as possible to support himself.

  My son couldn’t get the picture of Frank out of his mind.He went home,took out all his clothes that didn’t?? ____ him,and posted them to a shelter(避难所).He has done this a few times since then.










  My Favorite Sport


  My favorite sport is basketball,because basketball can make me strong and happy.It can also help me make more friends and learn teamwork.I enjoy playing basketball with my friends.Kobe Bryant is my favorite player.I wish I can play basketball with him one day.


  Fishing is my favorite sport.I like fishing but I hardly get any fish.I’m not really interested in fishing.I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.Anyway I think fishing can make me feel very relaxed and comfortable.


  I like swimming because I think it’s an easy sport.Swimming is good for my health.It can help me keep fit.I joined the swimming club last term.I hope to swim very fast and beautifully.I want to keep in a good Shape.


  I enjoy running with my friends Tommy and Betty.In the early mornings,we often go running in the park.Then we are ready for school.At weekends,we sometimes go running in the countryside.The more I go running,the healthier I will feel.

  1.Matt’s favorite sport is _________.


  2.Who joined the swimming club last term?


  3.At weekends,Kat sometimes _________.

  A.goes runningB.plays basketball

  C.goes fishingD.sits in a boat

  Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present.On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office,a lovely boy was walking around the shining car.“Is this your car,sir?” he asked.

  Paul answered.“Yes,my brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was surprised.“You mean your brother gave it to you and it did cost you nothing? Sir,I wish…”

  Of course Paul knew what the boy wanted,but what the boy said surprised him greatly.“I wish that I could be a brother like that.” Paul looked at the boy in surprise,and then he said,“Would you like to take a ride in my car?”

  “Oh.yes.I’d love to.” The boy answered.

  After a short ride,the boy said,“sir,would you mind stopping in front of my house?”

  Paul smiled a little.He thought the boy wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car.But Paul was wrong again,“Will you stop where those two stairs are?” the boy asked.

  He went up to the stairs.Then in a short while he was carrying his little crippled(残疾的)brother.

  “There he is.Buddy,just like I told you upstairs.His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t cost him a dollar.And some day I’m going to give you one just like it.Then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas window that I’ve been trying to tell you about.”

  Paul got out and lifted Buddy to the front seat of his car.The shining-eyed elder brother climbed in behind him and the three began an unforgettable holiday ride.

  1.Who was walking around the shining car on Christmas Eve?

  A.Paul.B.Buddy’s brother.C.Buddy.D.Paul’s brother.

  2.Why did the boy ask Paul to stop his car in front of his house?

  A.Because he wanted to show he had a rich friend.

  B.Because he wanted to let his brother ride in the car.

  C.Because he wanted to show his neighbors the big car.

  D.Because he wanted to tell his brother about his wish.

  3.What did the lovely boy wish?

  A.He could take a ride in Paul’s car.

  B.Paul could give his car to Buddy.

  C.He could be a brother like Paul’s.

  D.Paul could see all the nice things.

  In the 13th century(世纪),the famous Italian traveler,Marco Polo,traveled a long way to China.During his stay in China,he saw many wonderful things.One of the things was paper money.People in the West didn’t use the paper money until the 15th century.However,the Chinese began to use it in the 7th century.

  Paper was invented(发明)by a Chinese man called Cai Lun almost 2,000 years ago.But it was not made in the West until the year 1100.Four hundred years later,a German found that he could make the best paper from trees.After that countries with plenty of forest,such as Canada,Sweden,America and Finland,became the most important ones in paper making.

  Paper can be used in many ways.It can be used in newspapers,magazines and books.But do you know that paper can be used for keeping warm? In Finland,the farmers wear paper boots to keep their feet warm in the snow.And even houses can be insulated(使绝缘)from heat or cold with paper.

  However,we have to understand that paper still comes from trees now.If we keep on wasting so much paper,there will not be any trees left on the earth some day in the near future.Every day people throw away about 2,800 tons of paper in our city.It takes 17 trees to make one ton of paper.This means that we are cutting down nearly 48,000 trees every day.The fact is that it takes more than 10 years for a tree to grow.

  So we must start saving paper right now.We can use both sides of every piece of paper.We can make useful things out of used paper.We can use china cups instead of paper ones.When shopping,we can use fewer paper bags and reuse them if we have some.

  In short,we should keep a balance(平衡)between using paper and protecting trees,and do it now before it is too late.

  1.When did the Chinese begin to use paper money?

  A.In the 5th century.B.In the 6th century.

  C.In the 7th centuryD.In the 15th century.

  2.Why did Canada become an important country in paper making?

  A.Because it was a large country.B.Because it had lots of forests.

  C.Because it was a very rich country.D.Because the inventor was from Canada.

  3.What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage?

  A.To explain how to make paper.B.To introduce where paper is from.

  C.To show Marco Polo’s great travel.D.To encourage people to save paper.

  Language students often think they have a memory problem.They worry because they can’t remember vocabulary.They think something is wrong with their brain.In fact,the problem is not their brain or their memory.The problem is the way they study.

  If you want to improve your memory,it’s important to understand how it works.There are two kinds of memory:short-term and long-term.All information goes into your short-term memory first.But it can stay there for just a few minutes.In order to remember something for more than a few minutes,it must move into your long-term memory.

  Only some things move into your long-term memory.Which things? This is an important question for a student.In fact,your long-term memory keeps things that are interesting or important to you.That’s why you remember big events in your life or your favorite sports events.Your long-term memory keeps other things,too.It holds onto things that you have thought about and worked with.So if you want to remember words,you have to work with them in some ways.

  Many students study vocabulary by repeating(背诵)the words.This may be enough to remember them for a while.But after a day or a week,you may have lost them.The reason for this is very simple.Long-term memory is like a very big library with many,many books.And like a library,it is organized.When you put away a book - or a memory - you can’t just leave it everywhere.If you want to find it again,you have to put it in a certain place.

  Repeating a new word doesn’t help you remember it for long,because it doesn’t give you any way to find it again.You need to make a place for the word in your long-term memory.There are many ways you can do this.You can write sentences with the word.Or you can make a very short story about it.You can also make a picture in your mind with the word.For example,if the word is height(高度),you can think of the tallest person you know and try to guess his height.

  All of these activities are ways to work with words.They make the meaning of words stronger in your long-term memory.And they give you a way to find a word when you read it.

  1.What can we learn about memory according to the passage?

  A.Things that are important only stay in short-term memory.

  B.Things we see usually goes into long-term memory first.

  C.We’ll forget a word soon if it goes into short-term memory.

  D.We’ll never forget a word if it goes into long-term memory.

  2.What does the word “organized” in Paragraph 4 mean?

  A.put in orderB.worked together

  C.found difficultD.left somewhere.

  3.This passage is mainly about ________.

  A.why we often forget wordsB.what is wrong with our brain

  C.what our long-term memory doesD.how we can improve our memory


  Different countries have different cultures(文化).Do you want to know more cultures about other countries? Here are some messages you may be interested in.

  Taking off your shoes or not

  It’s bad manners(举止)to take off your shoes at the door of a London dinner party.But in Asia you should take off your shoes before going into a home,or people will think you are not polite enough.

  What you should do instead:If you see a row of shoes at the door,take off your shoes.If not keep the shoes on.

  Talking over dinner

  In some countries,like Japan,don’t start talking while everyone else is having dinner.You’ll meet with silence - not because your group is unfriendly,but because mealtime is for eating,not for talking.Also don’t talk loudly in public places like museums,restaurants in Europe.

  What you should do instead:Keep quiet when having dinner! Speak in a low voice in public places.

  Knowing your right from your left

  Some cultures in Africa and the Middle East still like to eat in traditional(传统的)ways - using their hands.When people eat in this way,food is often offered for several people to share at the same time.That is why it’s important to wash your hands before eating.While eating,you have to follow the rule:Eat using your right hand,and use your left hand to do other things.Another rule to remember:Eat the food that’s closest to you.Don’t put your hand into the center of the table.

  What you should do instead:Follow the others and use your right hand.Even children who are left-handed in this culture are taught to eat with their right hands.If you really can’t,explain yourself to others before you eat.

  1.Do different countries have different cultures?

  2.What should you do before going into a home in Asia?

  3.Why do Japanese people keep silent while eating?

  4.How many rules should you remember while eating in Africa?

  5.What does the passage mainly talk about?


  假如你是Mary,昨晚你感冒发烧了,医生让你在家休息两天。请你用英文给你的班主任 Miss Wang写一张请假条,内容包括你的病症,医生的建议是什么,以及你想请几天假。

  提示词语:have a cold,have a fever,stay in bed,take two days off(请两天假)


  What’s the matter with you?

  What’s the doctor’s advice?

  How many days do you want to take off?

  Dear Miss Wang,

  I’m sorry to tell you that I’m not feeling well today.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  Thank you.



  在我们的日常生活中会有很多难忘的经历,让我们觉得这一天是十分特别的。现在某英语网站正在以 “A Special Day” 为题进行征文活动。请你用英语给报社写一篇征文,谈谈哪一天对于你来说是特别的并说明原因,在这一天你做了什么以及你的感受。

  提示词语:birthday,volunteer work,read stories,clean the room,happy


  What day was your special day and why?

  What did you do on that day?

  How did you feel?

  A Special Day

  We have a lot of unforgettable memories in our daily life.They are special for us.




  —I read _______ story about Shen Nong.Do you know who he was,Tony

  —He was_______ emperor in ancient China.

  A.a;/ B.a;an C.an;a D.an;/

  Mario works in an after-school reading program_______ kids.

  A.help B.helps C.to help D.helping

  —Jason,would you please ________ this notice

  —No problem.I’ll do it right away.

  A.put on B.put off C.put up D.put out

  _______ the TV program I Am A Singer came out,music fans all over the country became interested in it at once.

  A.As soon as B.Unless C.Although D.Until

  I ______ this bike for three years.

  A.have bought B.have had C.have borrowed D.have been

  My sister was writing an e-mail ________ I was watching TV at home at this time last night.

  A.since B.after C.while D.if

  —The old songs always ________ me of my childhood.

  —I have the same feelings.

  A.explain B.remember C.remind D.hurry

  The computer is one of ________ inventions in modern society.

  A.useful B.more useful C.the most useful D.most useful

  My friend and I are interested in drawing,but of us is

  good at it.

  A.neither B.both C.none D.all

  _________ I met some difficulties,Larry always came to help me.

  A.Whether B.However C.Whatever D.Whenever

  When I walked past the park.I saw some old people _________Chinese Taiji.

  A.do B.did C.doing D.are doing

  —Hi,Steve,have you finished your book report

  —Not yet.I haven’t decided which book _________.

  A.choose B.chosen C.chose D.to choose

  —Do you know the movie The Jungle Book

  —Yes.I ________ it twice.It’s very exciting.

  A.watch B.watched C.have watched D.will watch

  —________ have you had the camera

  —Since two years ago.

  A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.How far

  —Could you please go to the movies with me tonight

  — _________.See you then.

  A.Sounds boring B.Yes,I can C.Not at all D.Sure,I’d love to


  As a young man,Al was a good artist.He has a wife and two fine sons.One night,his older son had a serious stomachache.Neither Al nor his wife thought that it was very serious.But the boy died suddenly that night.

  The death could have been avoided(避免)if he had realized the seriousness of the situation.So Al always felt guilty(内疚).To make matters worse,his wife left him a short time later.He was alone with his six-year-old younger son.Al could not stand the hurt and pain,and he turned to alcohol(酒精)for help.He sold things to drink.

  Al began to lose everything he had—his land,house,etc.Finally Al died alone in a small bar.Hearing of Al’s death,I thought,“What a complete failure(失败)!”

  Now his younger son,Ernie,is an adult.He is one of the kindest,most caring,most loving men I have ever known.I saw the love between Ernie and his children,thinking that kindness and caring had to come from somewhere.

  I hadn’t heard Ernie talked much about his father.One day,I worked up my courage to ask him what his father had done so that he became such a special person.Ernie said quietly,“As a child until I left home at 18,Al came into my room every night,gave me a kiss and said,“Love you,son.”

  Tears came to my eyes as I realized that I had been a fool to tell Al as a failure.He had been a kind loving father,and left behind his best love.


  1.At first there were four people in Al’s family.

  2.Al always felt guilty because his wife left him.

  3.Al sold everything he had—his land,house to drink alcohol.

  4.Ernie was a complete failure just like his father.

  5.At the end of the story,the writer thought Al was a loving father.

  When summer comes,we can find a lot of mosquitoes(蚊子)around us.The mosquitoes make a living by sucking(吮吸)the blood out of just about anything that moves,including us.But not all the mosquitoes suck our blood,only female mosquitoes do.If a female mosquito likes you,she will land on your body without letting you know.She sucks your blood quickly and quietly and put something into your skin,so you may feel nothing.After this,the mosquito will find a place to have a good rest.There,on a leaf or a wall,she begins to lay eggs.

  They usually do this job near water.The adults are sometimes away from water,but they must have water to lay their eggs.Young mosquitoes live in water,too.They can be in rock pools,holes in trees,and bottles lying around.

  Like butterflies and bees,both male and female mosquitoes feed on nectar(花蜜).It gives them energy.They also feed on plant juice.

  Female mosquito also need something to help their eggs to grow.They get this thing called protein(蛋白)from blood.This is why mosquitoes suck blood of people and animals.

  1.The difference between a male and female mosquito is its_________.

  A.food B.size C.home D.color

  2.You may feel nothing when a female mosquito sucks your blood because_________.

  A.the mosquito doesn’t touch your skin

  B.the mosquito lands on you quickly and quietly and put something into your skin

  C.the mosquito can make you sleepy

  D.you are sleeping at a time

  3.The female mosquito needs to be near water because_________.

  A.there is protein in water B.it must have water to lay eggs

  C.young mosquitoes are found there D.it can find its eggs near wet places

  4.The underline word “it” here refers“_________”.

  A.Bee B.Juice C.Nectar D.Mosquito

  5.What do mosquitoes feed on EXCEPT(除......之外)nectar

  A.Plant juice.B.Meat.



  Jocelyn didn’t have many friends,but she had lots of books.She thought books were better than friends sometimes.1. And books didn’t feel sad when you didn’t come to see them for a while.

  Jocelyn liked detective(侦探)stories.When she read a detective story,she felt like she was a part of it ,so she could experience all the adventures in that way.2. Sometimes she liked history books,too.It was interesting for her to see how people lived their lives in the past.3.

  She liked books about animals and far-away places especially.It made her want to travel around and see new animals living in the strange places.4.She didn’t care about how people fall in love with each other.She was just into the serious stories.

  Jocelyn didn’t have many friends,but the friends she had also liked books.5.Books were great,but they were better with friends to talk to about them!


  A.It was a great feeling to read about detective stories.

  B.However,she didn’t like reading love stories.

  C.They often talked about books together.

  D.Jocelyn also liked science books.

  E(AB).Books didn’t get angry at you.


  A.surprise B.matter C.sorry D.cooking E.afraid F.carefu

  My mother is a cook in a restaurant.She likes 1. very much.

  Once she wanted to give the family something different for breakfast.She learned to bake bread.But she was not 2.and the bread was burned(烤焦的).She put the bread in front of my father.To my 3.,my father took the bread,smiled at my mother and ate it.

  After breakfast,my mother said 4.to my father for burning the bread.And I will never forget what he said,“I love burned bread,dear.It doesn’t 5.at all.”

  A.hurts B.need C.if D.friends E.tired F.what

  Later I asked my father1.he really liked the bread.He said,“Your mother works very hard all day.She’s really2..And you see,a little burnt food never 3.me!”

  Now I know life is not prefect.Nobody is perfect.What we really4.is to understand each other,whether it is between father and mother,parent and child or between two 5..So be kind to those around you and a happy life will be yours.


  1.Jimmy is only three years old,but he can wear clothes by____________.( he )

  2.Laura’s friend Rose is a____________ Russian girl.( type)

  3.Mrs.Green always treats(招待)children with____________.( kind )

  4.The Caspian Sea is ____________ than any other salt lake.( deep)

  5.It’s____________ for a four-year -old boy to write poems(诗)so well.( usual )

  6.It began to rain ____________ when I was waiting for the bus.( heavy )

  7.These old toys have given me many sweet____________.( memory )

  8.Ted was hard-working.His ______________ made him work harder.( succeed )


  Martin is a famous actor now.But he has some terrible experiences before he became an actor.He said,“It’s hard 1.(make)a living as an actor.I tried many different kinds of jobs.I worked in a shop,2.(sell)ice cream at the beach and picked fruit on the farm and so on.Well,so far,I 3.(do)more than 20 different part time jobs already.” He also said that the worst job 4.(be)at an egg packing factory two years ago.He remembered at that time,he had to stand for hours at the end of a belt(传送带)and kept on 5.(put)eggs into boxes without a break.And worst of all,the smell was terrible.So he 6.(not eat)an egg since two years ago.

  What is the worst thing that’s ever happened in your life Why not 7.(write)to us Let’s share! Please visit www.paredu.com.


  Hi,my name is Joseph and there’s something I’d like to share with you.

  My 16-year-old son,Dylan,told everyone his trip to South Africa last summer.It was one of the most amazing trips of his life.Most people would think that he was on a vacation there.But Dylan spent almost the whole ten days of his trip building houses for people there.It was volunteer work.It was hard and dirty.I never thought that he would enjoy it,but he loved it.

  It is one of the most important things for parents to encourage teenagers to do volunteer work.And the amazing thing is,once they get a taste of it,teenagers will love to volunteer.And students who do volunteer work do better in school than those who don’t volunteer.In fact,volunteering provides many things for teenagers.They can get a wonderful experience and a good chance(机会)to meet new people.

  It’s not difficult to find volunteer jobs for teenagers.They can find them in hospitals,libraries,children’s museums and so on.

  1.How did Dylan like his trip to South Africa


  2.What did Dylan do in South Africa


  3.Does the writer think parents should encourage their children to do volunteer work


  4.What can teenagers get from volunteering


  5.Where can teenagers find volunteer jobs





  3.你最喜欢Yesterday Once More这首歌,自己也已经写了一首英文歌曲,并寄到了这个节目;







  —Are you going to see the movie with us tonight______

  — No,________________________.

  A.I haven’t seen the film B.I will go with you

  C.I have already seen the film

  I won’t arrive at school on time ________________________ my father gives me a ride.

  A.if B.when C.unless

  The fiction is ________________________ touching ________________________ I want to see it again.

  A.too,to B.so,that C.either,or

  When we heard the good news,we jumped up and down in ________________________.

  A.excitement B.development C.satisfaction

  — ________________________ to Xing Kai Lake______

  — Yes.I went there last month.It’s quite beautiful.

  A.Have you been B.Did you go C.Have you gone

  ________________________ I know,he has no brother or sisters.

  A.As long as B.As far as C.As much as

  Ma Yun,head of Alibaba,is one of ________________________ persons in the world.

  A.rich B.richer C.the richest

  We plan to travel around.But we haven’t decided where ________________________.

  A.going B.to go C.went

  Ten years ago,________________________ foreign students studying in China was small.

  A.the number of B.a lot of C.a number of

  — ________________________ in the city______

  — About 1,000,000.

  A.How many populations are there B.What’s the population C.How much population are there

  —When did you become a volunteer______

  — I ________________________ in this group since 2008.

  A.took part B.have joined C.have been

  —Will Tina go to the Bird’s Nest with Tom______

  —If you don’t,________________________.

  A.neither will she B.so will she C.neither do she

  The old toy car remind me ________________________ my childhood and my grandma.

  A.on B.of C.with

  If you want to know more information about the coming party,please ________________________ the website:Http:// www.happy-weekends.com.

  A.set up B.pick out C.look through

  — The light in his room is still on.Do you know ________________________ ______

  — Maybe at midnight again.

  A.if he is busy studying B.when he will stop working

  C.why he stays up so late


  The American government carry out(实施) new rules to limit(限制)junk food and sweet drinks in schools.The rules stop advertisements(广告)for______ _____ foods on school grounds during the school day.

  Big companies like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are saying “yes” to the new _____.Many have already started to advertise their healthier foods.For schools,they will ______ junk food advertisements like a Coca-Cola scoreboard(记分板).Schools need to get a(n)______ scoreboard with a healthier message.

  “The new rule makes sure that schools should be a safe place where kids can ______ and where students can eat healthy food and keep a healthy______ _____ habit.” Tom,a government officer,said in a meeting.

  The new rules also plan to help _____ kids.They will make the schools serve breakfast and lunch to all _____ for free.The government says that will help feed about millions of kids in 22,000 schools.The rules will help keep____________ _____ on ways to build standards(标准)for foods.

  “ Obesity rates(肥胖)among children in the US have dropped greatly over the last 10 years.This means that at least for kids,we can do something helpful to _____ them from becoming too far.That’s why we come up with the rule,” Tom said.

  1.A.expensive B.unhealthy C.cheap

  2.A.books B.foods C.rules

  3.A.take away B.eat up C.run out

  4.A.big B.small C.new

  5.A.learn B.work C.play

  6.A.eating B.singing C.working

  7.A.clever B.poor C.young

  8.A.teachers B.students C.workers

  9.A.companies B.families C.schools

  10.A.learn B.stop C.leave


  Camping has always been the best way I know to be outside.Whether you prefer to be in the woods,mountains,or swimming in the river,camping is wonderful.

  Before you just take off and go there are a few things you should know about before you leave.First of all you’ll need your boots,a tent and of course a backpack.The right boots are an important thing that you’ll need.Packs come in all different sizes.For over a week you will need at least a 6,000-inch pack.Your tent should have the main tent,the rain fly(防水布),along with the support(支撑)poles(柱,杆),and these hold up your tent.You should also bring along a piece of ground cloth.This is a piece of plastic that goes under your tent.It can keep your tent dry and clean from the ground.

  During the camping,always remember to keep your things dry and keep them in a zip lock bag.Use fires only when you must.Fires scar the land.If you do use a fire make sure to use it in the fire rings if possible.Keep noise level down.This way you’ll have more of a chance to see wildlife.Always remember that hiking is depending on your personal health.Never be afraid to ask your hiking partners to stop for a break.It’s important.

  Finally,keep your camera close by.Make sure you don’t miss out on the natural wonders.You’ll enjoy them later.It’s simply great fun to go on camping!

  1.The writer thinks the best way to be outside is ______________________________.

  A.camping B.climbing mountains C.swimming in the river

  2.The second paragraph is mainly about ______________________________.

  A.getting ready for the trip B.the right boots and packs C.keeping your tent dry

  3.Look at the chart below.Which can be in the empty box______

  A.boots B.a backpack C.support poles

  4.During the camping,why do people try not to use a fire______

  A.Because it can destroy the land.

  B.because they don’t have the fire rings.

  C.Because the smoke is bad for their health.

  5.The underlined word“wildlife”may be ______________________________.

  A.flowers B.animals C.stars

  While smog(雾霾)is a problem in many of the world’s cities,few have it as bad as china.Most of last year,the air around Beijing was polluted.And the people of Harbin,in Northeast China,have not had it easy either.On days in winter,when air was really dirty,people couldn’t even see across streets and airplanes have a hard time landing.

  The problem is so serious that it has caused different ways to deal with the smog.The most usual way is wearing face mask(口罩)that almost no city people leaves home without them.There are also different kinds of air purifiers(净化器).Scientists are trying to clean the air using artificial(人工的)rain.

  The best way to control smog would be cutting emissions(排放).The government of China decided to do something to fight against the pollution that is becoming a serious health problem for its people.They have shut down some factories.They stop cars from going into cities like Beijing,on days when there is much smog.They have also planned to spend as much as 3 trillion yuan fighting against smog.

  But the fact is that is not effective enough to stop the smog and allow people to experience a bright sun.The right thing officials should do is:clean up China’s cities the old way — By cutting down emissions.

  1.On days,people couldn’t across the streets in Harbin because ________________________.

  A.it’s too snowy B.it’s too cloudy C.the air is too dirty

  2.The second paragraph talks about ________________________ ways to fight against the smog.

  A.two B.three C.four

  3.What does the writer mainly tell us in the third paragraph ________________________ ______

  A.The government is trying to cut down emissions

  B.The government has shut down some factories.

  C.The government stops cars going into the big cities

  4.The underlined word “effective” in the last paragraph means ______________________________.

  A.expensive B.difficult C.useful

  5.What’s the best title of the passage______

  A.Cutting down Emissions.

  B.The Dirty Air in Beijing

  C.Heavy Smog in Harbin


  Today I Ate A Rainbow is a useful game about our health.It makes eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables fun for kids!

  In the game teachers or parents use a colorful rainbow(彩虹)chart and bright colored magnets(磁铁).They known about the fruits and vegetables they eat the whole day.

  “Sometimes it can be really difficult to get children to eat their fruits and vegetables.Says Mrs.Welles,“My little son is weak but he doesn’t like fruits and vegetables.He likes to eat junk food.I think this chart can help him know about his intake of fruits and vegetables.I’m sure the idea can work well.

  Fruits and vegetables have vitamins,minerals and nutrients.Many nutrients give fruits and vegetables their bright color … the brighter the better! The chart is made up of these important color groups:Red,Orange,Yellow,Green and Indigo.The different bright colors show the different nutrients that each fruit or vegetable has.So we can use the rainbow colors as a guide to know what we should eat today.


  1.What is Today I Ate A Rainbow according to this passage______


  2.How many parts is the game made of______


  3.What does Mrs.Welles’ son like to eat______


  4.What colors are there in the color groups of the chart______


  5.What can we use the rainbow colors to do______



  Chi Zhen,an 18-year-old student in Seville,Spain,used his camera to tell the story of two girls living next door.The photos went online 1.

  In the photos,Anna Maria,a fat Spanish girl,is watching TV,“ 2.”says Chi.“She loves watching TV so much that she just eats fast food in front of her computer every day.”

  Anna Maria hardly ever goes out because she thinks she’s not beautiful and doesn’t know how to communicate with others.She blames luck.“I’m not as lucky as Veronica,” she often says.

  3.,Veronica,the “lucky” girl next door,has taught herself four foreign languages and traveled to many places.She often goes to the library and her knowledge and experience help her take part in any conversation and become the center of attention.

  4..They stay in their little circles,always complaining about their luck,yet never changing it.

  “ They say ‘maybe I will do it in my next life’,but they are in their 20s,their best time.5.______” Chi says.

  A.She spends most of her time in front of her computer.

  B.How can they give up hope and accept this as their life

  C.But she doesn’t know that while she’s wasting time watching TV dramas

  D.Comments on the photos show that the two girls’ future is in their own hands

  E.Chi thinks Maria is similar to many of his Chinese friends who study abroad


  consider______ among______ especial______ hometown______ for______ childhood____________ honest____________ since______ borrow____________ own

  Have you heard of a living library______ Your answer is probably “No”.There is such a library in my 1.,Beijing.It opened on December 24,2011.

  In a living library,readers can 2.and return books as they do in a normal one,but the “books” in it are real people.They share their stories and ideas with readers.Some stories are even about their 3..Many people like spending time there,4.on weekends.

  “From here we get to know people with stories to share and also to understand who they are and the way they live,” said Li Xingning,owner of the living library.“5.I was a little child,I have always dreamed of being a librarian.Now I have 6.a library.”

  7.the “living books,” a man named Yu Shi is a street singer.He used to live a vagabond(流浪汉)life 8.nine months.He made a living by singing in the street.

  “To be 9.,I really like the job.I’m 10.starting a library like this in my hometown soon.” said Li.


  根据下面的英文提示,适当拓展,写一篇70 词左右的短文,介绍你喜欢的书籍或音乐。

  What kind of books/music do you like______ Why______

  Brief(简明的)introduction about the book/music.

  What do you know about the writer/singer______ Have you met him/her______



  ()1.hot A.father

  ()2.mother B.boy

  ()3.winter C.cold

  ()4.girl D.dear

  ()5.cheap E.summer


  1.Pass ______( I )the knife,please.

  2.Please give _______(we)the scissors.

  3.Can I use ______(you)bike?

  4._____(it)are Sunday,Monday,Tuesday…

  5.Are _____(this)your stamps?

  三、根据句意及首字母提示, 把句子所缺单词补充完整。(10分)

  1.The months of winter usually are N ________,D _________ andJ _____.

  2.Shanghai is in the e _______ of China.

  3.Teachers’ Day is on the t _______ of S _______.

  4.The ball is 200 yuan.It is d _______.

  5.This plane f ______ to Guangzhou every day.

  6.Beijing is a b ______ city.

  7.The box is h _____.I can’t carry it.


  ()1.I’m very glad _____ you.

  A.see B.to see C.seeing D.to seeing

  ()2.More and more people in the world enjoy _____ now.

  A.swim B.swimming C.to swim D.swims

  ()3.This new pencil-case is only _____ Jimmy.

  A.in B.on C.for D.at

  ()4.Are there _____ trees behind the house?

  A.a B.the C.much D.any

  ()5.The game is _____ funny that many of them like it.

  A.such B.so C.very D.quite

  ()6.One of his friends ______ his daughter sometimes.

  A.visiting B.is visiting C.visitor D.visits

  ()7.This machine is very easy to use.______ can learn to use it in a very short time.

  A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.Few people

  ()8.Even the top students in our class can’t work out this problem.So it _____ be very difficult.

  A.may B.must C.can D.need

  ()9.-- Hi,Mike.Can you help me?

  -- OK.________.

  A.You’ll help me B.I’m going C.I’m coming D.I’m leaving

  ()10.-- What can I do for you,madam?

  -- I’d like two ______.

  A.bottle of milk B.bottles of milks C.bottles of milk D.bottle of milks

  五、从下列方框中选词填空, 每个词或词组只能用一次。(10分)

  the same hobby,for,with,spend,from,go around,live in,lessons,subject,to

  1.How do you _____ your weekends?

  2.-- Can you go and get any fruits _____ me?

  -- All right.

  3.-- Are you _____ different countries?

  -- Yes,we are.

  4.-- Touch your feet _____ your hands,please.

  -- OK.

  5.I like travelling.I’d like to ______ China.

  6.She likes watching cartoons,too.We have ______.

  7.–- What _______ do you like?

  -- I like Maths.

  8.Wang Bing is writing an e-mail ______ his friend.

  9.I’m from the USA.I _______ New York.

  10.-- What ______ do you have this morning?

  -- We have Chinese,Maths,PE and English.


  1.A:What is the cat doing?

  B:It _____ sleeping.(睡觉)

  A:Do you like it?

  B:Yes,______ ______.

  2.A:When ______ you go to bed?

  B:I go to bed ______ 9:00.

  A:What ______ you?

  B:I go ______ ___________9:30.

  3.A:Have you ______ any ink?

  B:Yes,______ _______.

  A:May I _____ it?

  B:Of course.Here you are.

  七、阅读理解, 根据短文回答问题。(10分)

  Tom is seven.He goes to school every day.The school is near his home,so he goes there on foot and comes back home on time(按时).But today he is late.His mother asks him,“Why are you late today?”

  “I am in the headmaster’s office(校长办公室).”

  “Why do you go to the headmaster’s office?”

  “Because my teacher asks us a question in the class.Nobody can answer it,but I can.”

  “It’s good to answer the teacher’s question.”

  “But the question is,Who puts ink on my chair?”

  1.Is Tom’s home far from his school?


  2.How does he go to school?


  3.Does Tom often come back home late?


  4.Only Tom can answer the question,can’t he?


  5.Is it good for Tom to do it?














  One of ______ places in Hong Kong is Ocean Park.

  A.interesting B.more interesting

  C.most interesting D.the most interesting

  It’s too hot and there are ______ people here.I can’t breathe.

  A.too many B.too much

  C.many too D.much too

  Come here,Tim.I ______ you something exciting!

  A.tell B.am going to tell C.am telling D.told

  The hotels on the Moon will need a large amount of air ______ people there can breathe.

  A.that B.because C.in order D.so that

  —The plane leaves the airport at 3 p.m.We must hurry.

  —______.We have enough time.

  A.OK B.Good idea

  C.That’s all right D.Don’t worry

  ______ 15 October 2003,Yang Liwei went into space in the Shenzhou V spaceship.

  A.On B.In C.At D.During

  If you ______ in the dictionary,you will find out the word’s meaning.

  A.put it on B.look it up

  C.look for it D.take it off

  I couldn’t find my favourite red jacket.I wanted to buy ______ one.

  A.other B.another

  C.the other D.others

  My first stamp has a picture of ______ old Chinese stone bridge on it.

  A.an B.a C.the D./

  They love reading.These books are ______.

  A.they B.them C.theirs D.their


  Sam and Helen’s grandparents collect ________ everything.There are eight doorbells on their front door!

  “This silver doorbell is my ________,” said Helen.She pushed ________ and soon Grandpa opened the door/

  “Come in,my dear grandson and granddaughter!” he said.

  “________ started collecting doorbells Grandpa ” asked Helen.

  “Your grandma,” he answered.“She loves ________.And I like collecting newspapers.”

  They went inside and saw newspapers ________.

  “Hello children!” called Grandma.“Let’s ________ some tea.”

  The children ________ her into the living room and saw lots of toys there.There was ________ space for the children to sit down.

  “________ toys are these ” asked Helen.

  “They’re ________,” said Grandma.“We ________ like collecting toys.”

  “But remember,” said Grandpa,“we have a lot of ________ time! You have your school work to do,________ you shouldn’t spend too much time ________ things!”

  1.A.almost B.hardly C.all D.hard

  2.A.like B.good C.like best D.favourite

  3.A.he B.her C.it D.them

  4.A.When B.Who C.Where D.What

  5.A.you B.toys C.doorbells D.newspapers

  6.A.here B.there C.here and there D.now and then

  7.A.have B.eat C.to smell D.feeling

  8.A.helped B.asked C.listened to D.followed

  9.A.hardly any B.hardly no C.almost some D.nearly any

  10.A.Who B.Whose C.Which D.How

  11.A.we B.our C.us D.ours

  12.A.all B.both C.every D.either

  13.A.busy B.useful C.important D.free

  14.A.because B.or C.if D.so

  15.A.collect B.to collect C.collecting D.collected


  The first person to walk on the Moon

  July 1969,millions of people around the world watched and listened as the American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first world watched and person to walk on the Moon.

  The mission(太空飞行任务) to the Moon was named Apollo 11 because it was the eleventh mission the American launched.Apollo was the Greek and Roman god of the Sun.The Moon is around 380,000 kilometres from the Earth,and the spacecraft took three days to get there.

  There were there astronauts on the Apollo spacecraft,but only two of them,Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin,walked on the Moon.The third astronaut,Michael Collins,stayed in the spacecraft.Armstrong and Aldrin collected lots of Moon rocks so that scientists on Earth could study them.They also took some amazing photos.This mission was a very important step in the history of mankind(人类).

  1.The first person to walk on the Moon was ______.

  A.Apollo B.Armstrong C.Aldrin D.Collins

  2.It took ______ to get to the Moon from the Earth by spacecraft.

  A.11 days B.380 days C.3 days D.2 days

  3.American called the mission Apollo 11 because ______.

  A.Apollo was the god of the Moon

  B.Armstrong walked with Apollo

  C.Americans liked Apollo

  D.it was the 11th mission the Americans launched

  4.Armstrong and Aldrin ______ when they walked on the Moon.

  A.collected some stamps and walked

  B.drew many pictures and listened to the radio

  C.collected rocks and took photos

  D.took pictures and watched TV

  5.The best title of the article is ______.

  A.Neil Armstrong B.Apollo 11

  C.The first person to walk on the Moon D.The 11th American mission

  Club Photography Club

  Teacher Miss Yang

  Day Every Monday

  Place Room 307

  Time From 3:30 p.m.to 4:30 p.m.

  Activity Last week:took some photos in a park

  This week:watch a film

  Club Basketball Club

  Teacher Mr.Zhang

  Day Every Thursday

  Place In the playground

  Time From 12:45 p.m.to 1:30 p.m.

  Activity Last week:played a game with students from another school

  This week:watch a basketball match on TV

  1.Students can attend the Photography Club ______.

  A.this Monday B.Last Thursday C.every Monday D.next Thursday

  2.According to the notes,students can play basketball ______.

  A.in Room 307 B.in the playground C.in a park D.on TV

  3.Last week,the students in the Photography club ______.

  A.took some photos B.watch a film C.played a game D.watch a match

  4.It takes the students ______ to play in the Basketball Club.

  A.one hour B.45 minutes C.90 minutes D.two hours

  5.If you are tall and strong,and have time on Thursdays,you can attend ______.

  A.Photography Club B.Basketball Club C.Both D.All

  Many parents today worry about their children’s diets.Then what is a healthy diet for children Miss Jones from Happy Children Hospital gives the following advice:

  Children shouldn’t eat food with too much salt.because it can cause high blood pressure(高血压).

  Children should eat food with less fat,oil and sugar.They should not eat too much junk food.

  Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins(维生素).Children need to eat fruit and vegetables often.

  Water is important to everyone.Children need to drink enough water every day.

  Children need to eat breakfast every day.It is good for their bodies and minds.

  1.Miss Jones is possible a ______.

  A.doctor B.teacher C.shop assistant D.a waitress

  2.What does the underlined word “junk food” mean in Chinese

  A.绿色食品 B.垃圾食品 C.天然食品 D.营养食品

  3.According to Miss Jones,children should drink ______ every day.

  A.enough juice B.enough water C.enough coffee D.enough milk

  4.Which kind of food is rich in vitamins

  A.Water. B.Junk food. C.Sugar. D.Fruit and vegetables.

  5.What is the best title of the passage

  A.Bad Habits. B.Junk Food.

  C.Advice on a Healthy Diet. D.An Unhealthy Lifestyle.


  A trip to the Space Museum

  Saturday,12 October

  Meet at the school gate at 9 a.m.

  Leave school at 9:15 a.m.

  Bus to the Space Museum

  Arrive at 9:45 a.m.

  Return at 3:30 p.m.

  A trip to the Space Museum

  Saturday,12 October

  Meet at the school gate at 9 a.m.

  Leave school at 9:15 a.m.

  Bus to the Space Museum

  Arrive at 9:45 a.m.

  Return at 3:30 p.m.

  1.Where are we going


  2.Where are we going to meet


  3.How will we go there


  4.How long will it take to get there


  5.When are we going to come back


  I am a middle school student and I am a very smart girl.But I am a shopaholic.(购物狂).I love shopping very much.

  I don’t have any friends.I don’t like chatting(聊天)with my classmate,either.I am lonely.My father is a policeman and my mother is a doctor.They are very busy.So when I am free,I go shopping.This makes me feel better.I often buy thing that I don’t really need.I also shop on the Internet.Shopping becomes a very important part in my life.My parents give me enough pocket money at the beginning of each month.But there is no money in my purse just two weeks after they give me the money.I spend too much money in shopping.So I have to borrow(借)money from my classmates to buy lunch.I never tell my parents about this.I know this is bad,but what shall I do

  1.What’s the girl’s favourite hobby


  2.When does the girl go shopping


  3.Where does she often buy things


  4.How long can she use her pocket money after her parents give it to her


  5.Who does she borrow money from



  Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world.If you like sightseeing,you will love(A)it!

  People’s Square

  People’s Square is in the centre of Shanghai.It is a (B)large public area with green grass,fountains and birds.If you visit People’s Square,you can also see famous buildings around it,(C)such as the Shanghai Grand Theatre and the Shanghai Museum.

  The Bund

  The Bund is where old Shanghai (D)__________ new Shanghai.If you walk along the Bund,you will see many old buildings.The Pudong New Area,just across the Huangpu River,has many modern buildings.At night,these tall buildings(E)照亮了天空 in every direction.

  Yu Garden

  Yu Garden is a traditional garden.If you enjoy history and natural beauty,you will love this(F)__________.(G)There are a lot of beautiful buildings,bridges and ponds.You can also buy different snacks just outside the garden.


  2.写出文中划线部分(B)和(C)的同义词或近义词:_______ ___________________

  3.在文中(D)和(F)的空白处分别填入适当的单词:_________ ___________________

  4.将文中划线部分(E)译成英语:___________________________________5将文中划线部分(C)改写为:Yu Garden __________ __________ beautiful buildings,bridges and ponds.

  December 25th is Christmas Day.In most countries it is the most important(重要的) day in the year.All the people(A)come back to their homes.On Christmas Day bells ring everywhere.The ringing(B)______ tells people Christmas is coming.People sing and dance day and night.(C)They all have a good time.

  Most families buy,a Christmas tree for their children.And here are some presents in the tree(D)here and there.People also put presents in children’s stockings(长统袜).In many places,Father Christmas himself brings presents to them.He is a kind man and in(E)______ clothes.There is a big bag on his back.In(F)it there are a lot of presents(礼物).Parents usually warn the small children not to try to look at Father Christmas,or he will not(G)留给他们任何东西.When they wake,they will find their stockings filled with presents.Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early.

  1.写出文中划线部分(A)和(D)的同义词或近义词:___________ _____________

  2.在文中(B)和(E)的空白处分别填入适当的单词:________________ __________

  3.将文中划线部分(C)改写为:They all ________________ ___________________.




  某英文报纸开辟中学生专栏,讨论假期旅行的问题。请你以I think it’s ______ to have a trip为题写篇小短文,词数80-100。步骤与要点如下:





  1.补全标题;(参考词汇:interesting,very nice,bad,useless,useful)





  I think it’s ______ to have a trip




  —Are these your runners,Lin Tao?

  —No,____ are white.Maybe they’ re Jenny’ s.


  We choose Tom ______ our leader.But he doesn’t have confidence _____ himself.


  He is _____ becuuse he made a mistake.


  Please ______ the TV.I want to watch the news.

  A.turn onB.turn offC.get onD.get off

  My father usually ______ us to work hard and never to give up.


  ______ Bob is very tal,______ he can’t play basketball.


  Jack is the third ______ in our class.

  A.tallB.tallerC.tallestD.much taller

  He has ______ a huge body that this coat doesn’t fit him well.


  ______ all the candles before you cut the birthday cake.

  A.Blow outB.Look outC.Find outD.Take up

  I ______ Japanese twice.

  A.have been toB.have gone toC.am toD.was to

  ______ do you visit your grandparents?

  A.How muchB.How longC.How soonD.How often

  Li Mei is a ______ girl and she can pass the exam easily.


  ______ riding our bikes to the beach?

  A.How aboutB.Why notC.Would you likeD.Let’s

  We couldn’ t agree with him because his words didn’t______.

  A.give upB.make senseC.make a dealD.grow up

  Light comes in ______ the window.

  A.because ofB.acrossC.all kinds ofD.through


  My hobby is playing chess — one of the greatest games in the word.My mum taught me ____ to play when I was seven years old.She ____ me every time for the first year,But then,on my ____ birthday.I won for the first time.Now I am always the winner between us.

  It takes about a day to learn the rules.___ if you want to be good,you have to practise for years.You don’t need much to play chess — just a chess set and someone to play with.Chess sets ____ very cheap,or quite expensive.Some people collect chess sets as hobby,but I ____ to play better.

  There is a chess club in our school.We meet every week to play with each other.I am the best ___ in the club,and the captain of the school chess team.This year we ___ the All English School’ s championship.I had to go up on stage(台子)in front of the whole school to collect the prize.I’m saving up my money to buy a chess __.It’s very good for practice.That way I’m sure I’II ___ have someone to play with.and I’m sure I’ll make more progress.












  Life is not easy,so I’d to like to say “ When anything happens,believe in yourself.” When I was a young boy,I was so shy that I dare not talk to anyone.My classmates often laughed at me.I was sad but could do nothing.Later,something happened,and it changed my life.It was an English speech contest.My English teacher asked me to take part in it.What a terrible idea ! It meant I had to speak before all the teachers and students of my school ! “ Come on,boy,believe in yourself,You are sure to win.” Then my teacher and I talked about many different topics.At last I chose the topic “Believe in yourself”.“I tried my best to remember all the speech and practised it over 100 times.With my teacher’s great love,I did well in the contest.I could hardly believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place.I heard the cheers from the teachers and students.Those classmates who once looked down on me,now all said “Congratulations!” to me.My teacher hugged me and cried excitedly.Since then,everything has changed for me.When I do anything,I’11 try to tell myself to be sure and I will find myself.This is true not only for a person but also for a country.

  1.The boy did well in the contest.Because __________.

  A.he did his best before the contestB.he was very clever

  C.his classmates helped himD.the contest was easy

  2.What changed the boy’s life?

  A.The topic he chose.B.The students’ congratulations.

  C.The classmates’ cheers.D.The English speech contest.

  3.The story tells us when we do anything,we must ______

  A.believe in ourselvesB.choose a good topic

  C.practise it over 100 timesD.look down on ourselves

  We live all around the world.We like to have celebrations.In China,people celebrate New Year.New Year is in January or February.They wear red clothes because red is a colour that will bring joy.Chinese children get money in a red packet for the New Year.They save the money that is inside.In Gambia.people celebrate Independence Day.It is in February.They wear bright clothes and play music at the celebration.In England,people celebrate May Day.May day is in May.They wear pretty clothes to celebrate the arrival of spring.The children dance in and out around the maypole.They weave their ribbons into a colourful braid.In India,people celebrate Raksha Bandhan.It is in August.The children wear new clothes and celebrate their love for each other by exchanging things they have made.In the United States,people celebrate Thanksgiving Day,the firet harvest in America in 1621.It is in November.

  The children make up a play about what went on at the first celebration.They eat turkeys,too.

  1.How many countries are mentioned in the passage?


  2.In _______,people celebrate the arrival of spring.


  3.In Gambia,Independence Day is celebrated in ______.


  4.According to the passage,which of the followings is true about what children do at their celebration?

  A.Children in India exchange red packcts to show love for each other.

  B.Children in the USA put on a play about their country’ s Independence.

  C.Children in England dance around the maypole to welcome spring.

  D.Children in China send lucky money to their parents.

  Dear Donna,

  Help! I’m a 15 —year — old high school student in New York,In eight months,I’m going to take an entrance exam.To prepare,I’m studying six hours a day.I want to do well,but I’m really stressed(焦虑不安的)these days.I can’t sleep.What can I do?



  Dear Mary,

  Many students around the world have the same problems as you.Here is some advice to help you deal with the stress(压力).Good luck !

  1.Make a study plan for yourself,but don’t study too much in one day.You remember more by studying one hour each day for six days,than six hours in one day.Also,don’t study late at night.

  2.Have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes every two hours.Go outside and walk.Doing exercise is a great way to reduce stress.

  3.Don’t drink a lot sugar or coffee Eat food high in vitamin(维生素)B(for example ,eggs,milk,green vegetable and rice).These give you energy and help you think more clearly.

  4.A student partner can help you practice for the test.When you’re worried about the exam,you can talk to your partner.This can reduce stress,too.



  1.Donna thinks Mary’ s problem is ______


  2.The underlined word “reduce” in the passage probably means ______.


  3.Donna thinks that _____ can help Mary think more clearly.

  A.eating a lot of sugarB.studying six hours every day

  C.drinking a lot of coffee.D.eating foods high in vitamin B

  4.Which of the following is TRUE according to Donna’ s letter?

  A.The besl time to study is from 10p.m to 1 a.m.

  B.Walking outside can make you remember more.

  C.It’s good to tell a study partner about your feeling.

  D.It’s necessary to have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes an hour.

  Mrs.Janes didn’t have a husband,but she had two sons.They were big,strong boys,but they were lazy.On Saturdays they did not go to school,and then their mother always said,“Please cut the grass in the garden this afternoon,boys.” The boys did not like it,but they always did it.

  Then somebody gave one of the boys a magazine,and he saw a picture of a beautiful lawn mover(割草机)in it.There was a seat on it and there was a woman on the seat.

  The boy took the picture to his mother and brother,and said to them,“ Look,that woman’s sitting on the lawn mover and driving it and cutting the grass.We want one of these.”

  “One of these lawn - movers?” his mother asked.

  “No.” the boy said,“ We want one of those women.Then she can cut the grass every day.”

  1.Mrs.Janes had _______.

  A.a husband and two sonsB.two big and busy sons

  C.two sons,big,strong and lazyD.two strong but busy sons

  2.What did somebody give one of Mrs.Janes’ sons?

  A.A picture.B.A magazine.C.A lawn - mover.D.A phone.

  3.Which of the following is true?

  A.One of the two sons liked the woman.

  B.The two sons saw a woman cutting the grass in the garden.

  C.One of the two sons saw a picture of a lawn mover in the magazine.

  D.One of the two sons saw a beautiful woman sitting on a lawn mover in the garden.

  4.What did one of Mrs.Janes’ sons really want to have?

  A.The picture.B.The magazine.C.The lawn mover.D.The woman driving the lawn mover.



  There was a boy named Johnny.There was something wrong with his legs.When he ran races with his friends,his legs would tremble(颤抖)and he could never win.

  This made him feel very bad.He didn’t want to race 1.(再也不).Then one day,2.boy in another class asked him,“ 3.I tell you how to win a race?” “ Yes,please! I want to win at least once,” answered Johnny.So they went to the school playground,and the boy 4.(teach)him a few 5.( way)to exercise his legs.They trained(训练)three h6.every day,and soon Johnny found he could run 7.(更快地).After two months,Johnny asked his friends 8.( have)a race with him.“Johnny,you will be the last one!” said one of his friends.Johnny didn’t say anything.When the race bagan,Johnny tried his 9.(good)to run.He remembered everything he learned from that boy.He ran so fast that n10.could catch up with him.In the end,Johnny won his first race.





  2.known they,each other,yeare,for,have,throe


  3.personal,what,your,strengths are ?


  4.lots of,there,farm,are,on,chicks,the


  5.a,me,send,he,photo,will,of,the Great Wall ?



  假如你叫Sam,你们班将在下周举行一次主题为:“How to relax ourselves atfer the exam”的讨论,请你用英语写一篇70词以上的发言稿。



  How to Relax Ourselves after the Exam










