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jane:: i have an acne problem. what causes acne?
doctor: acne is caused when skin pours (皮肤毛孔)become clogged with (被...堵塞,被...填满) dirt. but other factors such as diet and stress have been linked to acne.
jane: i've had pimples (丘疹)for years. is there anything i can do to get rid of them?
doctor: thousands of young people suffer from acne. i can prescribe some medication that will help you.
jane: will this help my oily skin?
doctor: i'll give you a special facial scrub..
jane: how long will it take this stuff to work?
doctor: you should start to see some positive results within a week.
jane: what if it doesn't work?.
doctor: there's a number of things we can try. we can always give you a stronger medication.
jane: did you ever problems with acne?
doctor: when i was in high school i was known as the "acne king"
jane: what did you do about it?
doctor: not much. back then (过去那个时候)there wasn't the kind of medicines and treatments as there are now.
jane: did it affect your social life?
doctor: no, i just dated girls who had acne too.
粉刺, 黑头粉刺 comedones
粉刺癌 comedocarcinoma
粉刺霜 acne cream
痤疮,粉刺 acne
拔粉刺器 comedones extractor
白色粉刺 whiteheads
潮湿的粉刺 ooze oozing eruption
多粉刺的 pimpled; pimply
粉刺,面疱,青春豆 pimple
粉刺调理露 acne vanishing treatment
粉刺青春 teen acne
粉刺性癌 comedo carcinoma
粉刺样痣 comedo nevus; nevus comedonicus
粉刺状癌 comedocarcinoma
黑头粉刺 black bead; blackhead acne; comedones
容易长粉刺 skin prone to break-outs acne prone skin
乳腺粉刺癌 comedocarcinoma
是白头粉刺 whiteheads
无致粉刺性 non-comedogenic
油脂性粉刺 oil acne
有粉刺的 carbuncled
茶树粉刺鼻膜 tea tree oil blackhead minimising mask
长满粉刺的脸 pimpled face
粉刺 火鸡黑冠病 blackhead
粉川 kogawa; kokawa; konakawa
粉虫因子 mealworm factor