

时间:2024-06-26 20:32:40 英语口语 我要投稿
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  你需要多少肉?How much meat do you need?

  够新鲜吗?Are they fresh enough?

  把鱼内脏掏洗干净。Dress the fish。

  你在做什么饭?What are you cooking?

  肉要烧焦了。The meat will scorch。

  把茄子切成丁儿。Dice the eggplant。

  煤气灶坏了。The gas cooker doesn’t work。

  在橱柜里。It’s in the cabinet。

  递给我一个盘子。Hand me a plate。

  这里为什么这么多蟑螂啊?Why are there so many cockroaches here?

  我想把炖肉煨5分钟。I want to leave the stew to simmer for 5 minutes。

  烧点水吧。Boil some water。

  我闻到煤气味了。把煤气关了。I smell gas. Turn it off。

  还没有完全搅拌好。It’s still not mixed well enough。

  打两个鸡蛋。Whisk two eggs。

  你能在每个杯子里放些冰吗?Could you put some ice in each glass, please?

  这把刀太钝了。This knife is too dull。



  Hi. I'm Malcolm Stewart. 嗨。我是 Malcolm Stewart。

  John Marchetta. 我是John Marchetta。

  Sit down, sit down. 请坐,请坐。

  Susan has told me a great deal about you. Susan告诉我许多关于你的事。

  She says you're quite a man. 她说你是个了不起的人。

  She says 她也谈起

  a lot of wonderful things about you too, Mr. Stewart. 不少你的非凡作为,Stewart先生。

  That's always nice to hear, Mr. Marchetta. 听到这些话总是好的,Marchetta先生。

  Call me John. 叫我John 。

  May I call you Malcolm? 我能称你Malcolm 吗?

  Let's talk business. 我们来谈谈正经事。

  That's music to my ears. 正合我意。

  I understand 听说

  you used to be in the construction business. 你过去在建筑界工作。

  Yup. Forty-three years. 是的,四十三年。

  Here's a brief description 这是一份简单的'记录

  of forty-three years of on-the-job training. 关于我四十三年的工作经历。

  That is some history! 这阅历了不得!

  You're a valuable asset, Malcolm. 你是很有价值的资产, Malcolm。

  Very valuable. 很有价值。

  Thank you. 谢谢你。

  Yup. Forty-three years. 是的。四十三年。

  Half that time in my own construction company. 一半时间是在我自己的建筑公司。

  Big jobs--factories, shopping malls. 大的工程----工厂, 大型购物中心。

  That kind of thing. 等等。

  Then you retired. 然后你退休了。

  Yes. 是的。

  After my wife died, 我妻子去世后,

  and I felt I should spend more time 我觉得应该多花些时间

  with my children and grandchildren. 与儿子孙子们在一起。

  I lived in Florida, 我住在Florida,

  and they lived in New York. 而他们住在纽约。

  I understand. 我了解。

  My dautghter Cami lives in New York. 我女儿Cami住在纽约。

  I like being near her. 我喜欢离她近一点。

  When I came here, 当我初到这儿,

  I planned to take a few months off. 我计划休息几个月。

  Relax with the family and then look for some work. 与家人轻松一段时间然后找个工作。

  Put my experience on the line ... 考验我的阅历……

  but, unfortunately, 但是,很不幸,

  there isn't any work for a retired person my age. 没有适合我这种年纪的退休老人的工作。

  Sometimes there is, 有时候有的,

  and sometimes there isn't. 有时候没有。

  Well, I'm involved with an organization, 嗯,我参加一个组织,

  and we're trying to resolve that problem. 试图解决这类问题。

  What's that? 什么组织?


  T-O-P-S--means Talented Older People's Society. T-O-P-S 全名是优秀老人协会。

  I'd like to be a member. 我想加入做为会员。

  How much are the dues? 会费多少?

  There are no dues. 不要会费。










