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Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的雅思口语经典备考材料,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!
雅思口语:A Paid Job You Did
Describe a paid job you did or someone you know ever did.
You should say:
What the job was
When and where you did it
How long the job lasted
And explain how you felt about it.
关于素材,相信考生中大多数人都没有过工作挣钱的经历,但考场上你不能任性地告诉考官我没有过,我要换题。那一刻,考官给你什么题就是什么题了。有句话叫做“没吃过猪肉,还没见过猪跑吗?” 大家仔细想想作为学生,我们的周围能接触哪些工作呢?然后我们就把这些个工作嫁接到我们自己身上就好啦,这样的话你也不用硬编故事。比如,爸妈常常给我们请家教(tutor),对于家教做什么我们是清楚的。同样的,如果你是学艺术的,你会很熟悉钢琴老师这个职业。如果你跑过健身房(gym),你应该会知道好多健身教练(fitness instructor)或者私教(personal trainer)都是在校学生。OK,如果你说我没这些才华和爱好,不了解,那超市和快餐店是常常去的吧,收银员(cashier)和服务生(waiter/waitress)我们都接触过,我们也常常去电影院(cinema/ movie theater),那售票员(ticket seller)我们都见过的。所以,大家要留心生活,从自己的经历里找到合适的素材。而因为我是一个购物狂(shopaholic), 所以我会以在商场最常见的导购(shop assistant)为例子,我本人也是没有做过这一类的工作。
I'd like to share with you my experience as a shop assistant this summer, which lasted for 2 months. Actually, this was the first paid job I've ever done. The reason I did it was because I was sick of idling about at home. I was bored to death, so for the sake of killing time, I did a little job hunting on the internet and then lucky for me, I got a job offer within 3 days. The place I worked was on the second floor of a large shopping mall. It's a well-known brand in China targeting people aged from 18 -30. On the first day, the manager gave me a little bit on-the-job training. It didn't take too long for me to realize this was much harder than I had thought it would be. As a shop assistant, I was supposed to know the prices of all the products, as well as the promotions and stuff by heart. It was as challenging as memorizing new words. Not only that, I should watch the way I talked with customers. Sometimes I had to force myself to be friendly to customers I didn't like. At the end of this job, I got 5000 yuan in total. It's not too much, but I felt like I had earned a fortune. I was over the moon. The experience and memory took away from this job was priceless. I have learnt things I couldn't have learnt from classrooms. For example, this experience has got me to appreciate what my parents have provided for me all these years.
1. Feel sick/tiredof something, 厌倦了做某事。
E.g. Jessica was sick of her 9-to-5 office job, so she quit it and started her own business.
2. Idle about, 浪费时间。
E.g. Stop idling about and find something meaningful to do.
3. Be bored to death, 无聊到爆。
E.g. I was bored to death while I was watching the film.
4. On-the-job training 在职培训,也就是一边上班一边学习,很多service industry的员工都是在职培训的。
5. Force someone to do something, 强迫某人做某事
E.g. Parents can't force children to learn things they are not interested in.
6. Earn/make a fortune, 挣大钱
7. over the moon,非常开心,是个地道的表达
8. priceless,无价的,非常宝贵的。