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Germany, Austria and Hungary have discussed the phasing out of an emergency measures which allow the free movement of thousands of migrants. The issue was raised during a meeting between the German Chanceller Angela Merkel, her Austrian counterpart Werner Faymann and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Jilly Hill is in Munich. The German chancellor is under pressure. Her own conservatives are furious. That in fact Ms Merkel relaxed EU migration Law to allow these thousands of people into the country and in doing so. In the view of some of her Conservatives, she says a pretty dangerous precedent now. That's one reason.The second issue is the question of Europe. Ms Merkel is just thought to have failed to persuade the EU to come up any kind of consensus on these issues. Some of her ministers are really irritated that the EU hasn't agreed any kind of coordinated strategy. That's really begining to irk them."
This woman who fled the Syrian city of Rakkas spoke the welcome of the refuges received on arrival of Vienna. Look, everybody here are happy. Everybody here happy and don't afraid. They are happy because it's in the Vienna everybody here, men, women, child everybody here. They give us many things, homes and bags and coffee. They are helping to ask very much.
An independent investigation into disappearing of 43 Mexican's students nearly a year ago has dismissed the government's account of the events. In response, Mexico's attorney generalhas ordered an new once again investigation to be carried out. Katy Watson is in Mexico city."The events of September 26th last year were of the scale of that shocked people here,even in the country there's no stranger to violence. Back in January, the government said it had provided what it called 'the historical truth on what had happened' that the students wererounded up by corrupt policmen and handed over to a criminal gang, then they were burnt and their remains incinerated. Now, international experts have published their version of thetruth. The result of the six months' work has concluded that the government's investigations were deeply flawed. Most dying involved if as the stories that the students were burnt justdoesn't stand up.
Voters in Guatamala are casting their ballots in the presidential election days after acorruption scandal prompted the resignation of president Otto Perez Molina. One of thefrontrunners, a comic actor, Jimmy Morales, has the slogan "Not Corrupt, Not A Thief".
The Turkish prime minister has been chairing an emergency meeting after several soldiers werekilled in an attack by Kurdish PKK militants. Turkish media say landmines blew up two militaryvehicles in the southeastern province of Hakkari. In a statement, the PKK said 15 soldiers haddied. The government has not confirmed the figure.