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为了帮助大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩,下面是为大家收集整理的2016年3月31日雅思听力Section 1小范围题目预测,供大家参考。
在这个section中,最有难度的空格为:3. caravan (大篷车),很多同学可能不会拼写,
造成失分。第二个难点是:snow boarding (滑雪),大多数同学snow可以识别出来,但是boarding有可能识别不出,这个词可以收集在你的场景词汇之运动词汇中。
make a reservation 预定;confirm a reservation 确认预定;
book a room/table 预订房间/饭桌;cancel one’ s reservation 取消预定;
first come, first serve先到先服务原则(即不设预订服务);
round-trip/round-way ticket 往返票;one-way ticket 单程票;
1-4 Matching
A. sold out (Question 4)
B.no cheap ticket available
C. dates changed
D. new starting time (Question 1)
E. cancel (Question 2)
F. different performers
G. for free (Question 3)
5-10 Completion
5. opera
6. 30 pounds
7. theater/theatre
8. library
9. town hall
10. studio
I believe in being part of the solution,not the problem.我喜欢解决问题而不是制造问题。
I mean,at some point,we gotta pull the trigger on this thing.有些时候,事情还是抓紧点的好。
Our relationship transcends race.我们的关系超越种族。不知道是否暗示michael自己是超级混血人种?
I’m not really following what you’re saying.不懂你在说什么。
In the old man’s back pocket,are you? 有这老家伙罩着,是不是?
Is he cool with it? 不介意吗?
Have a little faith. 有一点点信心。偶最喜欢的一句,经常出现在PB中。
Just stick with me. 这句话的意思是“相信我”。
A man’s down,you give him your hand. Scofield 对他哥哥说滴那句,以前是母亲教他的。
Nice choice. 眼光不错。
Just what we agreed on. 就事先约定的。这句简洁明了,我已经在工作中用上了。
All right,I feel you. 好吧,我明白你。那个时候我用这句跟印度阿三和埃及妞说,她们居然听不懂,郁闷噢~~~
Put your cards on the table. 摊牌摊牌!
Most guys, you know, for the first one, they start with something small. 你知道,大多数人在纹身初始都是些小的。
"Mom", girlfriend’s initials, something like that. 比如妈妈啊,女友姓名缩写什么的。
Not you. 但你不同。
You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months.你在几个月时间里把整个都挂上了。
Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got. 一些人要花几年时间搞上去。
I don’t have a few years. 我可没几年时间。
This is the police. You are completely surrounded. 我们是警察,你已经被完全包围了。我大概这辈子用不上这句了。
My client’s a bit confused at the moment.我客人现在有点困惑。前几天偶就听偶客人对偶说过这句话。
Perhaps you should heed your representation’s advice,take some additional time to consider your response.
We’ve been over this. 我不想再谈这事了。偶真滴很想对那些烦人的印度阿三说这句话。
Why won’t you let me help you?
No more talking in line. 感叹于美式英语的简洁明了啊~~
Name and back number. 名字和号码。
- Scofield, Michael. 94941.
Are you a religious man, Scofield? 你是个基督教徒吗?
Never really thought about it. 从来没真正想过。
Good, ‘cause the Ten Commandments don’t mean a box of piss in here.很好,因为十诫在这里就是狗屎。老美一般把because缩写成’cause.
We got two commandments and two only.在这里我们只有两条戒律。
The first commandment is you got nothing coming.
What’s the second commandment?
See commandment number one.
Gotcha.明白了。这个是got you的缩写,真棒啊。
You wanna talk about it? wanna=want to