Describea piece of local news that was interesting to you
You should say
What the news was about
Where you saw/heard the news
When you saw/heard the news
And explain why it was interesting
Part 3
Why do local people like to read local news?
Why do people like local news more than international news?
How often do Chinese people buy newspaper?
Is it convenient to read news on the internet in your country?
The first time that you used a foreign language tocommunicate
You shouldsay:
where and when it happened
who you talked to
what foreign language did you use
And explainhow you felt about the conversation
What do you think of children learning a foreign language?
Why are some language classes boring?
Some students hate to learn foreign language, what can teachers do to develop theirinterest?
Some people travel for learning a foreign language, what do you think?
What’s the best way to learn a foreign language?
Why can some people learn language fast while others learn slowly?
7. Does one’s age affect language learning?
Describean interesting story from a TV programme
You shouldsay:
What it was
When you watched it
Who you watched it with
And explainwhy it was interesting
Part 3
Why do some people dislike watching TV?
Do you think advertisements on TV should be banned?
What kinds of TV programmes are popular in China?
What’s the most interesting TV programme that you have ever watched?
Do you think children can learn something from TV programmes?
Describean article about how to keep healthy you read from a book or online.
You should say:
Wheredid you read this article
Whatyou learned from the article
Howdid you find this article
And explain why this article is helpful for you
Why do some magazines have chapters on health-keeping?
Is staying healthy an important topic in your country?
What activities do people in your country do in order to maintain their healthy?
Do you think elderly people pay more attention to staying healthy than young people?
What do elderly people do in order to stay healthy?
Why do different people read different magazines?
What kinds of magazines do teenagers like to read?
Do people like to read the news from the internet?
Do people will buy magazines in your country?
Describe a short vacation you were impressed
You shouldsay:
Where youwent
Who you wentwith
What you did
And explainwhy this was an impressive vacation
Part 3
Are there any special places for visiting in China?
Do Chinese people like to travel aboard?
What can people benefit from travelling?
Do you like to travel on you own or with your family?
Do you like visiting popular places or less-known places?
Do people prefer short trips or long trips?
What kinds of problems would people have when they go on a long trip?
Describe a decision you took a long time to make
You shouldsay:
What decision it was
What difficulties you faced
How you made the decision
And explainwhy it took you a long time to make the decision
What skills are necessary when making decisions?
How can people improve their decision-making skills?
Do parents in China allow their children to make important decisions about thefuture?
Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?
What do you think are the qualities of a good leader?
In what ways can parents encourage their children to develop leadership abilities?
Describea situation when you helped someone.
You should say
What the situation was
Who the person was
How you helped him/her
And explain how you felt helping them.
Part 3
In you view, should children be taught to help others?
How can we encourage children to help others?
Do you think people are less willing to help others these days, compared to thepast?
Do people today trust others as much as they used to in the past?
How do people in your community help one another?
What do you think are the benefits of having unpaid volunteer
How do you think the volunteers themselves benefit?
Do you think international aid is important?
Can you give any examples of international aid?
Describe a person you know that has madea contribution to the society
Youshould say:
Who the personis
How you know aboutthis person
What contributionhe/she made
Andexplain how you felt about this person
How to be a good member in the society?
What kinds of jobs are well-paid in your country?
How do university students make their career plans in your country?
What kinds of jobs deserve higher salaries in the future?
Does university education help students to find a good job in your country?
Do people like to talk about their salaries with their friends in your country?
Describe one of your best friends
Youshould say:
When did you methim/her
What does he/she look like
What you usuallydo together
Explain why you think you are such good friends
Part 3
How do people in your country make friends these days?
Do you trust friends that you meet on the internet?
How do you get along with people you don’t like?
Why is it hard to maintain friendships for some people?
Would you only make friends with people who are similar to you?
Do you like to have many friends?
Describe a place near water that you enjoyedvisiting.
You should say:
Where this place was
What you did there
Who you went there with
And explain whyyou liked this place.
1. Why do so many people like going to places withwater such as lakes, rivers or the ocean?
2. What kinds of leisure activities do people liketo do in places such as on the ocean, at a beach, at a river, at a lake, etc.?
3. As a place to spend some leisure time, do you thinkthe beach or the seaside is more suitable for children or for old people?
4. Do you think children and old people do the sametypes of things when they go to a beach?
5. What activities would you do if you were spendingsome leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?
6. Why do some people like water sports?
7. Do you think the government should investmoney in developing facilities for water sports?
8. Do you think that human activity is posing athreat to the oceans of the world?
9. How important is water in people’s everydaylives?
10. What do you think are the advantages anddisadvantages of travelling on the ocean?
A place you visited that has been affectedby pollution
Youshould say:
Where it is
Why you went there
What kind ofpollution it is
Andexplain how you felt about it
Part 3
What kinds of pollution are serious in your country?
What can individuals do to protect our environment?
Do you think individuals should be responsible for pollution?
Why is there a need to involve government in environmental protection?
Describea piece of clothes that given by other people
You shouldsay:
When you received it
Whatit was like
Whogave it to you
And explainwhy you like it
Part 3
What kinds of clothes do people wear after work?
What kinds of clothes should people wear at work?
Do you think students need to wear school uniforms?
Where do Chinese people buy clothes?
Describe a product you bought which made you veryhappy
You shouldsay:
What it is
When you bought it
Why you bought it
And explainwhy it made you happy
Part 3
How often do people in your country go shopping?
What kinds of places are popular for shopping in China?
Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reality?
Did you ever have bad shopping experience?
What would people do if they bought something disappointing from the internet?
Why online shopping is so popular these days?
Describe a situation when you helped someone.
You should say
What the situation was
Who the person was
How you helped him/her
And explain how you felt helping them.
Part 3
In you view, should children betaught to help others?
How can we encourage childrento help others?
Do you think people are less willingto help others these days, compared to the past?
Do people today trust others asmuch as they used to in the past?
How do people in your communityhelp one another?
What do you think are thebenefits of having unpaid volunteer workers?
How do you think the volunteersthemselves benefit?
Do you think international aidis important?
Can you give any examples ofinternational aid?
Describe a dream you have had
Youshould say:
When youhad this dream
What yousaw in the dream
What youdid or said in the dream
Andexplain why you had a dream like that
Part 3
What’s the difference betweendreams and goal?
Would you separate dream fromreality?
How do you achieve your goal?
What kinds of goals do youngpeople usually have?
What will be the most popular jobin the future?
Describe an occasion when your plan is changedby the weather
You shouldsay:
When it was
Where it happened
What you did at theend
And explainwhat you felt at that time
Part 3
Where can people get weatherreports?
How do weather reports affectpeople’s life?
What do people do on rainy daysand sunny days?
Has climate change affectedyour country?
Does weather affect people’smood?
Describe a goal you'd like to achievein the future.
Youshould say
What itis
Why you wouldlike to achieve this goal
Whether youcan achieve the goal easily
Andexplain what you need to do to achieve this goal
Part 3
Should parents set goals forchildren?
When do young children start toset goals for themselves?
What kinds of goals are notrealistic?
Why do people set goals?
How do people feel if they cannotachieve their goals?
Describe an imporant traditional festivalin your country
Youshould say
What thisfestival is
When dosethis festival take place
What do youdo during this festival
Andexplain why this festival is important in your country.
Part 3
1. Do you have many traditional festivals in yourcountry?
2. How do people usually celebrate these festivals?
3. Is traditional festival important?
4. Is it good to celebrate some festivals originatedfrom other countries?
5. What do you think need to be done to conservethe traditional custom?
Describe a recent happy event that you had
You should say:
When this happened
What the event was
Who was with you
And explain why youfelt happy about it
1. What ishappiness?
2. Whatkind of things make Chinese people feel happy?
3. Do youthink people will be happy when they become richer?
4. Why dopeople say that happiness never lasts for long?
5. Do youthink money can bring happiness in life?
6. Are Chinesepeople happier than they were 30 years ago?
Describe a job you like to do in the future (dreamjob)
You should say:
Whatthe job is
Howyou came to know about it
Whatkind of people can do this job
And explain why youlike to do this job
1. What jobs are popular in China?
2. What jobs are suitable for young people (theold?)
3. What are the differences between jobs that arepopular now and jobs that were popular in the past?
4. Is it hard to find a good job in China?
5. Why do some people keep changing their jobs?
6. How do you define “a good job”?
Describe a toy that you received when you were a child
You should say:
Whatthe toy was
Whatit looks like
Whogave it to you
And explain youlike it.
1. How do you usually choose gifts for people?
2. Do you think it’s better to choose a usefulgift?
3. How to choose a gift for people who alreadyhave a lot of things?
4. Have you ever received a gift that youdidn’t like?
5. How do you feel when you receive a gift?
6. Do boys and girls like the same kind ofgifts?
7. Other than birthdays, are there any otheroccasions that people in your country give gifts to each other?
8. Why do we give different gifts to differentpeople?
Describe a sport you would like to try forthe first time
Youshould say:
Whatit is
Howyou would learn it
Whatequipment would you need to play this sport
Andexplain why you want to learn this sport
What are the benefits of playing sports?
What ‘s the difference between playingsports on your own and playing sports in a group?
Do children need to do sports?
Describe an interesting animal
You should say:
Whatanimal it is
Whereit lives
Whatit looks like
And explain yourfeelings about this animal
Part 3
Why do people like to keep pets?
What should we do to protect endangeredanimals?
Do you support doing experiment on animals?
Why do some people refuse eat animals?
What would happen when some speciesdisappear on earth?
Describe a novel or story that is particularlyinteresting to you
Youshould say
When andwhere you read the novel or story
What thenovel or story was about
Whatcharacters were in the novel or story
Andexplain how you felt about it.
What kinds of stories do children like tolearn?
How often do people in your country readnovels?
What kinds of novels that old people liketo read?
What are the benefits of listening tostories?
Describe a photo of yourself you have taken
You should say:
Whenand where you took this photo
Whatyou were doing then
Whotook this photo
And explain how youfelt about this photo
Part 3
Do Chinese people like to take photos of themselves?
What kinds of devices do people like to usefor taking photos these days?
Why do some people like to delete photos?
Why do some people like to keep photos intheir smartphone?
Has the way people take photos changed?
Describe a house or apartment you want tolive in
Youshould say
Where thisplace is
What it islike
When youwant to live in there
Andexplain why you want to live in such a place.
Part 3
1. How does living in high rise apartments affectthe people who live there?
2. Do people in your country like to live in anapartment or house?
3. Why do some people like to live in old houses?
4. What type of house/ apartment do young peoplelike to live in?
5. Do people in your country like to rent a house/apartment or have their own?
6. How to make sure that everyone in the societycan afford their own house/ flat?
7. Why do some people want to live aboard?
Describe a movie you want to watch
You shouldsay
What isthe movie
Who you wouldlike to watch with
What themovie is about
And explainwhy you want to watch this movie
Part 3
What’s the difference between watching amovie at home and watching it in a cinema?
Do young Chinese like to watch foreignfilms?
How would you define a good movie?
Is it important to have famous actors in amovie if the movie wants to be successful?
Do you prefer to watch a movie at home orin a cinema?
Would you say that cinemas will disappearin the future?
Describe a family (not your own) that youlike
You shouldsay:
What kind of familyit is
How did you know thisfamily
What do you usuallydo together
And explainwhy you like it
Part 3
In a typical Chinese family,who plays the leading role?
In China, what kinds of familymembers usually live together?
Do young and middle-age peoplelive with old people in China?
What can grandchildren learnfrom their grandparents?
Describe a person who has apologized to you
You should say
Who this person is
When this happened
What this person said for apologizing
And explain how you feel about the apology
Part 3
Is it important to say sorry?
What situation do people saysorry?
Why do some people hate to saysorry?
In what situations should weapologize immediately?
When will people say thank you?
When was the last time youfound it hard to accept an apology?
Describe a family member who you spent most time with.
You should say:
Whothis person is
Whatdoes this person look like
Whatis his or her job
And explain why youspent most time with this person
1. Do you think family relationships are important?
2. Which do you think is more important, familyor friends?
3. What’s the difference between the support fromfriends and support from parents?
4. What would you do when facing important choicesin life, consult with your family members or make a decision on your own?
Describe someone who is older than you that you admire
You should say
Who this person is
How you know this person
What kinds of things you like to dotogether
And explain how you feel about this person
Part 3
What kinds of activities do oldpeople like to do these days?
Why do young people like to askabout the past of old people?
What kinds of things can youngpeople learn from old people?
Do you think old people enjoytheir life more these days compared with the past?
Describe a foreign country you would liketo visit but haven't been to.
Youshould say
Where thisplace is
What it islike
What youcan do in this country
Andexplain why you want to visit the country.
Part 3
1. Why do people like to travel to other countries?
2. Why do some people prefer foreign cultures totheir own culture?
3. According to you, what’s the advantage of travelingto other countries?
4. Is it good for children to travel to other countries?
5. Will there be any negative influence on theenvironment brought by international tourism?