
GMAT备考:CR解析:Evaluate 评价类题型

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GMAT备考:CR解析:Evaluate 评价类题型

  如果让我们用一句话概括GMAT,那么我们会说 “GMAT是用英语来考察你的逻辑能力,包括Quantitative中的逻辑,和Verbal中的逻辑。”

  Critical Reasoning (批判性推理)作为以逻辑能力为代表的典型题目,更是需要你时时刻刻保持清晰的思路。就CR而言,CR Bible逻辑圣经给我们提供了一套很实用的思考体系。今天yjbys网小编将带大家了解CR当中的一个重点题型:Evaluate the argument 评价题。


  “The answer to which of the following questions would contribute most to an evaluation of the argument?”

  “Clarification of which of the following issues would be most important to an evaluation of the scientists’ position?”

  “Which of the following would be most important to know in evaluating the hypothesis in the passage?”

  “Which of the following would it be most relevant to investigate in evaluating the conclusion of the argument?”


  题目会要求你选择一个选项去evaluate the conclusion/reasoning/plan 等等。不管题目具体要你去evaluate的具体对象是什么,其实你evaluate的东西都是一个:就是原文的论证是否有效。注意你不用去帮助做出判断:原文推理有效or无效。你只用选一个“问题”去评价原文论证就好了。那如何知道这个“问题”能不能帮你去evaluate论证的有效性呢?


  我们采用Bible里介绍的办法:Viriance Test。具体操作手法就是:给问题取两个极端答案,然后把两个极端答案分别带入原文,看他们对原文的影响。如果一个极端答案会weaken原文的conclusion, 另一个极端答案会strengthen原文的conclusion,那么这就是正确答案。

  举个例子,原文如果告诉你一个因果关系:大脑分泌多巴胺 ----> 寿命延长。那如果A选项是说: 寿命比较长的人是否经常运动来保持年轻?那么我们去两个极端情况:是 or 不是。





  以下例题摘自OG2015 verbal 分册。

  Case Study 1

  Plantings of cotton bioengineered to produce its own insecticide against bollworms, a major cause of crop failure, sustained little bollworm damage until this year. This year the plantings are being seriously damaged by bollworms. Bollworms, however, are not necessarily developing resistance to the cotton’s insecticide. Bollworms breed on corn, and last year more corn than usual was planted throughout cotton-growing regions. So it is likely that the cotton is simply being overwhelmed by corn-bred bollworms.

  In evaluating the argument, which of the following would it be most useful to establish?

  (A) Whether corn could be bioengineered to produce the insecticide

  (B) Whether plantings of cotton that does not produce the insecticide are suffering unusually extensive damage from bollworms this year

  (C) Whether other crops that have been bioengineered to produce their own insecticide successfully resist the pests against which the insecticide was to protect them

  (D) Whether plantings of bioengineered cotton are frequently damaged by insect pests other than bollworms

  (E) Whether there are insecticides that can be used against bollworms that have developed resistance to the insecticide produced by the bioengineered cotton


  P1: 一直以来,一种转基因的棉花可以自己分泌杀虫剂来抵抗bollworm,但是今年却除外,而bollworm是造成作物死亡的主要原因。

  P2: 但是bollworm却不一定会对棉花分泌的的杀虫剂发展耐药性。

  P3: bollworm会生长在玉米上,去年的棉花种植区附近有种植了更多的玉米。

  C: 所以很可能棉花是被玉米上的bollworm而破坏的。

  因果链: 玉米的bollworm ——> 棉花死亡

  (A) Whether corn could be bioengineered to produce the insecticide

  (A) 玉米是否也能转基因之后产生分泌杀虫剂。

  - 如果可以的话,这是能说明玉米可以抵御bollworm的侵害,不能影响对棉花的破坏程度,无关。反过来,如果玉米不能分泌杀虫剂,那么玉米则会收到bollworm的侵害,同样不影响棉花。两个极端答案对原文的影响都是无关。排除。




  (B) Whether plantings of cotton that does not produce the insecticide are suffering unusually extensive damage from bollworms this year

  (B) 不能自己产生杀虫剂的棉花今年是否也受到了bollworm异常大的破坏。

  - 如果答案是“是”的话,那们说明无论是否自己产生杀虫剂,棉花都会今年都受到了异常大的破坏,说明棉花的wollborm并不是因为产生了耐药性才产生了更大的破坏,则是排除他因,strengthen原来的因果链。反过来,如果答案是”否“的话,那么不产生杀虫剂的棉花产量不变,而产生了杀虫剂的棉花损失严重,说明杀虫剂的效果可能影响产量,也许虫子已经对棉花的杀虫剂产生了耐药性,这是提出他因,weaken原文因果。一个情况weaken原文,一个情况strengthen原文,这是正确答案。

  (C) Whether other crops that have been bioengineered to produce their own insecticide successfully resist the pests against which the insecticide was to protect them

  (C) 其他基因改良过的作物是否能分泌成功抵抗目标害虫的杀虫剂。

  - 如果其他作物可以分泌有效的杀虫剂,其他植物和棉花无直接联系,这对原文的因果关系无影响。反过来,如果其他作物不能分泌有效杀虫剂,依然不影响玉米害虫对棉花的破坏。无关答案。

  (D) Whether plantings of bioengineered cotton are frequently damaged by insect pests other than bollworms

  (D) 基因改良的棉花是否会经常被bollworm之外的其他害虫破坏。

  - 不管其他其他害虫如果能不能破坏棉花的话,那这影响玉米的bollworm对棉花的破坏作用,我们的讨论杀虫剂对bollworm的作用,并不是要去看杀虫剂是否产生广谱的杀虫作用,所以提及不同的昆虫,不会影响原文论证。

  (E) Whether there are insecticides that can be used against bollworms that have developed resistance to the insecticide produced by the bioengineered cotton

  (E) 针对已经对基因改良的棉花产生了抗药性的bollworm, 是否有一种另外的杀虫剂可以控制这种bollworm。

  - 无论有没有其他的杀虫剂来控制有抗药性的Bollworm,这都不能直接证明这种Bollworm是否已经产生了抗药性,也无法推出是否产生了他因,所以不会影响原来的因果关系。

  这道题的主要思路就是看 “Bollworm对棉花产生抗药性”这是一事件是否发生,从而说明他因是否发生,来evaluate因果关系。

  Case Study 2

  Leaders of a miners’ union on strike against Coal co. are contemplating additional measures to pressure the company to accept the union’s contract proposal. The union leaders are considering as their principal new tactical consumer against Gasco gas stations, which are owned by Energy Incorporated, the same corporation that owns Coal co.

  The answer to which of the following questions is LEAST directly relevant to the union leaders’ consideration of whether attempting a of Gasco will lead to acceptance of their contract proposal?

  (A) Would revenue losses by Gasco seriously affect Energy Incorporated?

  (B) Can current Gasco customers easily obtain gasoline elsewhere?

  (C) Have other miners’ unions won contracts similar to the one proposed by this union?

  (D) Have other unions that have employed a similar tactic achieved their goals with it?

  (E) Do other corporations that own coal companies also own gas stations?



  P2: 公会的领导考虑的最新策略是举行一个针对G公司加油站的消费者抵制

  P3: G公司隶属于E公司,E公司也是C公司的拥有者




  审题的时候也应该注意一个细节,你要选的是LEAST relevant to the evaluation的选项。 也就是说,要去选一个最不能evaluate原文的选项。为了避免审题错误,这种题特别加粗了LEAST。你选一个最不能evaluate原文的答案。 这种反着选的情况可能出现在不同题型中。这种题目我们的处理方法是:为了防止你做着做着就忘了要求,然后选反了情况,我们先顺着思考,先把能evaluate的选项全部打上勾√ , 最后选出一个不打勾的选项。

  (A) Would revenue losses by Gasco seriously affect Energy Incorporated?

  (A) G公司损失的收入是否会严重影响母公司E,

  - 如果能的话,那么母公司顾及G的收入,转而让C公司接受条件,则strengthen原文;反之,如果G公司对母公司E影响不大的话,那E是不会顾及G的,也不容易让C接受条约了,weaken原文,可以evaluate,打√。

  (B) Can current Gasco customers easily obtain gasoline elsewhere?

  (B) 目前G的顾客能轻易从其他地方得道汽油吗?

  - 如果能的话,则组织消费者对G的抵制非常容易成功,说明抵制计划可行,也能顺带给母公司E施压,strengthen结论;如果不能的话,那G公司是消费者唯一的获得汽油的渠道,汽油又是必须消费品,则消费者不大可能去抵制G,那么抵制计划不具有可行性,则无法给E公司施压,weaken结论。可以evaluate原文,打√。

  (C) Have other miners’ unions won contracts similar to the one proposed by this union?

  (C) 其他矿工公会其实也成功赢得了类似的合同?

  - 如果其他矿工企业成功,说明目前提及的合同条约是有先例的,那么这一个合同也可能顺利达成,strengthen原文;如果类似的合同条约都失败了,那么则现在这个合同也可能失败,weaken原文。本选项是从类比的方向来evaluate原文的,打√。

  (D) Have other unions that have employed a similar tactic achieved their goals with it?

  (D) 其他公会采取类似的抵制策略是否成功达成了目标?

  - 这也是一个类比的方向。如果类似的策略达到了目标,那么我们这个策略也很可能成功;反之,类似的策略失败了,我们的策略也可能失败。可以evaluate,打√。C和D有同学可能会认为是无关的,似乎没有提及到方案的具体内容。但是C和D这种答案是从类比的思维着手的,但是依然是有效的。类比推理和其他方案推理、因果推理等一样有效。

  (E) Do other corporations that own coal companies also own gas stations?

  (E) 其他拥有采矿公司的集团也同时拥有加油站吗?

  - 如果是的话,别人公司的组织架构不能影响我们的方案结果,无关;反过来,其他公司不同时拥有加油站,也不会影响我们的方案结果,注意不要认为别人不同时拥有加油站=市场上没有别的加油站,这个方向并不能说明消费者没有替代渠道去购买石油,无关。这个选项不打evaluate,不打√。本题选E。

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