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  公共英语是面向社会的、开放的、以全体公民为对象的非学历性的 英语等级考试。以下百分网小编整理的2017年备考公共英语二级考试写作话题指导,希望对大家有所帮助,更多信息请关注应届毕业生网!


  1. 环境保护

  大气污染:关键词:sulfur dioxide(二氧化硫,一氧化碳)

  Although substantial progress had been made, sulfur dioxide and monoxide levels were up 25 percent nationally and particulates were increased by more than 14 percent. What is more, pollution levels in a dozen cities were higher than those of 1970. Of 20,000 major stationary sources of air pollution, about 5,000 failed to meet the schedules, and well over half the steel plants and nonferrous smelters in the United States continued to be in violation of federal regulations.

  核污染(Chernobyl: 切尔诺贝利核事故)

  On April 26, 1986, another serious incident alarmed the world. One of four nuclear reactors at Chernobyl', about 130 km (about 80 mi) north of Kyiv (now in Ukraine) in the USSR, exploded and burned. Radioactive material spread over Scandinavia and northern Europe, as discovered by Swedish observers on April 28. According to the official report issued in August, the accident was caused by unauthorized testing of the reactor by its operators. Radiation about 50 times higher than that at Three Mile Island exposed people nearest the reactor, and a cloud of radioactive fallout spread westward. Unlike most reactors in western countries, including the United States, the reactor at Chernobyl' did not have a containment building. Such a structure could have prevented material from leaving the reactor site.


  (关键词:bald eagles, wildcats, buffalos)

  More animals have been found on the verge of extinction. Recently, the Federal Government has put wild cats, bald eagles on the list. And buffalos had almost been erased from the American continent.


  (关键词:boost self-confidence增强自信, take refuge:逃避现实,stress:压力,withdraw: 离群

  According to psychologists, many young people suffering from shyness also risk becoming addicted to computers. Success with computers provides them with the self-confidence they lack in their personal lives. Zimbardo fears that shy youngsters who take refuge in the computer may fail to learn and practice important social skills needed later in life.

  4 盗版产品

  (safeguard intellectual property,CD, videos, CD-ROMs, counterfeit trademarks)

  In March, China and the United States averted a trade war when they reached an agreement to safeguard U.S. intellectual property rights and ban the sale of pirated compact disks, videos, CD-ROMs, and counterfeit trademark goods including jeans, jackets and T-shirts. .

  5. 交通堵塞

  (关键词:Tokyo, narrow lanes, radiating highways, overcrowded, parking, blaring vehicles.)

  Much of the street pattern of Tokyo dates to historic times and is made of narrow, crooked lanes that are unsuitable for heavy use by automobiles. The radiating highways and expressways that were put in to modernize the road network are usually badly overcrowded, and traffic moves at a slow pace. Parking is a major problem. A person must provide proof of an off-street, overnight parking space to own a car in Tokyo.

  6. 禁烟运动:

  (关键词:smoking and bronchitis, heart attacks lung cancer, live lost,

  According to the recent surveys, cigarette smoking is at least responsible for some diseases such as bronchitis, heart attacks and lung cancer. Worse still, approximately three million people die from their excessive smoking. And unless some measures were taken, the toll would be increasing in the future.

  7. 追星:

  (关键词:make nonsense of values in the society; a frivolous contribution to the society, artificially created reputation, lack of real talent, mass hysteria among young people, create fashions, way of life, style of dress, drug-taking, )

  Individuals, teenagers in particular, tend to be more impressed by such superficial elements of a star: the way of his life, the style of his dress. However, these youngsters fail to realize that most of these elements are mostly artificially created reputation. More often than not, all the entertainment reports are meant to increase the star’s popularity among the young people so that new demand can be created. What’s more, some pop stars, under scrutiny, show a quite different image. Some of them turn out to be drug addicts; others lack the real talent; quite a few of them make a nonsense value in the society. All in all, star worship is nothing more than a part of market promotion. It creates mass hysteria among young people, but makes frivolous contribution to the society.

  8. 考试和能力

  (关键词:an efficient and reliable method of testing knowledge; test of memory, working under pressure, create anxiety, dropouts, suicides, deprive people of free learning, creation, imagination, a more healthy attitude toward success and failure. )

  Admittedly, tests do contribute to the current educational system. After all, throughout centuries, they remain to be the most efficient and reliable method to pick the most talented applicants in almost every field. However, exams tend to emphasize the memory of information. By comparison, some essential elements such as freedom, creation and imagination are to a large extent ignored. There is another disadvantage, that is, tests frequently put people under pressure, create numbers of dropouts and in some extreme cases, are partially responsible for the suicides of some students.









