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1、 考点预测
Information about University of Central England and City University, London
University of Central EnglandCity University, London
Established in the year1.1 894
Number of undergraduates2.4 744
Percentage of overseas Students3.34%
Number of Postgraduates3 378 4.
Whether giving language help for overseas students (Y/N) Yes 5.
考生即使不听录音,也可以通过已知的信息推测出第1,2,4个空白处都应该填数字,而第三个空白处应该填入一个百分比,第5个空白处填Yes 或者No。这样在听录音的时候,就可以分别去寻找相应信息。
在听第一遍录音时,考生一定要养成边听边做笔记的习惯,不能够被动地接受所有的信息,而应该在听录音时,快速地记下一些关键词和高频考点,如地点,时间,数字等很难记忆但是出题率极高的内容。这要求考生在平时做听力练习或者泛听练习的时候,就养成勤动笔的好习惯,尽量做到用最少的语言,最快速的方法,记下最多的内容。考生可以利用第1遍录音与第2遍录音之间的间隔对所做的听力笔记进行整理,稍微理清文章思路。做笔记对于Part B的简要回答问题和补齐句子同样非常重要。
Part B
For Question 6-10, you will hear a talk by a well-known U.S. journalist. While you listen, complete the sentences and answer the questions. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and questions below. (5 points)
Besides reporters, who else were camped out for days outside the speaker’s home?6.
One reporter got to the speakers apartment pretending to pay7.
The speaker believed the reporter wanted a picture of her looking8.
Where a correction to a false story is usually placed?9.
According to the speaker, the press will lose readers unless the editors and the news directors10.
W: When I was getting divorced in 1975,reporters and cameramen were camped out for days in the lobby and on the sidewalk outside. They came from all over the country. Foreign reporters too. It was terrible. My neighbors could barely get in and out of the building. One reporter, who had been a friend of mine, got up to my apartment after persuading the doorman into believing that he was there on a personal visit. I wouldn’t let him in .He just wanted to talk, he said. I was certain that he had a camera and wanted a picture of me looking depressed. I just couldn’t believe this attempt to invade my privacy. TV is the worst. TV reporters present themselves as shavings the perfect right to be anywhere, to ask any question. It doesn’t matter how personal the matter may be. People don’t trust the press the way they used to. In most cases, stories are sensationalized in groups to attract more public attention. Some papers print things that simply are not true. In many papers, if a correction has to be made, it is usually buried among advertisements. I have received hundreds of letters from people asking me how do you know what is true in the press these days. I find it difficult to respond sometimes. I tell them that there are good newspapers and serious, responsible and honest reporters. Don’t judge all of us by the standards of the bad ones. Unless the guys at the top—the editors and the news directors-take firm action, pretty soon no one is going to believe anything they read in the papers of see on television news.
M: You now have 50 seconds to check your answers to Questions 6-10.
6.答案来自When I was getting divorced in 1975,reporters and cameramen were camped out for days in the lobby and on the sidewalk outside. cameramen/camera men此题考察考生对具体信息的掌握和单词记忆和掌握。答案来自在文章的开头,是听力考试中反复出现的出题点。同时考生应注意单复数拼写。
7.答案来自One reporter, who had been a friend of mine, got up to my apartment after persuading the doorman into believing that he was there on a personal visit.此题考察考生对具体信息的掌握。应抓住关键词“pretending to pay”等词,同时考察考生对短语pay a visit to的掌握。同时考生应注意题目要求可以填入不多于三个词。
8.答案来自I was certain that he had a camera and wanted a picture of me looking depressed.此题考察考生对具体信息的掌握和单词拼写掌握。注意depressed的拼法。同时考生应注意depressed和depressing的过去分词和现在分词的区别。
9.答案来自It is usually buried among advertisements.
among advertisements此题考察考生对具体信息的掌握和单词拼写的掌握。本题出现“where”这个词提示是对地点提问,因此应对涉及到地点的短语和介词特别注意。
10.答案来自Unless the guys at the top -the editors and the news directors-take firm action, pretty soon no one is going to believe anything they read in the papers of see on television news. 此题考察考生对具体信息的掌握。此题由于句子比较长又比较复杂因此难度比较大,但考生不要害怕,越是难句往往答案越简单,此处只要听懂全文就很容易写出答案。