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  Section I Listening Comprehension
  (25 minutes)

  This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section. Part A and Part B
  Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET 1.
  If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test is started.
  Now look at Part A in your test booklet.
  Part A
  You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer [A], [B], [C] or [D], and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.
  You will hear:
  W: Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time?
  M: Yes, Madam, It should be arriving in about ten minutes.
  You will read:
  Who do you think the woman's is talking to?
  [A] A bus conductor.
  [B] A clerk at the airport.
  [C] A taxi driver.
  [D] A clerk at the station.
  From the dialogue, we know that only a clerk at the airport is most likely to know the arrival time of a flight, so you should choose answer [B] and mark it in your test booklet.
  Sample Answer: [A] [■] [C] [D]
  Now look at question 1.
  1. What does the man like?
  [A] Coarse sand. [B] Being sad. [C] Calm water. [D] A stormy ocean.
  2. Where is the woman going on Sunday?
  [A] To a museum. [B] To a wedding. [C] To a meeting. [D] To a concert.
  3. What are the man and woman doing?
  [A] Preparing for bed. [B] Walking toward the campus.
  [C] Looking for a place to live in. [D] Inviting some friends to visit.
  4. What did the man think of the play?
  [A] He thought it was terrible. [B] He thought the actors were boring.
  [C] He thought it was a success. [D] He thought it was funny.
  5. What is the woman doing now?
  [A] She is interviewing an applicant. [B] She is filling an application form.
  [C] She is reading a newspaper. [D] She is phoning a salesman.
  6. What is the man's profession?
  [A] Philosopher. [B] Architect. [C] Archaeologist. [D] Sociologist.
  7. What do foreign students consider important in choosing major?
  [A] How soon they will graduate. [B] How much their education costs.
  [C] What kind of job they can get later. [D] Which country will work in.
  8. What kind of movie does the man not want to see?
  [A] A love story.
  [B] One about fight and war.
  [C] A realistic story.
  [D] One about prison escapes and mental hospitals.
  9. Where did this conversation probably take place?
  [A] On a train. [B] On a boat. [C] On a plane. [D] On a bus.
  10. What happened to the man?
  [A] He uses a newer machine.
  [B] His job is now done by a machine.
  [C] He went on strike.
  [D] His job was given to another worker.
  Part B
  You are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D]. You will hear each conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your test booklet.
  11. Why does the speaker say that it isn't a fault to be shy?
  [A] Because many people don't know how to behave in social situations.
  [B] Because one may have been born that way.
  [C] Because most persons are shy.
  [D] Because it's good to be shy.
  12. What is one of the ways suggested by psychologists for measuring shyness?
  [A] By prediction.
  [B] By recording.
  [C] Through observation.
  [D] Through interviewing.
  13. What is the purpose of the psychologists in asking questions?
  [A] To observe people attitude towards strangers.
  [B] To see how people get along with their friends.
  [C] To chance people's behaviour in social life.
  [D] To find out how shy people are.
  14. According to the conversation, what is one problem with arm exercises?
  [A] They don't get rid of flabby arms.
  [B] They can damage arm muscles.
  [C] They aren't acceptable to most people.
  [D] They can raise one's blood pressure.
  15. How did the woman obtain the information about arm exercises?
  [A] By talking to an expert.
  [B] By reading an article.
  [C] By attending an exercise class.
  [D] By listening to the radio.
  16. According to the conversation, what are the experts now recommending?
  [A] Exercising the entire body.
  [B] Having your blood pressure taken daily.
  [C] Losing weight prior to exercise.
  [D] By listening to the radio.
  17. Which of the following exercises is suggested?
  [A] Wearing arm weights while you are swimming.
  [B] Jogging vigorously in one place for a long time.
  [C] Using bicycles that require you to use both your arms and legs.
  [D] Walking slowly while swinging your arms back and forth.
  18. What is the man interested in at the beginning of the conversation?
  [A] Through what ways the woman would tackle problems.
  [B] How come she became an assistant manager so young.
  [C] What she would do if she refused to carry out an order.
  [D] What would happen if she refused to carry out an order.
  19. What information about the woman can we get from what the man has said?
  [A] She has had problems of authority.
  [B] She became an assistant manager recently.
  [C] She became a manager recently
  [D] She became an assistant manager a few years ago.
  20. Why did the woman come to talk with the man?
  [A] She come to discuss a problem with the man.
  [B] She came to introduce herself to the man.
  [C] She wanted to be an assistant manager.
  [D] She came to be interviewed for a management position.
  21. Why does the woman think she would be suitable for the post?
  [A] Because she has a great deal of experience in senior management.
  [B] Because she has a lack of experience in senior management.
  [C] Because she would bring a new approach to the job.
  [D] Because she is a member of the Institute of personnel managers.
  22. Where has the woman been?
  [A] To Colonado.
  [B] To Anzona.
  [C] To the Nile River.
  [D] To the Museum of Natural History.
  23. What type of scientific discoveries does the woman mainly talk about?
  [A] Archaeological. [B] Biological. [C] Meteorological. [D] Sociological.
  24. Where does the woman say the drift wood was found?
  [A] In a cave. [B] In a river. [C] In a tree. [D] In a boat.
  25. What would the man like to do some day?
  [A] Solve a mystery. [B] See the canyon.
  [C] Find some driftwood. [D] Take some photographs.
  Now look at question 1.

  (Pause 00'05'')
  1. [D]
  W: I love the beach when the sand is fine and the water is quiet.
  M: I prefer an angry sea. That makes me feel better whenever I'm sad.
  (Pause 00'15'')
  2. [A]
  W: I'm going to the museum Sunday afternoon. Want to go with me?
  M: I'd love to, but my best friend is getting married and I would not miss it for anything.
  (Pause 00'15'')
  3. [C]
  W: Here's an ad. for an apartment with two bedrooms.
  M: What's the number? I'll find out if it's available for immediate occupancy.
  (Pause 00'15'')
  4. [C]
  W: You didn't seem very enthusiastic about the play.
  M: You must be joking. If I had applauded any harder.
  I'd have broken my hand.
  (Pause 00'15'')
  5. [A]
  W: I see from your application form you have worked as a salesman for two years, why do you wish to change your job now?
  M: I found the job too dull.
  (Pause 00'15'')
  6. [C]
  W: What exactly are you looking for, professor?
  M: I'm looking for any remains, buildings or bones that tell us something about the people who lived here 2000 years ago.
  (Pause 00'15'')
  7. [C]
  M: Most foreign students here are graduated students in counting, dentistry, engineering and business administration.
  W: Right. They tend to major in practical fields that will assure them of good jobs later.
  (Pause 00'15'')
  8. [D]
  M: I'd love to see a different type of movie for a change.
  I'm tired of movies about prison breaks and insane asylums.
  W: I agree, let's go and see the new movie about two young lovers.
  (Pause 00'15'')
  9. [C]
  W: Good evening. I'm Roseanne, your flight attendant. Welcome aboard.
  M: Hello, I've got seat A 6. I hope it's by a window so that I can see the view.
  (Pause 00'15'')
  10. [B]
  W: I just heard the bad news about your job.
  M: Well, the company is automating the office, so a lot of people are being let go.
  (Pause 00'15'')
  Part B
  Questions 11 through 13 refer to the following conversation.
  You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.
  (Pause 00'15'')
  Are you afraid to raise your hand in class even when you know the answer? If you are, most people would say that you are shy. If you feel shy, you are not alone. Nine out of ten people are at least a little shy. But however shy you are, scientific evidence seems to show that it isn't your fault. You may have been born that way. How do psychologists measure shyness? One way is by observation. They keep detailed records of people's actions, like how often these people speak to others or how long it takes someone to say hello to a stranger. Another way to measure shyness is to ask people questions. The test only takes about 10 minutes. It asks questions like:" Do you like going a lot?" and "Do you have many friends?" People must answer either yes or no. These questions can predict how people actually behave in social situations. Suppose the test tells you that someone is shy, chances are good that person will act shy. When scientists measure shyness, they are really comparing degrees of shyness. In other words, when researchers say people are shy, they really mean they are more shy than others.
  11. [B]
  12. [C]
  13. [D]
  Questions 14 through 17 refer to the following conversation.
  You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.
  (Pause 00'15")
  W: Exercise, exercise, exercise, we hear so much about it these days that even the experts can't agree on which exercises are best. Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.
  M: Arm exercises? Is that because our arms are too fat of flabby?
  W: Actually, that's not the main reason. They say that arm exercises are an ideal way to become physically fit.
  M: But don't arm exercises raise your blood pressure?
  W: That they do, but the article I read mentioned ways to compensate for that.
  M: How?
  W: By adding leg exercise so the arms don't do as they work. Arm exercises alone aren't enough to increase metabolism before fatigue sets in. The more of a body that involves in the exercise, the better.
  M: And in turn, I'm sure that there is a great chance of losing weight.
  W: Sounds right to me.
  M: So, what exercises do the experts recommend?
  W: They mentioned quite a few. But some of the more popular ones are bicycling with special bicycles that make you use both your arms and legs, and walking vigorously while wearing arms weights.
  M: I must try that. I like to walk a lot.
  14. [D]
  15. [B]
  16. [A]
  17. [C]
  Questions 18 through 21 refer to the following conversation
  You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.
  (Pause 00'15")
  M: Do you mind if I take notes?
  W: Not at all.
  M: Thank you. I see that you have been an assistant manager for four years, which means that you were made an assistant manager at a relatively young age. I'm interested in whether you have problems of authority, and how you would deal with them. Can you tell me how you would deal with a member of the staff who refused to carry out an order or request that you thought was perfectly reasonable?
  W: I would make sure that the interview took place in private. I think that's important. I would ascertain whether there was antagonism towards myself, or whether the root of the cause was domestic, or indeed in the work situation, and I would take it from there.
  M: You'd talk it through?
  W: Oh, yes.
  M: Right, thank you. Er ... as you know, there have been a number of applications for this post.
  Why do you think we should give it to you?
  W: I recognize that I have a comparative lack of experience in senior management. Er ... since I got my MBA, I've done a lot of work. I've done, ... er ... negotiation studies, and psychology studies. I think that I have a basis, ... er ... for a fresh and dynamic approach.
  M: Most interesting. Thank you for coming, and we'll let you know it about a week.
  W: Lovely, thank you. Nice to meet you. Goodbye.
  18. [A]
  19. [D]
  20. [D]
  21. [C]
  Questions 22 through 25 refer to the following conversation.
  You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.
  (Pause 00'15")
  M: It's good to see you back. How was your trip to Arizona? Did you see the Great Canyon?
  W: Yes, it was fantastic. Now I know why it is listed together with the Nile river as one of the great natural wonders of the world. Here, want to see the picture I took?
  M: Oh what a view! It is even bigger than I had imagined. I remember reading about the Great Canyon and I think it said that it was formed suddenly when the earth crust split open during an earthquake.
  W: Well, not that quickly. Look, here is the picture of the Colorado river. See way down at the bottom of the canyon, that river and its tributaries have been wearing the canyon floor away for ten million years.
  M: Then the canyon is the result of soil erosion. I'll bet geologists have made some interesting discoveries there.
  W: Not only the geologists, archaeologists have also found the bones of extinct animals in caves in the canyon walls. In a cave one hundred and forty feet above the river, they found drift wood that dated back as far as thirty-seven thousand years.
  M: That means the river must have been a hundred and forty feet higher up when it carried the drift wood into the cave.
  W: It's very possible, but of course who knows. The Great Canyon is full of mysteries. Wouldn't you like to go to Arizona some day?
  M: You bet I would.
  22. [B]
  23. [A]
  24. [A]
  25. [B]










