

时间:2023-03-31 03:48:54 英语短语 我要投稿
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  shp assistant 营业员


  charge sb ne fr sth为某事向某人索价

  charge sb with sth 控告某人…

  tae charge f 接管,控制

  in charge f sth负责,掌管,

  in the charge f sb 在某人的掌管下

  eep cal 保持冷静 ae sure 确保

  set an exaple t sb 给某人树立榜样

  rather than 而不是 …

  cnsult sb abut sth 向某人请教

  quarrel with sb abut sth就某事与某人争吵

  ae up 编造 ae ut 听出,看出

  g int detail(s)讨论,细谈

  spea up 大声的说, 大胆的说出

  sit up 坐直

  the instant = as sn as =the ent

  =the inute / secnd一…就

  turn up 露面, 到达

  ae an appintent with sb 与某人约会

  believe in 信任,信仰 turn ver 反转

  pa ff 成功, 带来好的结果, 还清借款

  verce difficult 克服困难

  inspect an illegal business 调查一个非法交易

  as lng as = s lng as 只要

  high qualit reprts 高质量的报道

  eep up with 跟上, 赶上 in case 万一

  pa attentin t sth 注意

  wr ut 计算, 找到…的答案, 做运动

  the nuber f …的数量

  accrding t 依据,按照

  a variet f 种种, 各种各样

  leave …behind 留下,遗忘,

  withut dubt 毫无疑问

  1). I dubt whether/ if he’ll eep his prise.

  2). I dn’t dubt that he’ll eep his prise.

  3). D u dubt that he’ll eep his prise.

  4). There is se dubt whether he’ll succeed.

  5). There is n dubt that he’ll succeed.

  6). Is there an dubt that he’ll succeed.

  env sb sth 羡慕,嫉妒某人某物

  the env f sb 另人羡慕的…

  due t =because f = wing t= n accunt f 由于

  in additin 此外

  have a psitive attitude t / twards 对…有积极的态度

  franl speaing 老实说, 说实话

  la ff 裁员, 解雇 aside fr 除…之外

  fail t d sth 未能做, 失败

  graduate fr 从…毕业

  get prted 被提升, 升职

  g blan 一片空白

  swell with anger/ regret 充满愤怒/ 遗憾

  suspect sb f (ding) sth 怀疑某人做某事

  bring a lup t ne’s thrat 喉头哽咽

  drea f 梦想做 set up 创建

  g up 上升,上涨 switch ff 关掉

  cntribute t 对…有贡献, 有助于

  participate in 参加

  place the iprtance n sth 把重点放在…

  give preference t 给…以优惠, 优待

  lse cnduct 行为不检点,行为不端

  t a certain extent 在某种程度上

  catch up n sth 补做, 赶做

  fall behind落后 put ff 推迟

  tae up 拿起,开始从事,占据










