

时间:2022-12-04 23:11:13 英语短语 我要投稿
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  1 pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 1 to one’s (great) amusement to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事


  (much) to one’s amusement令某人(非常)开心的是

  假装已经做了某事 pretend not to have done sth. 假装没做过某事

  2 break/ burst into / laughter

  (突然)欢呼/哭/笑起来 cheer up (使)高兴/开心起来 3 admit doing/ having done sth. 承认做过某事 否定:admit not doing/ having done sth.


  be admitted to/ into Beijing University

  hospital/ the Party

  被北京大学录取/被接收住院/被吸收入党 Open the window to admit some fresh air.允许…进入 admission tickets 入场券

  4 beg to do sth. 祈求做某事 beg for sth. 祈求得到某物

  5 swear to do sth. 发誓做某事 swear at 诅咒

  6 focus on; focus/ fix one's attention devote one’s attention to 集中注意力于 give/ pay close attention to 密切注意

  7 good/ bad manner 有/没礼貌 in this manner 用这种方式

  in this way 用这种方法

  by this with this method 8 be guilty 对……内疚 be guilty 犯有……罪

  be innocent of 没犯......罪

  guilt n.

  9 be cruel to sb. 对某人残酷 cruelty n. 10 remark/ comment on; make remarks/ comments on 对…进行评论

  11 like/ dislike/ hate it when...

  12 argue with sb. over/about sth. 为某事与某人争吵argue against/ for... 据理反对/支持

  argument n.

  13 apologize to sb. for ... make an apology to sb. for 因...向某人道歉 forgive/ excuse sb. for 原谅某人做了某事

  14 be sensitive 对…敏感

  be sensitive 对…在意/在乎 sensitiveness n.

  15 envy vt. be jealous of 嫉妒……

  16 blame sb. for 为某事责备某人 be blamed for 因为…被责备了 be to blame for 应为…负责任 blame sth. sb. 把某事归咎于/归罪于某人17 have a gift/ talent 在…方面有天赋 be gifted/ talented 擅长

  18 before long 不久 long before 很久以前 not a bit 根本不 not a little 很,非常

  2 identity n. identify vt.确认;识别;鉴定 3 get through 通过; 及格;打通(电话) get through to sb 打通给某人的电话 get (…) through to sb 使(…)被某人理解, 让某人听懂,常用于否定句

  The boy could not get through to his mother. I can't get it through to him. get (…) across to sb. 使…变得清楚/使某人 理解/信服/心服口服 get one’s point across get one’s idea across to sb.

  How can I get across to the students?

  我怎样才能让学生心服口服? 4 make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人 have some acquaintance with Spanish 5 sb’s attitude to/ towards


  某人对……的态度 take a modest attitude 采取谦虚的态度 6 be cautious about/of/ with 对…小心/谨慎 with caution 小心/谨慎地 7 be anxious/ eager /dying for sth. 渴望得到某物 to do sth渴望做某事

  8 respond to 对…作出回答/答复/反应/回应/响应 in response to

  make/ give no response to对…不作出回答/答复/反应/回应/响应 9 regardless of 不理会;不顾 I will go regardless of/ in spite of/ despite

  bad weather.

  10 be secure against/ from 无….危险的/安全的 secure …against/ from 使安全/ 保卫 security n. 11 end up doing sth. 最终做某事 end (up) in 以某种结局告终/落到某种结局

  end up in failure/ hospital/ prison

  以失败而告终/最终会躺倒在医院里/最终会坐牢 end (up) with 以/用…结束/告终 end up as 最终成为(什么样的人) 12 rely on = depend on 依靠

  be based on; be anchored in 基于….

  13 be committed/ devoted to 献身,致力于

  commit a crime/fault 犯罪/ 犯错 14 review/ revise/ go over 复习 15 show mercy to sb 对某人表示仁慈 have mercy on sb. 怜悯某人 at the mercy of 任某人摆布/支配

  M5U1 Reading M5U1 Project

  1 be no fun 没有意思/乏味

  1 have/take different attitudes towards 对…持不同态度 just for fun 只是为了娱乐

  make fun of 取笑;开…的玩笑 2 be based on; be anchored in 基于…. 真有趣!

  have/ there be fun(in) doing sth. 做某事很开心 3 ①可能性大小: probable > likely > possible

  2 He must be a new student, isn’t he ? probably > likely > possibly He can’t be a teacher, is he?

  ②be likely to do sth, She must have finished her work, hasn’t she?

  She … , didn’t she? 形容词likely常与more, most连用 She can’t have finished her 副词likely常与most/very/ quite连用 had she?

  3 be/ feel proud of; take pride in 为/对…感到骄傲 ③ possibly可用在can, may, must后表加强语气。 be the pride of sb. 是某人的骄傲

  It may possibly be true. 4 be sure/ certain of/ about; that; to

  It is certain that 一定/肯定会(不可用sure) I can’t possibly wear it. 5 be/ feel ashamed of 为/对…感到羞耻/羞愧

  4 close friends 亲密的朋友

  be/ feel proud of 为/对…感到骄傲 6 have no sense of humor/ direction/ shame 5 be eager/anxious/ desperate/ dying to do sth have a good business sense 有很好的经营意识


  common sense 常识

  6 When 当被问起时... sense danger 感觉到有危险

  7 a sign reading/ saying 写着“靠左行驶”的路标

  7 without pausing/hesitation 毫不犹豫

  that read/ that said `Keep Left.'

  8 Boys share activities while girls share feelings 8 keep one’s word/the secret 遵守诺言/保守秘密

  let out the secret 泄露秘密 男孩分享活动而女孩分享情感。 9 be determined to do sth. 决定/决心做某事

  9 imagine doing sth. 想象做某事 make up one’s mind to do sth.

  He left the place, determined(状语) never to imagine sb./ sb’s doing sth. 想象某人做某事 come back.

  imagine there being 想象有 a determined/strong-minded(定语) man 意志坚定的

  10 accuse sb. of 指控某人...... 10 panic恐慌 panicked(过去时态) charge sb. with 指控某人......

  11persuade用过去时态或完成时态表已说服/ remark/ comment on 对……进行评论

  make remarks/ comments on 对……进行评论 劝服了,已成功 11 I don’t like coffee. Nor/ Neither does she.

  没成功用try to persuade sb… 或 I dislike coffee. So does she.

  I’m a student and I like English. So it is with Jane. advise sb. to do sth.等 I like playing the piano, but I can’t

  manage to do sth设法做成某事,用过去或 play it well. It’s the same with Jane.

  You say he works hard. So he does and so do you. 完成时态表已做成某事 If he doesn’t go tomorrow, _____ .

  try 仅表作出努力 A. so will she B. neither will she

  C. she won’t go, too D. nor does she was/ were able to do sth.或 12

  has/ have been able to do sth.表有此能力并

  I didn’t want to.

  ---Are you a teacher? 已做成某事 ---No, but I hope to be.

  相当于succeed in doing sth. “做成某事”的

  ---He hasn’t finished the work yet.

  过去式或完成式。 ---Well, he ought to have.

  13 can’t help doing sth 情不自禁做某事 12 be committed to 忠诚于/致力于…… can’t help being late 不得已迟到了

  13 make some cruel comments about can’t help being persuaded into doing sth.

  to do sth.不由得被劝服做某事 说一些关于…的残酷无情的话 can’t help (to) do sth. 不能帮忙做某事

  14 be / get hurt 受伤 can’t help 不由得做某事

  can’t help it 无能为力

  15 make an apology=apologize 道歉 14 be wondering how to do it 在想/琢磨怎样做这件事

  16 in conclusion 总之 the seven wonders of the world 世界七大观

  (It's)No wonder (that)…. 难怪…… 17 look back on 回顾










