

时间:2024-03-28 09:52:52 蔼媚 英语短语 我要投稿
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  keep a stiff upper lip意志坚定,坚强不屈

  one failure means nothing. youve got to keep a stiff upper lip.

  be at loggerheads with...互不相让

  the two parties were at loggerheads with each other over the new tax policy.

  a born loser一事无成者

  nobody is a born loser. all you need is perseverance.

  louse up something把某事搞得一团糟

  he let the cat out of the bag, which loused up the whole deal.

  not do...for love or money死也不会……

  stop trying. i wont betray my friend for love or money.

  feel a lump in ones throat心里感到很难受

  i felt a lump in my throat on hearing her story of fighting with the deadly disease.

  make do with...用……凑合

  we are too tired to cook. we can make do with two bags of instant noodles.

  the man in the street普通的人,老百姓

  the interview with the man in the street shows that 90% of them are satisfied with the tv fro grams.

  be ones own man不受他人支配,自己管自己

  our monitor is not easy to cope with. he is much his own man.

  steal a march on someone抢在他人前面,暗渡陈仓

  we stole a march on our rivals by reducing 5% of our price and got back our market.

  meat and drink精神寄托

  to some old people, raising pets is their meat and drink.

  be at the mercy of受……支配

  when you get this kind of disease, your life is at the mercy of god.

  blow someones mind把某人搞得晕晕乎乎

  readers had rather high opinion of his new book, which blew his mind.

  have a good mind to do something很想去干某事

  when i see young and robust men elbow their way onto the bus, i have a good mind to smack them.

  have a one-track mind死脑筋,一根筋

  mark has a one-track mind. all he cares is earning money.

  mind ones own affairs少管闲事

  you are nothing but an old gossip! cant you only mind your own affair?

  weigh on someones mind 心事重重

  the failure of signing the contract has been weighing on his mind. he couldnt sleep at night.

  be of two minds拿不定主意

  jill was of two minds as whether to spend the money on books or on clothes.



  我们都还记得,当初我们学会了 大 尺 和 采 等汉字以后,师长们是这样教我们识记生字的: 大 字头上加一横就是 天 字, 尺 字下面添两点就是 尽 字, 采 字右边增补三撇就是 彩 字。相应地,有些英语单词在词形上也是由一些子词在前面或后面加上其它字母或字母组合构成的。若用奇特联想法将子词与包含着子词的母词进行串记,就能利用所熟知的单词作为提示线索,来帮助记忆陌生的单词,如此即可减轻记忆负担,提高学习效率。

  1 elbow n. 肘 〔子母词〕曲肘成弓

  2 giant n. 巨人〔子母词〕巨人喜食小蚂蚁

  3 height n. 高度〔子母词〕高度达八尺

  4 avenue n. 林荫道,大街

  5 morning n. 早晨,上午


  在我们初学汉语且识记的汉字达到一定的数量之后,师长们就会告诉我们这样一些方法:将意义相近的字如 抓 与 握 ,意义相反的字如 黑 与 白 ,意义相关的字如 春、夏、秋、冬 分门别类归纳一下,便于联想记忆和复习巩固。像这种识记汉字的方法,我们可直接照搬过来用以记忆英语单词,以近义、反义或词义相关的标准进行联想记忆,要比孤立、零散地记单词效果好得多,例举略。


  1. at first/ first(ly)/ first of all / in the first place 首先;第一

  2. in the beginning 起初

  3. to begin with /to start with首先

  4. finally/at last/ at the end 最后;终于

  5. at present 现在;当今

  6. one the one hand…(on the other hand)一方面…(另一方面)

  7. in general 一般说来

  8. generally speaking 一般地说

  9. on the whole /all in all总起来说

  10. in a word/ in short,/in brief, 简言之;总之

  11. to be honest 说实话

  12. all the time 一直,始终

  13. in my opinion. 在我看来

  14. as a matter of fact 实际上

  15. as far as ...be concerned 就...而言

  16. at least 至少

  17. by accident 偶然

  18. play an important role in… 发挥着重要作用

  19. by all means 尽一切办法,务必

  20. even if/though 即使,虽然

  21. every now and then 时而,偶尔

  22. in order to 为了

  23. more or less 或多或少,有点

  24. take the place of/instead of 代替

  25. on the contrary 相反

  26. make full use of 充分利用

  27. be good for/be beneficial to 对…有益

  28. be bad for/be harmful to对…有害

  29. attach great importance to… 重视

  30. convenient and efficient .方便快捷










