英语短语 百分网手机站


时间:2020-10-24 15:37:25 英语短语 我要投稿




  1.borrow sth.from:从……借

  He borrows money from his friends from time to time, but he never repaid a penny.他时不时找朋友借钱,但从未还过一毛钱。

  混淆短语:live on borrow time:(老人,病人)奇迹般地活着

  It's unbeliveable that our 22-year-old dog is still living on borrow time.真不敢相信我们那只22岁的狗还奇迹般地活着。

  2.bother sb. with:以……打扰某人

  I hope you won't bother me with the same old question.我希望你不要再拿同样的问题来烦我。

  混淆短语:can't be bothered:不想出力,不愿找麻烦

  I can't be bothered running errands for you.我不想替你跑腿做事。

  3.bow to:(1)向……鞠躬;(2)服从……

  (1)The students bowed to their teacher at the beginning of the class.上课前学生向老师鞠躬。

  (2)Although he lived in poverty, he never bowed to money.即使他生活贫困,也从未对金钱俯首帖耳。

  4.bring shame on:使某人蒙羞

  Your behavior brought shame on the family.你的行为让家人蒙羞。

  5.bring sth. into the open:公开某事

  He decided to bring the secret into the open.他决定将秘密公开。

  混淆短语:keep one's eyes open:留心看,密切注意

  You'd better keep your eyes open for any strangers.你最好要留意每个陌生人。

  6.by ccomparison with:相比之下,比较起来

  Living in the city seems more conveninent by comparison with that in the countryside.与乡下相比,都市生活更为方便。

  替换短语:compared with:与……相比

  Compared with the country life, living in the city seems more convenient.与乡下相比,都市生活更为方便。

  7.by all means:不惜一切地

  Generally, mothers will protect their own children by all means.一般来讲,母亲都会不惜一切保护自己的孩子。

  混淆短语:by no means:绝不

  Generally, mothers will harm their own children by no means.一般来讲,母亲绝不会伤害自己的孩子。

  8.by appearances:根据外表

  Shallow people always judge others by their appearances.肤浅的人常常以貌取人。

  混淆短语:at first appearance:乍看之下

  The man looks scary at first appearance, but if you look at him carefully,he is actually quite handsome.那个男人乍看之下很吓人,但如果你仔细看的话,他其实还蛮帅的。

  9.by means of:通过……的`方式

  The man earned his living by means of writing.这个男人靠写作为生。

  混淆短语:no mean:相当好的,不容易的

  My brother is no means photographer.我哥是个出色的摄影师。

  10.by oneself:单独

  It's not wise to go out at night by yourself in this city.在这个城市,晚上单独出门是很不明智的。

  替换短语:on one's own:单独

  It's not wise to go out at night on your own in this city.在这个城市,晚上单独出门是很不明智的。









