

时间:2024-08-09 12:22:18 等级考试 我要投稿
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  雅思口语分为三个部分,第一和第三部分要求考生回答考官的问题,第二部分要求考生针对话题卡内容进行1~2分钟即兴陈述。不管是对哪个部分、哪个话题进行练习,考生如果不知道从何说起,都可以先上网查阅与题目主题相关的资料,找到合适的语料,之后再进行复述练习。首先,考生可登录Yahoo Answers、Quora、China Daily、Time、Wikipedia等网站搜索所需资料,也可以用谷歌直接搜索主题词。对于在谷歌检索到的结果,考生最好选择出自英语国家网站或中国正规英语网站的文章,避免用不地道的英语资料。之后,考生可将资料复制下来,并把文中的关键词和地道表达一一划出,然后进行归纳总结。此时的关键词可能比较凌乱,考生可以稍微将其整理一下,使之变成一个有逻辑的提纲。如果有必要,考生也可以在提纲中加入自己的想法,比如填上几个关键词,以帮助自己复述用。最后,考生对照提纲,用自己的话把资料复述一遍。下面笔者用具体实例来详细说明。

  雅思口语第二部分有一个让很多考生不知从何说起的话题——衣服。关于这个话题,历年曾考过介绍a piece of clothing、a traditional Chinese dress、a piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion等。针对这样的考题,考生首先需要准备一段关于传统服饰的素材,比如代表中国女性特色的旗袍就可以用在以上关于衣服的所有话题中。考生可以在谷歌上直接搜索qipao,可以找到下面这个网站链接:http://www.chinavista.com/experience/qipao /qipao.html。该网站上关于旗袍的介绍如下。

  The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion.

  The name “cheongsam,” meaning simply “long dress,” entered the English vocabulary from the dialect of China’s Guangdong Province (Cantonese). In other parts of the country including Beijing, however, it is known as “qipao”, which has a history behind it.

  When the early Manchu rulers came to China proper, they organized certain people, mainly Manchus, into “banners” (qi) and called them “banner people” (qiren), which then became loosely the name of all Manchus. The Manchu women wore normally a one-piece dress which, likewise, came to be called “qipao” or “banner dress.” Although the 1911 Revolution toppled the rule of the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty, the female dress survived the political change and, with later improvements, has become the traditional dress for Chinese women.

  Easy to slip on and comfortable to wear, the cheongsam fits well the female Chinese figure. Its neck is high, closed, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full length, depending on season and taste. The dress is buttoned on the right side, with a loose chest, a fitting waist, and slits up from the sides, all of which combine to set off the beauty of the female shape.

  Another beauty of the cheongsam is that, made of different materials and to varying lengths, they can be worn either on casual or formal occasions. In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm, elegance and neatness. No wonder it is so much liked by women not only of China but of foreign countries as well.

  这篇文章对旗袍的介绍清晰简练,我们很容易就能划出其中能用于考题的内容(如下划线所示),例如fitting waist (收腰)、sets off the beauty of the female shape (显身材)、sleeves (袖子)等。但考生如果不查资料的话,光靠自己想是无法表达得如此地道和准确的。不过,网络上的这段介绍毕竟是书面语,文章长度和结构都不是基于雅思口语考题的,所以考生需要根据雅思口语考试的要求对这篇文章稍作整理。具体整理步骤如下。


  Describe an item of clothing.

  You should say:

  what the item is

  what it looks like

  on what occasions people wear it

  and explain why it is so important.


  1. 是什么

  ① Qipao, traditional female dress with distinctive Chinese features

  ② Cheongsam, Cantonese, long dress

  ③ Qing dynasty, Manchu rulers

  2. 外观如何

  ① fits well the female Chinese figure

  ② fitting waist, sets off the beauty of the female shape

  ③ different materials

  3. 什么场合穿

  ① casual or formal occasion

  ② celebrations and weddings

  4. 为何受欢迎

  simple and quiet charm, elegance and neatness

  雅思口语只需要1~2分钟的陈述,因此不需要太长的提纲,考生只要选出自己觉得最方便记忆的几个点就行,比如像旗袍的历史发展和细节特征考生就不必过多赘述。在整理过程中,考生也可以加入一些自己的想法,比如人们现在主要在庆典和婚礼(celebrations and weddings)的时候穿旗袍。下面就是对照整理的提纲组织的口语表达。

  I’d like to tell you something about Qipao, which is a kind of traditional female dress with distinctive Chinese features. It is also known as “Cheongsam,” which means “long dress” in Cantonese. It became popular in the Qing dynasty when the Manchu rulers came to China proper.

  The biggest feature of Qipao is that it fits well the female Chinese figure. For example, it usually has a fitting waist, which sets off the beauty of the female shape. As far as I know, many different kinds of material can be used for Qipao, namely, silk or cotton.

  Qipao can be worn either on casual or formal occasions. Nowadays, it is more commonly seen on important occasions like celebrations and weddings. During a wedding, the bride usually wears Qipao to mark the most important day of her life.

  I think that the main reason why people are so fond of Qipao is that it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm, elegance and neatness. It is now becoming more and more popular in the international world of high fashion.




  Okay, I would really love to own a smartphone. I think they are amazing, because they are so tiny, and they can do so many things! I really like the way they look—so slim and light. But the incredible thing is what they can do. A smartphone is a kind of three things in one—a phone, an iPod and a computer. So it is really useful, because you can do all the things you normally do with a phone, like texting and calling people but you can also listen to your favorite music mostly when I’m on the bus, or walking somewhere, like to school. And I would use it to share music with my friends. I think I could even use it to download films and music videos. You can also use them to store your photos and other stuff. Actually, you can use it to take your own photos as well. There is no keyboard, so you just touch the screen to type and send text messages. I really want to get one because all my friends have them and I think they are so useful. But I probably have to wait until my parents buy me one. I love new technology—I’m always interested in the latest things.


  1. 是什么


  2. 外观如何

  tiny, slim and light

  3. 有何功能(此处可以加些自己上网的活动):

  ① listen to favourite music, share music with friends

  ② download films and videos

  ③ store photos and other stuff

  4. 为什么喜欢

  ① touch the screen to type

  ② new technology (谈论对新技术的喜爱)




  1. 如果复述材料有配套音频,考生可以边听边记笔记。这样能同时练习听力和单词拼写。

  2. 有条件的话,考生最好录下自己的复述。复述完之后听录音,纠正复述中的语法错误,改掉不符合英文表达习惯的“嗯”“哼”“哈”等口头语,并检查句型还有什么能改进的地方。

  3. 复述至少两到三遍,复述最后一遍时考生要注意语音语调的抑扬顿挫,适当配合肢体语言,完全模拟考场情境,就像对面坐着考官一样。

  4. 考生在考前应该复述练习最近常考的口语机经题,每天练两个题,直到能流利表达为止。第二天考生给自己一分钟时间,看能否快速回忆起昨天练过的题目,在纸上写下几个要点,然后再讲述一遍。



  有input (输入)才能更好地output (输出),有output才能运用好input的内容。上述听说练习过程将input和output有效结合起来,使考生积累了新单词,锻炼了信息提取能力、逻辑思维能力、语言表达能力,并提升了语感。


  雅思口语评分很重要的一个标准是pronunciation,但考官不变态(至少大部分不变态),不会以native speaker的标准评判大家。其实,多拿0.5在口语部分很简单,秘诀就是以下几点:


  很多同学可能会觉得老外讲话的时候听起来、看起来都特别夸张特别生动,就是因为他们不但语调抑扬顿挫,而且手势狂多,整个人很high。这也是我们在口试时要学习的。想想看,考官坐在同一个考场,连续两天要听上百个考生回答同样的一些问题,他们也很无聊,所以我们要做的,就是用我们有激情的语调和丰富的手势去打动他们,当然,用一些简单的反义疑问句跟考官互动是最简单的办法,比如,is it? Do you think so?


  同学们,如果你有丰富的个人经历和你所热爱的东西,抓住任何时机告诉考官吧。考官不想听学生腔的冗长,他们想知道你除了定语从句和倒装之外,还向往伦敦的Heathrow Airport,或者热爱莎士比亚(王尔德就更牛了!),出国之后最想的除了学习之外,还想坐London Eye鸟瞰全伦敦醉人的夜景(有雾也没关系)。他们想知道你不但懂traditional Chinese food,还一直想吃湖南路新开的越南菜(我上次就是这么搞到8分的,考试结束考官问我“那家越南餐厅在那儿”),你喜欢新事物,热爱冒险,你有能力搞定生活中的变化。

  雅思口语提分点3.以上两点可能侧重的是口语的第一、二部分,即daily conversation & individual long run,对于考试的第三部分,two-way discussion,更重要的是良好的语言功底和逻辑。

  在逻辑方面,试着用there are many reasons why I believe this should happen; it depends 或 I’m not really sure about this, but maybe I can share with you my personal story over this issue等开始你的回答,然后用写作中学来的顺序连接词把整个答案串联起来,you just have to sound logical, and it’s really easy!










