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  专四英语写作作文 篇1

  However, some advantages for buying books are more obvious and compelling. One of them, definitely not shared by the choice of borrowing books, is the abundance of freedom that buying books can offer us. Since we can keep the books as long as we wish, we can read as much as we want. Another strength of owing books is that we can take whatever notes on the margin of the pages of the books. And finally, the process of selecting and keeping books can be a great fun that borrowing books can by no means offer.

  While borrowing books can, to some extent, quench our thirst for knowledge, buying books gives us greater pleasure of selecting and keeping the best of the world treasure. Can we think of any thing else more delightful and rewarding?

  专四英语写作作文 篇2

  Books are close friends of humanity. They can arm us with knowledge and information we need to make success of life. Through books we can obtain skills and techniques for survival and development. Through books we can enlighten our spirits and live a fuller life. There are generally two ways in which we can have access to books: borrowing or buying. While millions are borrowing books, I still think buying them best suits me and gives me the greatest enjoyment.

  Admittedly, there are a few merits for borrowing books. For one thing, borrowing books can save us huge amounts of money. And of course, with the money saved we can do other more worthy things .And also, as we borrow books from the library and friends, we normally have deadline to finish them, and consequently we can read more books in a limited time. And we can, above all, better our efficiency of our reading, just as a famous Chinese saying goes, “books can not be read unless borrowed.”

  专四英语写作作文 篇3

  My dormitory room is on the second floor. it is small and crowded. the dark green walls and the dirty white ceiling make the room seem dark, and thus even smaller than it is, as youwalk into the room, you are stopped short by my bed which fills half of the room.

  The two large windows over the bed are hidden by heavy dark gold drapes. against the wall on your left, pushed into a corner behind the head of the bed, is a large bookcase which is crammed with papers, books, and knick-knacks, wedged in between the bookcase and the wall opposite the bed is a small grey metal desk. it has a brown wooden chair which seems to fill the left end of the room.stuffed under the desk is a wooden wastepaper basket overflowing with paper and debris. the wall above the bookcase and desk is completely taken up with two small posters. on the right hand of the room is a narrow closet with clothes,shoes, hats, tennis racquets, and boxes bulging out of its sliding doors. everytime i walk out of the door, i think, ’now i know what it is like to live in a closet.

  专四英语写作作文 篇4

  When it comes to the choice of career, some people prefer the job with high salary. why?

  Their reasons run as following: to begin with, high salary can bring them happy life; in addition, with high salary, they can do whatever they want.

  But some others prefer to choose a job with promising future. they base their choice on the following reasons: on one hand, a promising job itself means a raise and promotion in the future; on another hand, job with a bright future will bring them honor and sense of pride.

  As for me, if i’m left to make the choice, i’ll not hesitate to choose a promising job. first of all, i appreciate the honor and challenge it brings to me. at the same time, if i work hard, it will offer me a lot of opportunities including high salary, good position, etc.

  专四英语写作作文 篇5

  Now everybody advocates the environmental protection, but also has found out many environmental protection slogans: The protection environment protects us; The destruction environment, destroys our livelihood homeland; The soil cannot regenerate, prevents the soil pollution and the desertification,

  reduces the soil erosion; The environment and the human coexistence, the resource development and the environmental protection are coordinated; The protection water environment, saves the water resources; Acquires the environment consciousness, protects the ecological environment; The use few plastic bags, are friendly to our environment ......Our Earth has one, needs us to protect together. what advantage does the that environmental protection bag have?

  Not only it may use repeatedly, moreover is beneficial to the ecological environment. In the environmental protection bag's design, the many environmental protection warm-hearted public figures provide Hangzhou in abundance the beautiful scene the photographic work, wants to use in the environmental protection bag, the final lotus baby becomes in the environmental protection bag's design. The lotus baby is in bulletin photojournalist Xia Yang pats. In his blog, the net frie

  专四英语写作作文 篇6

  Competition is a common phenomenon in our society . We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. Therefore,we can say that, in a certain sense, competition is one of the motive forces of the development of our modern society.

  It is often believed, that competition and cooperation are in opposition to each other. Some people stress competition, without which, in their eyes, there is no responsibility, no drive and ultimately, no progress. Others advocate cooperation whatever they do. They are of the opinion that the dependence of people on one another has increased, without which the society we live in can not keep going smoothly. In reality, we find that in many cases competition goes hand in hand with cooperation. Lets take a football game for example. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. Otherwise, they would lose the game no matter how skillful each individual player might be. It is clear that competition has much to do with cooperation.

  As far as I’m concerned, I do not agree with the view that competition and cooperation are always in conflict with each other. In my opinion, while advocating competition. We should never forget cooperation. In our social life, cooperation is especially necessary because most work is fulfilled with or through other people. So Ive come to the conclusion that competition are equally important.

  专四英语写作作文 篇7

  Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act.

  He who lies and cheats is dishonest; those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest. Honesty is a good virtue.

  If you are honest all the time,you'll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around.

  Once you lie,people will never believe you even if you speak the truth. However,in the tide of commodity economy today,it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty.

  To them,among such things as health,beauty,money,intelligence,honesty,reputation and talent,honesty is the only thing that can be erased away. They don't understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune human beings own,and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well.

  I think these people are to be pitied. In short,honesty is gold.

  Honest,your reputation will become great; dishonest,your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded. Therefore,we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing.

  We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.

  专四英语写作作文 篇8

  Traveling can be wonderful. It introduces us to new experiences, broadens our minds and helps us relax. However, not everyone likes to travel in the same way. Some people prefer to travel alone so that they can do what they like during their trip without having to worry about anyone else. Others like to have a companion to share the experience with. I am one of the latter, because I believe that traveling with someone has many advantages.

  When I travel with a companion, I have someone with whom to share what I experience. We can talk over the day’s events and discoveries, and this will make them more interesting. In addition, it is often comforting to have a familiar person around when we are in a strange environment. When I am traveling in a foreign country, I may be unable to speak the language or may be confused by the local customs. With a travel companion, I will always have someone to talk and share my feelings with. Finally, a travel companion can make the journey easier and safer. We can help each other to take the journey easier and safer. We can help each other to take care of our bags and get information, as well as keep each other company while waiting in long lines.

  To sum up, I prefer to travel with a companion rather than travel alone. I believe it adds enjoyment and comfort to may trip. And when we return from our journey, my friends and I can share our wonderful memories.

  专四英语写作作文 篇9

  Nowadays,there is no doubt that Korean soap operas arouse great interest among people around us, especially some girl students. Many persons argue that watching

  Korean operas is relaxing and touching, while others hold that we should not spend a lot of time in addicting ourselves in such TV plays.

  Some individuals consider that watching such soap operas should be understood and encouraged. For one thing, many girls often think that the chief actors are very handsome, rich, brave and even sexy, such as Lee Min Ho in "The Heirs" and Kim SooHyun in "You Who Came From the Star". For another,some young audience long for pure and romantic love, which is unrealistic but precious in real life. They got excited and felt awesome when Do Min Joon Xi savedand fell in love with Cheon Song Yi in episode 8.

  In spite of this, quite a few people firmly believe that Korean soap operas are ridiculous and simplistic, in other words, they deem that watching such TV plays is a waste of time and youth.Such people feel that the characters, who were born rich and handsome, are dreamed up and can not be found in real society,so they feel that it is meaningless and even naive to watch the soap operas.

  Taking into all these featuresmentioned above, we can draw a conclusion that

  Korean soap operas have bothpositive and negative effects just as a coin has two sides. From my ownperspective, we can watch them and find the TVcharacters we like, but we have to keep our own identity and tradition.

  专四英语写作作文 篇10

  It is well known that a museum is a building to display a collection of artistic,historical,cultural or military objects. ndoubtedly museums can have a variety of purposes in the city; I think two roles the museums play can illustrate they areworth visiting. Now we talk about how to fund a museum.

  A museum can never be considered as a financial burden to society. I suggest that the Government should invest a small amount of money on advertisements for the museums in the city.

  For example, ads of the museums should be forwarded on the travel brochures or maps of the city.

  Consequently tourists come and admission tickets are collected. Both reputation and funds are earned. Conclusion (23 words) In brief, museums should play a role as an instructive means of the city and incomes from admission can keep them running properly.

  专四英语写作作文 篇11

  The Olympic Games was hold in our country last year.

  “Green and Environment-protecting ” is one of the Three Themes of it. Our government has made a great effort in order to protect the environment, build more green project to keep the ecological balance, push the recycling economy, and protects the water resource.

  As a university student, we should play an active role in the actions aimed at the realization of green and environment-protecting homeland. We will start it from ourselves, our classmates, our friends and other people around us. We can stop cars running through our campus streets. And in the bathrooms, we will never leave the water running on after using. We will never throw things everywhere without thinking, They are wrong. These things are taking place everyday everywhere in our school.

  So, let's begin to act! Don't talk loudly in public places. Turn off the water tap after using it. After washing the clothes, use it to flash the toilet.Go to school by bike or by bus instead of by private car. Save your pocket money and contribute to environmental protection organizations. Collect waste paper or bottles for recycling. Plant more trees and flowers.

  We can start from every little thing around us to truly realize the green campus. Publicize the theme of green and environment-protecting, and let us really reach the “Green and Environment-protecting” goal in our generation. This is the responsibility of everyone who loves life and peace.

  专四英语写作作文 篇12

  Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling What is hot for 20xxin our colleges? It is the spelling mistakes. Countless students lack due attention to spelling. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list, the one may be “challenge”.

  Freshman and sophomore almost write this word as “chanllege”. How careless they are! Why such a phenomenon sweeps every university?

  Some experts attribute it to students' inattention, because students always pay no attention to spelling. However, other experts argue, the teachers should be blamed for this situation. In my opinion, it is far beyond any reasonable doubt that both of them should exert themselves to change the spelling mistakes.

  Confronting with this situation, I maintain that the spreading of the spelling mistakes has extremely negative effects on the education. For one thing, the special age that none of students can spell correctly will come soon. For another, while communicating with foreigners, we will be laughed at the spelling mistakes made by ourselves. As a result, due attention should be given to spelling immediately.

  专四英语写作作文 篇13

  Free Admission To MuseumsRecently, museums in mounting numbers become admission-free to the public both home and abroad. The purpose of this practice is to offer more opportunities for citizens to explore and get easy access to the world of history, culture and knowledge.Although free admission to museums enjoys distinct advantages, it also brings harmful effects. In the first place, these valuable cultural relics displayed may be damaged or destroyed consciously or unconsciously by the crowds. In the second place, it becomes a huge economic burden for museums to run as usual without any profits from the visitors.It is my view that free admission to museums is of utmost significance. For one thing, we should appeal to our authorities to legislate strict laws and regulations to protect these museums. For another, we should cultivate the awareness of people that museums are extremely vital to us humans. It is high time that we attached great importance to our motherlands' splendid and glorious culture of more than five thousand years.

  专四英语写作作文 篇14

  Should Universities Give Priority to Practical Courses for Students?

  Because of the demands in the job market, students with "hot" degrees such as computer science or finance are more likely to get a job than students with a "cold" degree like geography. Some people say that universities should give priority to practical courses for students. But I think that traditional courses are equally important and universities should not give priority to practical courses.

  First, both practical and traditional courses are needed in our country. Students who do well in different courses can help to develop different aspects of our country after their graduation. For example, our society needs not only people who can help to develop economy and technology, but also people who can contribute themselves to literature and education. Second, if universities give priority to practical courses, more students will choose those "hot" degrees. When these students graduate, they will have to fight harder for a job because there will be too many applicants with the same degrees. This will in turn cause an imbalance of supply and demand in the job market.

  In one word, both practical courses and traditional courses are important, and universities should not give priority to either side.

  专四英语写作作文 篇15

  How to Keep Psychologically Healthy?

  Nowadays more and more people are concerned about mental health issue. It is reported that the number of people committing suicide is on the rise. Many of them committed suicide just because of some little frustration such as failing an exam. If they had paid more attention to their mental health, they might not have reacted in such an extreme way.

  How to keep ourselves psychologically healthy? First, we should adjust ourselves to the new conditions. When we go to a university as freshmen, or go to work in a strange city, we may become nervous because everything is so unfamiliar. The only way out is to adjust ourselves to the new conditions and shake off the anxiety quickly. Second, we should know our-selves well and admit that we are just ordinary people. Knowing that ordinary people may not be good at everything, we can easily accept some small failures in our lives. Third, we should try to share our feelings with friends. By doing this, we are assured that any difficulty can be solved since we are not alone.

  It is very important for us to be psychologically healthy, and we should pay more attention to our mental health.










