

时间:2024-08-29 20:48:38 英语单词 我要投稿





  ambipolar diffusion[物]双极扩散

  arc discharge电弧放电, 弧光放电

  avalanche .雪崩v.雪崩

  buffer gas缓冲气体

  candle .蜡烛vt.对着光检查


  charge neutrality电中性区

  chromaticity diagram色度图

  coiled coil卷曲螺旋


  Columnar cell柱状细胞

  compact fluorescent lamp紧凑型荧光灯

  cone cell视锥细胞, 圆锥细胞

  critical angle .[物][空]临界角

  carbon arc lamp炭弧灯

  diffusev.散播, 传播, 漫射, 扩散, (使)慢慢混合adj.散开的, 弥漫的

  diffuse reflection漫反射

  diffuse transmission扩散透射 漫透射 扩散传输

  diffusion .扩散, 传播, 漫射

  double helix二重螺旋线, 双螺旋线

  electroluminescent lamp场致发光灯

  electrode .电极

  electroluminescence . [物]场致发光, 电致发光

  electromagnetic radiation电磁辐射

  electromagnetic wave .[电磁]电磁波


  filament .细丝, 灯丝

  filter .滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器, 筛选

  fluorescent lamp .荧光灯(管),日光灯(管)

  full radiator完全辐射体

  fuse .保险丝, 熔丝v.熔合

  gas incandescent lamp充气白炽灯

  gas-filled lamp充气灯


  glass pinch玻璃封接

  glow discharge辉光放电

  high pressure mercury lamp高压汞灯

  high pressure xenon lamp高压氙灯

  homogeneous light单色光

  illuminance .(=illumination)照明[度], 启发

  Incandescent lamp白炽灯, 白热灯

  incidence .]入射

  incident angle入射角

  inert gas惰性气体

  infrared rayadj.红外线的 .红外线



  lamp cap灯(泡)头 管帽

  lead wire导线

  light intensity光强度

  low pressure discharge低气压放电

  low pressure sodium vapour lamp低气压钠灯

  luminance[计] 亮度

  luminous flux .[物]光通量(其单位为流明lumen)

  luminous intensity发光强度, 照度

  medium .媒体, 方法, 媒介adj.中间的, 中等的, 半生熟的

  mesopic vision过渡视觉 黄昏黎明视觉

  metal halide lamp金属卤化物灯

  metastable states亚稳态


  neon arc lamp氖(弧)灯, 氖光灯, 霓虹灯

  neon lamp .霓虹灯



  photometers .光度计, 曝光计

  photometry .光度测定, 测光法

  photopic vision亮视觉, 白昼视觉

  photosynthesis .光合作用

  positive column正柱区

  primary color原色


  propagation .动植物, 繁殖, (声波, 电磁辐射等)传播

  radial 射线


  radiation flux辐射通量

  radiation power辐射功率

  radio wave .无线电波

  radiometry .辐射线测定


  reflection angle .反射角


  retina . [解]视网膜

  saturated color饱和色

  scattering .散射

  scotopic vision暗[夜, 微光]视觉

  solid angle .[几]立体角, 多面角

  spectral luminous efficiency光谱效率曲线


  spirality .螺旋形

  sputtering 溅射 阴极真空喷镀, 阴极溅镀

  thermal radiation热辐射

  total internal reflection[光]全内反射

  total reflection全反射

  transmission .播送, 发射, 传动, 传送, 传输, 转播

  trichromaticadj.三色的, 三色版的, 三原色的

  tungsten halogen lamp卤钨灯

  ultraviolet radiation .紫外线

  vacuum lamp真空灯

  visible light可见光

  wavelength .[物][无]波长

  Assembly line组装线



  Rivet table拉钉机

  Rivet gun拉钉枪

  Screw driver起子

  Electric screw driver电动起子

  Pneumatic screw driver气动起子

  worktable 工作桌


  fit together组装在一起


  fixture 夹具(治具)



  barcode scanner条码扫描器

  fuse together熔合

  fuse machine热熔机




  supervisor 课长



  cosmetic inspect外观检查

  inner parts inspect内部检查

  thumb screw大头螺丝

  lbs. inch镑、英寸

  EMI gasket导电条

  front plate前板

  rear plate后板

  chassis 基座

  bezel panel面板

  power button电源按键

  reset button重置键

  Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试

  Voltage switch of SPS


  sheet metal parts 冲件

  plastic parts塑胶件


  material check list物料检查表

  work cell工作间




  left fork叉车

  personnel resource department


  production department生产部门

  planning department企划部

  QC Section品管科

  stamping factory冲压厂

  painting factory烤漆厂

  molding factory成型厂

  common equipment常用设备

  uncoiler and straightener整平机

  punching machine 冲床


  hydraulic machine油压机


  planer |'plein|刨床




  linear cutting线切割

  electrical sparkle电火花


  staker=reviting machine铆合机



  general manager总经理

  special assistant manager特助

  factory director厂长

  department director部长

  deputy manager | =vice manager副理

  section supervisor课长

  deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长

  group leader/supervisor组长

  line supervisor线长

  assistant manager助理

  to move, to carry, to handle搬运

  be put in storage入库

  pack packing包装

  to apply oil擦油

  to file burr 锉毛刺

  final inspection终检

  to connect material接料

  to reverse material 翻料

  wet station沾湿台


  cleaning cloth抹布

  to load material上料

  to unload material卸料

  to return material/stock to退料

  scraped |'skrpid|报废

  scrape ..v.刮;削

  deficient purchase来料不良

  manufacture procedure制程

  deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良

  oxidation |' ksi'dein|氧化


  barrel 滚筒(加工) bending 波纹加工

  broaching 拉刀切削 centering 定中心

  cutting 切削 cylindrical lathe cutting 外圆车削

  electric discharge machine 放电加工 electrolytic grinding 电解研磨

  embossing 压花加工 facing 面车削

  filing 锉刀修润 hand finishing 手工修润

  hemming 卷边加工 hobbing 滚齿加工

  joggling 摇动加工 lapping 抛光/研磨修润

  laser beam machining 雷射加工 lathe cutting 车床车削

  planning 刨削加工 polishing 抛亮光

  reaming 铰孔修润 rough machining 粗切削

  rounding 圆形加工 sawing 锯削

  scaling 清除钢碇缺陷 shaping 成形加工

  skiving 表面研磨 slotting 切缝切削

  taper turning 锥度车削 thread cutting 螺纹切削

  ultrasonic machining 超音波加工 up cut milling 逆铣加工

  barrel 滚筒(加工) bending 波纹加工

  broaching 拉刀切削 centering 定中心

  cutting 切削 cylindrical lathe cutting 外圆车削

  electric discharge machine 放电加工 electrolytic grinding 电解研磨

  embossing 压花加工 facing 面车削

  filing 锉刀修润 hand finishing 手工修润

  hemming 卷边加工 hobbing 滚齿加工

  joggling 摇动加工 lapping 抛光/研磨修润

  laser beam machining 雷射加工 lathe cutting 车床车削

  planning 刨削加工 polishing 抛亮光

  reaming 铰孔修润 rough machining 粗切削

  rounding 圆形加工 sawing 锯削

  scaling 清除钢碇缺陷 shaping 成形加工

  skiving 表面研磨 slotting 切缝切削

  taper turning 锥度车削 thread cutting 螺纹切削

  ultrasonic machining 超音波加工 up cut milling 逆铣加工



  deburring punch压毛边冲子

  groove punch压线冲子

  stamped punch字模冲子

  round punch圆冲子

  special shape punch异形冲子

  bending block折刀


  baffle plate挡块

  located block定位块

  supporting block for location


  air cushion plate气垫板

  air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆

  trimming punch切边冲子

  stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子

  ribbon punch压筋冲子

  reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子

  guide plate定位板

  sliding block滑块

  sliding dowel block滑块固定块

  active plate活动板

  lower sliding plate下滑块板

  upper holder block上压块

  upper mid plate上中间板

  spring box弹簧箱

  spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆

  spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板

  bushing bolck衬套

  cover plate盖板

  guide pad导料块

  die 模具

  figure file, chart file图档

  cutting die, blanking die冲裁模

  progressive die, follow (-on)die


  compound die复合模

  punched hole冲孔

  panel board镶块

  to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边

  to bending折弯

  to pull, to stretch拉伸

  Line streching, line pulling线拉伸

  engraving, to engrave刻印

  upsiding down edges翻边

  to stake铆合

  designing, to design设计

  design modification设计变化

  die block模块

  folded block折弯块

  sliding block滑块

  location pin定位销

  lifting pin顶料销

  die plate, front board模板

  padding block垫块

  stepping bar垫条

  upper die base上模座

  lower die base下模座

  upper supporting blank上承板

  upper padding plate blank上垫板

  spare dies模具备品

  spring 弹簧


  document folder文件夹

  file folder资料夹

  to put file in order整理资料

  spare tools location手工备品仓

  first count初盘人

  first check初盘复棹人

  second count 复盘人

  second check复盘复核人


  waste materials废料

  work in progress product在制品

  casing = containerazation装箱

  quantity of physical invetory second count 复盘点数量

  quantity of customs count


  the first page第一联

  filed by accounting department for reference会计部存查

  end-user/using unit(department)使用单位

  summary of year-end physical inventory bills


  bill name单据名称

  This sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to accounting

  department together (Those of NHK will be sent to financial



  Application status records of year-end physical inventory List and

  physical inventory card 年终盘点卡与清册使用-状况明细表

  blank and waste sheet NO.




  material for engineering mold testing工程试模材料

  not included in physical inventory不列入盘点


  incoming material to be inspected进货待验


  steel/rolled steel钢材

  material statistics sheet


  meeting minutes会议记录

  meeting type 会别

  distribution department分发单位



  present members出席人员



  decision items决议事项

  responsible department负责单位

  pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日

  approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办

  PCE assembly production schedule sheet



  work order工令



  production control confirmation生产确认

  checked by初审

  approved by核准


  alloy tool steel 合金工具钢 aluminium alloy 铝合金钢

  bearing alloy 轴承合金 blister steel 浸碳钢

  bonderized steel sheet 邦德防蚀钢板 carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢

  clad sheet 被覆板 clod work die steel 冷锻模用钢

  emery 金钢砂 ferrostatic pressure 钢铁水静压力

  forging die steel 锻造模用钢 galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁板

  hard alloy steel 超硬合金钢 high speed tool steel 高速度工具钢

  hot work die steel 热锻模用钢 low alloy tool steel 特殊工具钢

  low manganese casting steel 低锰铸钢 marging steel 马式体高强度热处理钢

  martrix alloy 马特里斯合金 meehanite cast iron 米汉纳铸钢

  meehanite metal 米汉纳铁 merchant iron 市售钢材

  molybdenum high speed steel 钼系高速钢 molybdenum steel 钼钢

  nickel chromium steel 镍铬钢 prehardened steel 顶硬钢

  silicon steel sheet 矽钢板 stainless steel 不锈钢

  tin plated steel sheet 镀锡铁板 tough pitch copper 韧铜

  troostite 吐粒散铁 tungsten steel ?钢

  vinyl tapped steel sheet 塑胶覆面钢板

  adjustable spanner 活动扳手 angle cutter 角铣刀

  anvil 铁? arbour 心轴

  backing 衬垫 belt sander 带式打磨机

  buffing 抛光 chamfering machine 倒角机

  chamfering tool 去角刀具 chisel 扁錾

  chuck 夹具 compass 两角规

  concave cutter 凹面铣刀 convex cutter 凸形铣刀

  cross joint 十字接头 cutting edge clearance 刃口余隙角

  drill stand 钻台 edge file 刃用锉刀

  file 锉刀 flange joint 凸缘接头

  grinder 砂轮机 hammer 铁锤

  hand brace 手摇钻 hatching 剖面线

  hexagon headed bolt 六角头螺栓 hexagon nut 六角螺帽

  index head 分度头 jack 千斤顶

  jig 治具 kit 工具箱

  lapping 研磨 metal saw 金工锯

  nose angle 刀角 pinchers 钳子

  pliers 铗钳 plug 柱塞头

  polisher 磨光器 protable driller 手提钻孔机

  punch 冲头 sand paper 砂纸

  scraper 刮刀 screw driver 螺丝起子

  scribing 划线 second out file 中纹锉

  spanner 扳手 spline broach 方栓槽拉刀

  square 直角尺 square sleeker 方形镘刀

  square trowel 直角度 stripping 剥离工具

  T-slot T形槽 tool for lathe 车刀

  tool point angle 刀刃角 tool post 刀架

  tosecan 划线盘 trimming 去毛边

  waffle die flattening 压纹效平 wiper 脱模钳

  wrench 螺旋扳手

  Applicable medium 适用介质

  Applicable temperature 适用温度

  Butt Clamp 对夹

  Chemical analysis 化学成份

  Connecting format 连接形式

  Double disc 双闸板

  Flexible disc 弹性闸板

  Flange 法兰 Hoop 卡箍

  Inside thread 内螺纹

  Jacket 夹套

  Mains 电源

  Material chemical analysis and mechanical capacity材料化学成份和机械性能

  materials 材料 Materials for main parts 主要零件材料

  Mechanical capacity 机械性能

  Max. Discharging Capacity 最大排水量

  Max. Operating Temperature 最高工作温度

  Max. Allowable Temperature 最高允许温度

  Max. Allowable Pressure 最高允许压力

  Model 型号

  Name of parts 零件名称

  nitrogen (N) 氮

  Nominal bore 公称通径

  Nominal Pressure 公称压力

  Nozzle 排气口

  Outside thread 外螺纹

  Oxidant 氧化性介质

  Parallel 平行

  Piping 管路

  Piston 活塞

  Reductant 还原性介质

  Rising stem 明杆

  Seal 阀座,密封面

  Seat testing pressure 压力气密封试验压力

  Socket 卡套

  Specifications 性能规范

  Single disc 单闸板

  Solid 刚性

  Strengh testing pressure 强度试验压力

  Steam , condensate 蒸汽,凝结水

  Stroke 冲程,行程

  Water,oil,steam 水,温度,气

  Wedge 楔式 Welding 焊接

  Axis Guide 轴套

  Ball 球、球芯

  Ball seat 密封圈

  Blowdown Sealing Face 启、阀件密封面

  Body 阀体

  Bonnet 阀盖

  Disc 阀瓣

  Mut 螺母

  Screw 螺栓

  Sealing 密封件

  Spring 弹簧

  Stem 阀杆

  Stem Mut 阀杆螺母

  Stem seal 填料

  Wedge Disc 闸板

  Air valves 空气阀门

  Angle Stop valves 角式截止阀

  Angle Throttle Valves 角式节流阀

  Angle Type Globe Valves 门角式截止阀

  Ash valves 排灰阀

  Aspirating valves 吸(抽)气阀

  Auxiliary valves 辅助(副)阀

  Balance valves 平衡阀

  Bellows valves 波纹管阀

  Blowdown valves 泄料(放空,排污)阀

  Brake valves 制动阀

  Butterfly Type Non-slam Check 蝶式缓冲止回阀

  Butterfly Valves with Gear Actuator 蜗轮传动蝶阀

  Buttwelding valves 对焊连接阀

  Clamp valves 对夹式阀门

  Cock 二通

  Combination valves 组合阀

  CQ Thread Ball Valves CQ螺纹球阀

  Culvert valves 地下管道阀

  Deceleration valves 减速阀

  Diaphragm Valves 隔膜阀

  Decompression valves 泄压阀

  Double Disc Flat Gate Valves 双闸板平板闸阀

  Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves明杆平行式双闸板闸板

  Double Opening Exhaust Valves 双口排气球

  Drainage valves 排水阀

  Electric Actuated Stop Valves 电动截止阀

  Electric Actuated Wedge Gate Valves电动楔式闸阀

  Electric Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves电动平行式双闸板闸板

  Emergeny Cut-off Valves 紧急切断阀

  Exhaust valves 排气阀

  Free Float Type Steam Trap 浮球式疏水阀

  Flange Ball Valves 法兰球阀

  Flange Gate Valves 法兰闸阀

  Flange Globe Valves 法兰截止阀

  Gauge Valves 仪表阀

  Hand-operated valves 手动阀

  Hard Seal Butterfly Valves 金属密封碟阀

  High Temperature Pressure Power Station Gate Valves 高温高压电站闸阀

  High Temperature Pressure Power Station Globe Valves 高温高压电站截止阀

  Hydraulic relay valves 液压继动阀

  Lift Check Valves 升降式止回阀

  Lift Check Valves 升降式止回阀

  Limit valves 限位阀

  Lining Ball Valves 衬里球阀

  Lining Butterfly Valves 衬里碟阀

  Lining Check Valves 衬里止回阀

  Lining Cock 衬里二通

  Lining Globe Valves 衬里截止阀

  Lining T-Cock Valves 衬里三通旋塞阀

  Liquid Indicator 液位计

  LPG Pipe Fitting 液化气管件

  Magnetic Co-operate Globe Valves磁耦合截止阀

  Magnetism Forle Pumps 磁力泵

  Manual Oil Pumps Valves 手摇油泵(阀)

  Meter Needle Type Globe Valves 仪表针形截止阀

  Oblique Stop Valves 直流式截止阀

  Parallel Slide Valves 浆液阀

  Pintle valve 针形阀

  Piping Centrifugal Pumps 管道离心泵

  Plunger valves 柱塞阀

  Pressure valve 压力(増压)阀

  Piping Pumps 管道泵

  Piping Safety Valves 管道安全阀

  Plunger Globe Valves 柱塞截止阀

  Quick Draining Valves 快速排污阀

  Restrictor Valves 过流阀(或节流阀)

  Safety Valves 安全阀

  Screw Pumps 螺杆泵

  Scum Gate Valves 排渣闸阀

  Solenoid valves 电磁阀

  Single Disc Flat Gate Valves 单闸板平板闸阀

  Single Opening Exhaust Valves 单口排气球

  Slurry Pumps 泥浆泵

  Stop Valves 截止阀

  Strainer 过滤器

  Submerged Motor Pumps 潜水电泵(排污泵)

  Swing Check Valves 旋启式止回阀

  Swing Check Valves 旋启式止回阀

  Tank Lorry Ball Valves 槽车球阀

  T-Cock 三通

  Thin Gate Valves 薄型闸阀

  Throttle Valves 节流阀

  Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves 微阻缓闭止回阀

  Triple (tee) valves 三通阀

  Two-way valves 二通阀

  Under Water Pumps 液下泵

  Vacuum Pumps 水力喷射器(真空泵)

  Vertical Lift Check Valves 立式止回阀

  Wafer Check Valves 对夹式止回阀

  Wafer plate valves 对夹蝶板阀

  Wafer Type Butterfly Valves with Rubber Itning对夹式衬胶蝶阀

  Waste Valves 排污箱(阀)

  Water Seal Gate Valves 水封闸阀

  Wedge Gate Valves 楔式闸阀

  Y Type and Cylinder Filters Y型筒型过滤器


  二冲程发动机 two stroke engine

  四冲程发动机 four stroke engine

  水冷发动机 water cooled engine

  风冷发动机 air cooled engine

  上止点 (UDP) upper dead point

  下止点 (LDP) lower dead point

  活塞行程 stroke

  汽缸直径 bore

  工作容积 working volume

  排量 swept volume, displacement

  进气行程 intake stroke

  压缩行程 compression stroke

  压缩比 compression ratio

  做功行程 working stroke

  爆燃,敲缸 detonation, knock

  排气行程 exhaust stroke

  示功图 indicating diagram

  汽缸体 cylinder block

  汽缸盖 cylinder head

  油底壳 oil sump

  活塞 piston

  连杆 connecting rod

  曲轴 crankshaft

  飞轮 flywheel

  进气门 intake valve

  排气门 exhaust valve

  挺柱 tappet

  推杆 push rod

  摇臂 rocker

  凸轮轴 camshaft

  正时齿轮 timing gear

  燃油箱 fuel tank

  燃油泵 fuel pump

  汽油滤清器 gasoline filter

  化油器 carburetor

  空气滤清器 air cleaner

  进气管 intake manifold

  排气管 exhaust manifold

  火花塞 spark plug

  点火线圈 ignition coil

  断电器 breaker

  蓄电池 storage battery

  发电机 generator

  水泵 water pump

  散热器 radiator

  风扇 fan

  放水阀 drain valve

  水套 water jacket

  分水管 distributive pipe

  机油泵 oil pump

  集滤器 suction filter

  限压阀 relief valve

  润滑油道 oil passage

  机油滤清器 oil filter

  机油冷却器 oil cooler

  起动机 starting motor

  有效功率 effective power

  有效转矩 effective torque

  燃油消耗率 specific fuel consumption

  发动机转速特性 engine speed characteristic

  节气门开度 throttle percentage

  部分特性 partial characteristic

  外特性 outer characteristic

  汽缸套 cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner

  发动机支承 engine mounting

  活塞顶 piston top

  活塞头部 piston head

  活塞裙 piston skirt

  开槽 slot

  活塞环 piston ring

  气环 compression ring

  油环 oil ring

  环槽 groove

  活塞销 piston pin

  主轴承 main bearing

  主轴承盖 main bearing cap

  主轴瓦 main shell

  连杆轴承 big end bearing

  连杆盖 big end cap

  起动爪 cranking claw

  带轮 pulley

  平衡重 counter weight

  发火顺序 firing order

  扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper

  顶置气门 (OHV) Over Head Valve

  顶置凸轮轴 (OHC) Over Head Camshaft

  单顶置凸轮轴 (SOHC) Single Over HeadCamshaft

  双顶置凸轮轴 (DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft

  多气门发动机 multi-valve engine

  气门间隙 valve clearance

  配气相位 timing phase

  气门杆 valve stem

  气门座 valve seat

  气门导管 valve guide

  气门弹簧 valve spring

  可燃混合气 combustion mixture

  消声器 silencer, muffler

  汽油 gasoline, petrol

  分馏 distil

  蒸发性 evaporating property

  热值 heat value

  抗爆性 anti-knock property

  辛烷值 (RON) Research Octane Number

  过量空气系数 coefficient of excessive air

  理论混合气 theoretical mixture

  稀混合气 thin mixture

  浓混合气 thick mixture

  主供油系统 main supply system

  怠速系统 idle system

  加浓系统 thickening system

  加速系统 accelerating system

  浮子 float

  浮子室 float chamber

  针阀 needle valve

  量孔 metering jet

  阻风门 choke

  滤芯 filter cartridge

  沉淀杯 sediment cup

  泵膜 pump diaphragm

  油浴式 oil bath type

  预热 pre-heating

  汽油直接喷射 gasoline direct injection

  电控 electronic control

  多点喷射 muti-point injection

  单点喷射 single point injection

  电路控制 circuit control

  分电器信号 distributor signal

  空气流量信号 airflow signal

  冷却水温信号 water temperature signal

  输油泵 transfer pump

  喷油泵 fuel injection pump

  高压油管 high pressure fuel pipe

  发火性 ignition property









