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A lazy youth, a lousy age.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017年大学英语六级写作练习题目,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!
part 1
You should write a short essay entitled On the Importance era Name.
On the Importance of a Name
Sometimes people ponder for months just to think of a good name for their children or for their businesses. Does a nice name really promise a glorious future? People's opinions differ greatly over this issue.
Some believe a name is no more than a Sign. It serves its purpose perfectly as long as it is used conveniently by others. However, others argue that a name has a magic power as to alter people's impression on and attitude towards the named. One compelling argument involves the renaming of some Chinese Laozihao (old domestic brands). Facing the would-be increasingly bleak business situation last year, six Chinese old brands decided to give themselves new English names. Compared with their old English names, the new ones have given prominence to the history of the brands. Therefore, with a new international appearance, the traditional brands have made themselves more popular with customers both at home and abroad.
As far as I'm concerned, to a certain degree, a name does create a vivid image in people's mind, resulting either in fondness or dislike. Thus, people should always be serious at choosing names.
part 2
cet6六级级作文范文:some people like to buy books to read , other people like to borrow books from libraries or from other people .which do you prefer ?许多人喜欢买书看,还有人喜欢借书看.你了?
some people like to buy books to read , other people like to borrow books from libraries or from other people .which do you prefer ?
i like reading books . i not only buy books but also borrow book s from libr aries and from other people . over the years , this has become a habit . t his habit of mine is built upon the famou s saying“ some books ar e to be tasted , othe rs to be swallowed , and some few to be chewed and digested .”
every time i go to the book store , i will buy some books like dictiona ries , refer ence books which are of pr agmatic use and classical liter ary wor ks which are to be chewed and digested . unlike some people who buy books just for the purpose of filling their shelves and s howing other s how learned they are , my purpose is simple and practical — reading . moreover , the book s i want to keep ar e usually too expensive and i can afford only a few volumes .
from libr aries i bor row books tha t a re to be swallowed , because, on the one hand , libr ary books ar e not allowed to keep a long time ; and on the othe r hand , the libra ry is a sea of book s and i think i have to do s peed- reading , that is , to swallow as many as i can .
i also borrow books f rom f riends , especially new ar rivals . i just want to have a taste . if the taste is good , then i will go and buy them to add to my stor e . if not , well , just for a taste .
in short , i don’t mind wher e i can get books , but books a re always my sour ce of knowledge and wisdom
·my pr eference
* buy book s and bor row books
* the famous saying
· buy book s to be chewed and digested
· bor row books to be swallowed
· bor row books to be tasted
conclu sion
本文是一篇议论文。文中就买书看和借书看的问题进行议论并表达自己的观点和做法。本文第一段中作者就亮出自己的意见, 并在段尾引用一句名言开启下文, 阐明买书看和借书看的理由。最后一段结束段呼应第一段开头。
“ some books a re to be tasted , other s to be swallowed , and some few to be chewed and digested .”“有些书只是品尝, 有些则快读浏览, 而少数一些书必须细品和消化。”
( be ) of pr agmatic use 有实用性
classical lite rary works 经典文学作品
for the purpose of . . . 为了
fill their shelves 填满书架
learned a . 有学问的'
volume n . 卷 , 册
a sea of books 书的海洋
speed-r eading 快读
new a r rivals 新书
add to my stor e 增加储藏
wisdom n . 智慧