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  cet6六级级作文范文:what is your view towards lottery games ?你对彩 票游戏的看法

  nowadays a fashionable st reet scene is the buying and selling of lot tery tickets . people crowd around either in front of big buildings or at str eet corners , purchasing coupon s of various kinds , such as those of social welfar e, spor ts industry and football games .

  investigations made among those“ lottery citizens”show that they do it for differ ent purposes . some say that they play the game just for fun , others insist that they want to sponsor a thletic development , still some others simply decide to try their luck .

  howeve r , i believe the aim behind the game , if fully exposed , is to make easy money , as it is said the prize winner can get millions of yuan in an instant , which is obviously gr eat temptation . in my mind , lottery is much the same as gambling in nature and it cer tainly brings more negative effects than positive effects , if any .

  fir st , the ove rwhelming majority , being misled by earning-quick-buck mentality , ar e impatient and imp ulsive to put their time and money into wrong investment . secondly , not a few people, being indulged in lot tery , lose not only initiative for work but also interest in life .

  thirdly , some individuals , having gambled away all their money , may commit crimes .

  four thly , young people, par ticular ly students ( even pupils) may step by step become addicted to lott ery and finally leave their studies .

  i think the cliché“reaping what one sows”is still applicable today and“sowing”takes time and ha rd work . to have instant reaping is definitely one’s wishful thinking . last of all , since gambling and lot tery both mean risking money on luck , why the former is forbidden by law and the latt er is so much encour aged ?


  · 购售名目繁多的彩 票比比皆是

  · 彩民们的表层和深层目的

  · 彩 票游戏的负面影响

  * 错误投资

  * 无心工作, 生活兴趣索然

  * 导致犯罪

  * 嗜彩成性

  · 不劳而获, 希望成泡影

  · 问题质疑



  本文是一篇议论文。文章以“ 购彩 票——— 时尚街景”为引言, 继而揭示了购彩 票的真正目的, 接着作者就此发表议论, 列举购买彩 票的负面影响, 最终对这一活动提出质疑。文中, 作者认为购彩 票中奖其性质类似赌博, 这一看法虽似偏激, 但却击中要害,



  lotte ry games  彩 票游戏

  st reet scene 街景

  coupons of va riou s kinds 各种彩 票

  social welfare 社会福利

  investigation n . 调查

  lotte ry citizens 彩民

  sponsor athletic development 资助体育事业的发展

  try one’s luck 碰运气

  the aim behind the game 游戏背后的目的

  expose v . 揭露

  temptation n . 诱惑

  in natur e 性质上

  ove rwhelming majority 绝大多数

  mislead v . 误导

  ea rning-quick-buck mentality 迅速赚钱的思想

  impulsive a . 冲动的

  initiative n . 积极性

  gamble away 赌光

  become addicted to 成瘾

  reaping what one sows 种什么收什么

  wishful thinking 如意算盘










