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  May I be strenuous, energetic and persevering !May I be patient! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others! May I ever keep a promise given!以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017年英语六级听力新题型冲刺练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!


  Questions 13 to 15 are based on the passageyou have just heard.


  A.20% adults are infected with HIV in Botswana.

  B.There aren't aggressive AIDS preventioncampaigns.

  C.Botswana's HIV infected rate still remains high.

  D.People in Botswana suffer from shortages of vitamins.


  A.The combination of vitamin and mineral can help patients with HIV.

  B.The multivitamins would help strengthen the immune system.

  C.Vitamins help the body absorb mineral and keep it healthy.

  D.HIV weakens the body's natural defenses for fighting disease.


  A.It is free of charge to the people with low income.

  B.It changes HIV infection in the long run.

  C.It slows rapidly the HIV disease progression.

  D.It can't take the place of anti-retroviral drugs.

  Passage Two

  Patients with HIV often develop shortages ofvitamins in the body. Researchers examined whethergiving these patients a multivitamin with a mineralsupplement helps to improve the body's naturaldefenses in fighting disease.

  For 30 years, AIDS has been a major health problem in some African countries south of theSahara Desert. (13) In Botswana, one of every four adults is infected with HIV. Yet the countryalso has aggressive AIDS, prevention campaigns. That is why Professor Marianna Baumdecided to carry out her research on HIV and vitamins there.

  Professor Baum studied almost 900 newly infected adults in Botswana who had not yet beengiven anti-AIDS drugs that target HIV. The adults were divided into groups. Each group gotdifferent combinations of vitamins B, C, E, and the mineral selenium, or a placebo.

  Most patients with HIV do not have enough vitamins. (14) Profess Baum says she thought themultivitamins by themselves or the mineral selenium by itself would help strengthen theimmune system. She was wrong.

  (14) "We were surprised to find that only the combination was effective." Studies show thatwhen people with HIV begin taking anti-retroviral drugs shortly after infection, they can stayhealthy and are less likely to pass the virus to their sexual partners. But many patients do nothave enough money to pay for treatment.

  Professor Baum says the vitamin and mineral therapy combination should help people in low-income countries better control the virus.

  "A simple multivitamin supplementation with selenium provided early in HIV disease can actuallyslow the HIV disease progression, and it should be provided very early in HIV infection."

  (15) She says the vitamin therapy should not replace anti-retroviral drugs, but it can helppeople who cannot get those medicines.

  13. Why did Professor Marianna Baum decide to carry out her research in Botswana?

  14. What did Professor Marianna Baum find out about vitamins and HIV?

  15. According to Professor Marianna Baum, what do we know about the vitamintherapy?








  问题13 玛丽安娜·鲍姆教授为什么决定在博茨瓦纳进行研究?

  问题14 关于维生素与HIV的关系,玛丽安娜·鲍姆教授发现了什么?

  问题15 根据玛丽安娜·鲍姆教授,我们对维生素疗法了解了什么?






  【小题13】短文提到 Botswana 时,介绍那里每四个成年人就有一个是艾滋病毒携带者,然而该国也有积极有力的艾滋病预防项目。选项 C 符合原文,故选 C。

  【小题14】短文中提到,Baum 教授说她原来认为多种维生素或是砸自身都能增强免疫力,但是她错了。下文继续强调只有多种维生素和矿物质的组合才有效,故选 A。

  【小题15】短文最后转述了 Baum 教授的观点,维生素疗法不能替代抗逆转录病毒药物,却能帮助那些无法得到这些药物的病人。选项 D 符合原文,故选 D。









