Success has many friends. 成功者朋友多。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017年英语六级听力短文模拟练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!
Questions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A.Ask questions frequently.
B.Speak very loudly.
C.Limit the speech to 15 minutes.
D.Vary tone, volume, and speed of speech.
A.Depend on microphones.
B.Avoid shouting.
C.Choose small rooms.
D.Keep volume stable.
A.Make a pause.
B.Lower register.
C.Vary pitch.
D.Slower pace.
A.To practice speaking slowly.
B.To learn to adjust their tones.
C.To evaluate their own voices.
D.To record their voices for the speaker to evaluate.
Passage One
(9) There are three main elements that combine tocreate either a positive or negative experience forlisteners. They can result in a voice that is pleasingto listen to and can be used effectively. Or they cancreate a voice that doesn't hold attention, or evenworse, causes an adverse reaction. The three elements are volume, pitch, and pace. Whenevaluating volume, keep in mind that a good speaker will adjust to the size of both the roomand the audience. Of course, with an amplifying device like a microphone, the speaker can usea natural tone. (10) But speakers should not be dependent on microphones; a good speakercan speak loudly without shouting. The second element, pitch, is related to the highness orlowness of the sounds. High pitches are, for most people, more difficult to listen to, so ingeneral speakers should use the lower registers of their voice. During a presentation, it'simportant to vary pitch to some extent in order to maintain interest. The third element, pace,that is how fast or slow words and sounds are articulated, should also be varied. A slower pacecan be used to emphasize important points. Note that the time spent not speaking can bemeaningful, too. (11) Pauses ought to be used to signal transitions or create anticipation.Because a pause gives the listeners time to think about what was just said or even to predictwhat might come next, it can be very effective when moving from one topic to another. I'd likeyou to watch and listen to a video tape and use the forms I gave you to rate the speakingvoices you hear. (12) Then tonight I want you to go home and read a passage into a tape-recorder and evaluate your own voice.
9. What are the three elements that work together to create experience for listeners?
10. What is recommended by the speaker in terms of volume?
11. What should a speaker do to indicate that the topic is about to change?
12. Why did the speaker ask the listeners to read a passage into a tape-recorder?
有三个主要的因素结合在一起决定着听众正面或负面的体验。它们联合作用可能让声音听起来悦耳,并起到应有的效果。但也可能使声音被别人充耳不 闻,甚至造成负面的效果。这三个要素就是音量、音调和语速。在对音量进行评估时,要记住,一个好的演讲者会根据房间大小和听众人数两个因素来对音量进行调 节。当然,如果使用了像麦克风一样的放大工具,说话者可以使用自然音量。但是演讲者不应该对麦克风形成依赖,好的演讲者可以不用喊就发出洪亮的声音。第二 个因素,音调,和声音的高低有关。大部分人不喜欢听到高音,所以一般演讲者应该使用较低的音域。在演讲当中,很重要的一点是使音调在一定程度上波动,这样 可以维持听众的兴趣。第三个要素是语速,也就是词语和声音的发音速度。语速也应当进行变化。慢语速一般用于强调重点。还要注意,停顿也很有意义。停顿应该 用来表示过渡或者制造预期。因为停顿可以给予听众时间思考说话人刚刚说过的内容和预测下面会接着讲的内容。这在转换话题时十分有效。我想让你们观看并听一 段录像带,你们用我给你们的表格给听到的声音打分。今天晚上回家后我希望你们对着录音机读一段文章,然后评价一下自己的声音。
问题9 哪三个要素一起决定着听众的听觉体验?
问题10 关于音量,演讲者提出了什么建议?
问题11 演讲者转换话题时应该给出怎样的暗示?
问题12 为什么演讲者让听众读一段文章并用录音机录音?
【小题9】短文开头部分提到,三个主要的因素结合在一起决定听众正面或负面的体验,随后说话者指出,音量、音调和语速就是这三个要素,故选 D。
【小题10】说话者谈论音量时提到:一个好的演讲者会根据房间的大小和听众的多少调节音量;演讲者不应该依赖麦克风,好的演讲者可以大声说话,而不是喊叫。 可知只有选项 B “避免喊叫”符合教授关于音量问题的建议,故选 B。
【小题11】说话者提到语速问题的时候说,停顿可以用来表示过渡或者制造预期,因为停顿可以给予听众思考说话人刚刚说过的内容或者预测下面会接 着讲什么。短文中的 signal transitions 与问题中的 indicatethat the topic is about to change 同义,故选 A。
【小题12】短文最后一句提到了磁带录音机,该句中说话者希望听众回家录一段朗读文章并评估一下自己的声音。选项 C 与原文相符,故选 C。