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  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 1

  There is a famous saying goes like that “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” This saying shows the relationship between knowledge and practice vividly.

  As far as we know, if we don’t have corresponding knowledge of some fields, we cannot do well in the fields. There are innumerable examples to illustrate this point. For instance, a singer can sing well only if he or she possesses musical knowledge; a dancer can dance well only if he or she knows how to dance; a worker can get the job well-done only if he or she is familiar with the basic principles of the job, and so on. But in turn, if we do not apply what we have known to practice, knowledge cannot play its role. For example, if we have learned different methods of cooking vegetables, but we do not cook, then the different methods of cooking vegetables do not produce value for us.

  Therefore, if we do not have knowledge, we have nothing to practice, but if we have knowledge without putting it into practice, knowledge is of no avail. So we should acquire as much knowledge and put it into practice.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 2

  As is known to all, knowledge is power, which can be acquired from lots of sources. we could gain it from books, TV, radio and so on, but we have little chance to undergo in daily life. Thus, the practice is the key to the knowledge. If it is not put into use, knowledge remains theoretical and useless.

  Take my personal experience for example, l love swimming very much from my childhood, but I have an innate to fear water. So I just learned about so many theoretical swimming skills from the book and television   while I never jump into the water to practice. Until my father forced me to proved myself, I realized that the practice is of great importance.Some people are unwilling to attempt to do something, as they are afraid of making a mistake.As a matter of fact, I deem that making errors is the best method to learn.

  What’s more, if we want to get some new progress, it is essential to go into action. At last, one can put the thoughts and insights obtained through learning books into practical experience, letting an already meaningful experience more practical. Therefore, that is why I’m convinced that knowledge gained from practical experience is more significant than that obtained from reading books.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 3

  The cartoon given above tells us that there are two persons who are arguing with each other about the importance of book Knowledge and experience. In fact, knowledge can be acquired from many sources. These include reading books, classroom activities and practice.

  The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in our daily life. First of all, we can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books. Second, we can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Last but not least, we can shuttle between the past and the future by reading books. In this way, we wont repeat the mistakes of others.

  Practice, on the other hand, offers us more useful knowledge. In fact, as we all know failure is the mother of success. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act. Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 4

  Science and technology, like air and water, are diffused to reveal every pore and cell of the skin of the society. It is inestimable to the material and nonmaterial effects of human civilization.

  Science belongs to all human beings. All peace loving people, only to master the knowledge of science, a conquest of nature can be cemented in great force, promote social progress.

  When I was bored at home, I suddenly remembered to learn. Finch painted eggs. I put the egg on the table, but how the painting was not like, I could not sit, I threw the pen on the table. "Grunting..." The egg was hit by a pen and rolled up. I was busy with my hands. I didnt catch it, but I lost my focus. One hand pressed on the head of the egg, and the other side of the egg just stood on the ground. "Miracles, miracles!" I screamed, "eggs, the eggs are not broken!" When I was excited, I was in a deep thought: if the eggs were broken gently, why didnt the egg break?

  In order to clarify this issue, I got into the physical books, but the book is not this type of problem explanation. I ran to my grandfather, and my grandfather just smiled and said, "think again, what is the principle that can be used to explain this phenomenon?" A principle flashes in my mind! In order to prove my judgment, I made the experiment. I carefully put one end of the egg on the horizontal table with my hand, a piece of wood on the other end of the egg and a brick on the board. One, two, three... The miracle appeared: an egg held up a few bricks without breaking up!

  "Success!" I jumped with joy. It turns out that this is the principle of balance force. If the two forces added to the egg satisfy the necessary conditions of the four equilibrium forces of "the same body", "equal value", "reverse" and "collinear", then an egg can lift up thousands of pounds of heavy objects in the "ideal" situation. "The weight of a kilo!" My brain is flashing this pronoun, "right!" That might be possible! " So I took an egg and pinched the two ends of the egg with two fingers. I worked hard. I laughed the same miracle, the same principle, but this experiment is simpler and easier to understand than the last time.

  This time let me understand that science is everywhere, so long as we watch out, observe carefully and practice it carefully, we will understand the truth.

  Edison invented the electric lamp and made more than 1500 experiments, but he didnt find anything suitable for making the filament. He laughed at him and said, "Mr. Edison, you have failed more than 1500 times. "No, I didnt fail," Edison replied. "My achievement is to find more than 1500 kinds of materials that are not suitable for lighting the lights." How many people ridicule, how many people would like to use? It is true that people in general should not accept such cruel reality, and todays society is lack of such a spirit. Pavlov once said that science needs the whole life of a man. So it is necessary to practice and perseverance. The creation of new and unusual discoveries from the practice of small things makes our life more and more beautiful.

  Science is everywhere, innovation comes from science, and science needs practice.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 5

  Social Practice of College Students

  Nowadays many universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities.

  During the holidays, more and more students choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike.

  It’s obvious that social practice is playing a more and more important role in China’s college education.

  Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice.

  Above all, they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside the campus.

  Moreover, in social practice activities, students can apply their knowledge to the solution tothe practical problems.

  So their practical skills are improved greatly.

  Besides, social practice helps strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility.

  Considering the above-mentioned, I think, it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice.

  However, social practice may bring some problems.

  For example, some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study.

  Therefore, we should try to balance the relationship between social practice and study.

  High school students of today participate in lots of out – of – class activities As we can see from the pictures, some students go to factories, the countryside and the army to experience the colorful life of workers, farmers and soldiers.

  In factories they make parts for machines under the supervision of the workers.

  They live and work together with farmers, helping them with planting, cultivating and harvesting.

  They have military drill in the army, learning shooting and marching.

  By taking part in all these activities, students can widen their horizon.

  They get to understand the life out of school which is unfamiliar to them.

  They can also gain knowledge that is never taught in class or obtained (or: learned ) from books.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 6

  Social practice has been more and more popular in universities and colleges. Students are asked to enter society and get some idea of it.

  Surely social practice has many advantages. Firstly, social practice can offer students a chance to contact society and meet different kinds of people. In this way students can gain some valuable social experience, which will be useful to their future career. Secondly, students can apply what they have learned in class to practical work, thus knowing themselves more clearly. Thirdly, social practice can bring them some financial reward and make them more independent of their family.

  However, some problems may arise if no correct guidance is made. For example, some students get overly interested in social practice and want to work full-time and earn money, thus neglecting their studies. And some students are likely to get in touch with the dark side of society, which will affect their future studies.

  In order to carry out social practice smoothly, students should first know its objective. They should put their studies in the first place and see social practice just as a useful supplement, so they ought to try to strike a balance between social practice and their studies.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 7

  Talk about "reading", no one would deny the necessity of it, because reading is an important way to acquire knowledge, but this is only for the way of knowledge.

  Here have to mention a famous ancient Chinese historical allusions, indulge in empty talk. During the warring states period, zhao zhao enclosed, the son of a tycoon Zhao Sha, who has read much, worth about military strategy, even his father, one of the eight star of the contemporary Zhao Sha, also is not his opponent, but zhao enclosed military experience is extremely scarce. But prince of zhao appreciate his understanding of the art of war, so after his father died, and handed the relieving zhao enclosed, let he led an army to another state of qin xiang leitian world war I, zhao enclosed since think you win, as the written pledge to fulfill a military order. Lack of actual combat experience zhao enclosed and battle-hardened Bai Qixiang war, is doomed to failure, four hundred thousand troops wiped out, and the enclosed zhao family is nearly wiped out with her.

  Yes, zhao enclosed he read, read, worth have been read, worth for the knowledge in the book his father also candidly admit defeat, but he is fragile on the battlefield. So, although the study is necessary, but the practice is a must.

  In fact, the ancients have been reminded us that practice is far more important than reading books. Water conservancy expert Liu Yi, song dynasty, put forward to "read thousands of books, view". Ming dynasty geographer xu xiake, he is in order to practice their learned knowledge from books and trudge through mountains, so as to realize the breakthrough of knowledge.

  Todays education. Professor course, not only knowledge, but also through the experiment to verify the knowledge we learned, such as the physical chemistry experiments. Isnt this a kind of practice?

  Therefore, for us, not only should read textbooks, more want to go to practice, because practice is another important way to acquire knowledge, and is on the transformation of the book knowledge. Books of knowledge is, after all if we just stand on the shoulders of predecessors, then only the height of the predecessors; Only through their own practice, knowledge to achieve a breakthrough, to achieve a higher, farther, the deeper level.

  Therefore, to study, should practice more; To learn, more to ponder.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 8

  For students, partiting in more social practice has many advantages. Firstly, more social practice can give you the opportunity to show your ability and apply what you have learned in school. Secondly, business social practice can cultivate a sense of competition, which will increase your confidence in yourself, because you can realize your own value through work.

  In addition, it helps students to develop With the money you earn, you can buy whatever you need. However, there are some disadvantages in social practice that distract students from their study. Obviously, if you work for a few hours at work, its hard for you to focus on your study.

  You may be thinking about how to improve your work most of the time. Because of the advantages and disadvantages of part-time work, you must study and work. Learning is your main task, practice is secondary.

  Although working experience is desirable, we should balance the two aspects of social practice before learning. Only in this way can social practice be secondary, so as to realize social reality Benefit from practice and achieve good results in study.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 9

  Nowadays, social practice has been paid more and more attention by colleges and universities. During the winter vacation, college students are encouraged and organized to partite in various social practice activities, such as part-time, part-time, social practice, voluntary teaching and on-the-spot investigation there is no doubt that students can benefit greatly from social practice activities. First of all, they have more opportunities and opportunities to contact our real society and broaden their perspective Third, students can enjoy the happiness of work and realize their own value; however, in the process of partiting in social practice activities, there are some things that need to be paid attention to, for example, students should take good care of themselves, improve their ability, exchange labor and rest in work.

  In addition, they should not neglect their study when they work.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 10

  Nowadays, college students are required to take part in some social practice, such as being an assistant in companies, or doing surveys, especially during the holidays.

  Social practice is gradually becoming more essential for Chinas higher education.

  However, social practice has both advantages and disadvantages for college students.

  On the one hand, it provides students more opportunities to contact with the real world off-campus; besides, it helps students to grasp some practical skills, especially communication skills, which is an essential supplement to on-campus study; moreover, social practice can widen students vision.

  On the other hand, the negative effects can not be neglected: students major task is learning knowledge, while curiosity about off-campus world may distract them; sometimes social practice is even treated unseriously and becomes a waste of time; furthermore, the students may be faced with dangers unexpectedly.

  Despite the potential negative effects of social practice,I strongly support social practice for college students, since as a whole,the benefits overwhelm the likely harm.

  Two heads are better than one, if students, schools, and the society join hands together, social practice can be carried out more effectively and better armed students for the society can be expected.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 11

  Social activities and learning everyone knows that learning is one of the most important things for young people. Many people think that young people should study every day to get good grades, but I dont agree with this idea. My view is that social activities and learning are good friends.

  I have the main aspects to support my idea. The purpose of learning is to make more contributions to the society and serve the work, We learn more and more, so that our future work will be easier and easier. So social activities are the test standard of learning.

  Second, social activities can let us know what our weaknesses are and what we should learn in the future. For example, if I want to learn, I cant use computers in my social work. I must ask myself to learn it well to improve my work Make.

  Finally, social activities are also a kind of rest after learning. From the above, we can draw a conclusion that social activities are good partners in learning, and we should use their relationship to create a better future.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 12

  College students need to take part in the social practice before they graduate, many universities encourage students to do it, they have some policies to support students to carry on social practice. It is obvious that social practice is very important for college students, students can gain a lot from it.

  First, students can contact to the real world, they can learn to deal with the things which they will meet in the future. Students always keep their study in the campus, what they have learned is from the book, but they don’t have the chance to practice it, social practice provides them the chance. Students can make their knowledge useful.

  Second, social practice is very helpful in finding jobs for students. When students come to the job market, the employers pay special attention to the working experience, social practice belongs to it, it helps students stand out and win the chance to take the job interview. The employers think you can handle some situations because of your social practice.

  There is no doubt that students should join the social practice, it is very useful to help students in improving their ability and gaining the job interview.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 13

  Nowadays many universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During the holidays, more and more students choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. It’s obvious that social practice is playing a more and more important role in China’s college education.

  Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. Above all, they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside the campus. [4]Moreover, in social practice activities, students can apply their knowledge to the solution to the practical problems. So their practical skills are improved greatly. Besides, social practice helps strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility.

  Considering the above-mentioned, I think, it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example, some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study. Therefore, we should try to [8]balance the relationship between social practice and study.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 14

  Nowadays, social practice has been brought to great concern among colleges and universities increasingly. During summer or winter holiday, college students are encouraged and organized to participate in all kinds of social practice activities, such as part-time jobs, volunteering teaching and fieldwork.

  There is no doubt that students can benefit a lot from social practice activities. First, they are provided with more chances and opportunities to contact with our real society and broaden their horizon. Second, it is a good chance for them to apply their theory knowledge to practice and improve their ability. Third, students can enjoy the happiness of work and realize their value.

  However, there are also some things needed to be noticed in the process of taking part in social practice activities. For example, students should take care of themselves well and interchange labor and repose during the work. In addition, they should not ignore their studies when they are working.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 15

  What kind of courses should universities offer: theoretical knowledge or practical training? Some people prefer the latter and think that practical training is beneficial to our society. I strongly oppose their views for three reasons: among the numerous factors influencing my inclination, one of the most obvious is that practical experience should be accumulated in society. In universities, I can not think of a better example than this sentence: Society is another kind of University ( in literature, in society At the meeting, people can learn both practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge in the University.

  In addition, it was very difficult for students to accumulate academic experience in the campus at that time. The second aspect is obviously related to the importance of theoretical knowledge. However, it seems that some disciplines, such as mathematics or sociology, can not benefit enterprises or society directly.

  They are the basis of practical disciplines, such as management or finance. When talking about economics, it is almost impossible not to mention the basic role of statistics and mathematics. In addition, as we all know, universities are places where theoretical knowledge is passed down from generation to generation.

  From Oxford University to Yale University, from Peking University to MIT, universities have gathered many outstanding scholars and professors whose main job is to engage in academic research, so as to prevent them from fading out of our memory, and pass on academic knowledge to the younger generation as discussed above We can safely conclude that theoretical courses are not as old-fashioned, useless and unimportant as some people think, and that our universities should be responsible for providing theoretical knowledge.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 16

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  Topic 28 Social Practice for College Students

  Nowadays, college students are required to take part in some social practice, such as being an assistant in companies, or doing surveys, especially during the holidays. Social practice is gradually becoming more essential for China s higher education.

  However, social practice has both advantages and disadvantages for college students. On the one hand, it provides students more opportunities to contact with the real world off-campus. Besides, it helps students to grasp some practical skills, especially communication skills, which is an essential supplement to on-campus study. Moreover, social practice can widen students vision. On the other hand, the negative effects cannot be neglected: students major task is learning knowledge, while curiosity about off-campus world may distract them; sometimes social practice is even treated usuriously and becomes a waste of time. Furthermore, the students may be faced with dangers unexpectedly.

  Despite the potential negative effects of social practice, I strongly support social practice for college students, since as a whole; the benefits overwhelm the likely harm. Two heads are better than one, if students, schools, and the society join hands together, social practice can be carried out more effectively and better armed students for the society can be expected.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 17

  Reading and practice integral, wisdom in the study, with books in practice, if used to guide the practice of reading, also lost the significance of reading, become real "nerd". Chairman MAO said: "reading is a kind of learning, practice is also a kind of learning, and it is more important to study." Practice is the most important, if not in practice to use and test in the book of truth, is that reads the book, chairman MAO yu as "bookishness". Enclosed, theory "archaic and failure to defeat countries;" Have been read the art of war "ma, also pavilion doctrine in the street.

  Any knowledge gained from practice, knowledge of books, too, are peoples records of the social practice and summary. How to read the book knowledge and used in practice, it is a topic that is hard to answer. The so-called "overtones three hundred, several sound self-evident" sincerely. To read, the more practice, combine book knowledge and the specific work, do put this to use, can play the role of reading.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 18

  At my school, we have helda lot ofsocial practice activities. Last month, I went to the Science and Technology Museum with my classmates.

  The Science and Technology Museum isa wonderful place foryoung people to learn.I visited the natural worldand found something new. It was amazing. Besides, I did a lot of physics experimentsby myself. They help me to put what I have learned into practice. I saw a lot of interesting things in the museum, too. I learned a lot.

  I was pretty excited and happyat that time. In my opinion, it isa good wayfor us to learn something usefulout of the booksin museums.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 19

  Learning English is not just a matter of knowing some grammatical rules and memorizing a number of English words, although those are important activities not to be ignored. Mastering a foreign language is learning a skill, as well as acquiring the language knowledge. It's as much like learning to swim or ride a bike. Then you should not only memorize new words and understand grammatical rules, but also practice speaking, writing, listening and reading.

  Here are some suggestions about effective practice.

  First, make your month or hand do what your mind is learning si multaneously. Second, study continually day by day and do not expect to learn English well overnight. Third, occasionally go back and review old topics and texts to consolidate what you have learned. Fourth, do not be afraid to make mistakes, otherwise the fear can be a mighty ob stacle to learning a language.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 20

  Nowadays a large number of universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During the holidays, students in

  mounting numbers choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. It is obvious that social practice is playing an increasingly essential role in China’s college education.

  Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. Above all, they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside campus. What is more, in social practice activities, students can apply their theoretical knowledge to the solution to the practical problems. So their practical skills are improved greatly. Besides, social practice helps strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility.

  Considering the above-mentioned, it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example, some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study. Hence, we should try to balance the relationship between social practice and study.

  6月英语六级作文真题及:知识与实践 21

  Among friends, there will always be something like this: "how easy it is, its gone." Its all about saving face, but not thinking about what to do if you really want to do it, so practice is important.

  Not long ago, the extracurricular activities organized by the school gave us an insight into the importance of practice. We went to the city of intelligence in order to exercise and improve the practical ability, to do many projects, including the test of solidarity, test your courage and strength, and some compelling. For example, the dangling "drawbridge" is really scary at first, then looks at everyone else, and is worried, "what if I fall down?" This kind of psychological effect everyone has, just want to see oneself courage. Theres also the "domino" of interest, which looks easy, but if youre not careful, you have to start over.

  The small wooden block is arranged in a row, and the distance between each one should be noted, although it should be very careful, but it is interesting. "Folded napkin" that is also very interesting, it will test your hand what a coincidence, so that project name is "ingenuity", it seems very difficult, actually very simple, to do is step by step. Looking at the beautiful shapes of different napkins, I really dont believe that it came from our own hands. It can also improve our ability to live. Although the practice activity is very tired, it is very interesting and also lets us realize the importance of practice.

  From the practice, we also learned that we middle school students should have the spirit of unity and cooperation, in order to do a good job, must have the courage, to go beyond your limits, but also are interested in, these is rooted in practice, the importance of practice is reflected in the multiple aspects.










