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What today will be like is up to me , I get to choose what kind of day I will have.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的大学英语六级词汇选择题快速提分练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!
1.As the trial went on, the story behind the murder slowly _____ itself.
A) convicted
B) haunted
C) unfolded
D) released
2.Mutual respect for territorial _____ is one of the bases upon which our two countries develop relationships.
A) reliability
B) unity
C) entirety
D) integrity
3.The design of this auditorium shows a great deal of _____. We have never seen such a building before.
A) orientation
B) originality
C) illusion
D) invention
4.The damage to my car was _____ in the accident, but I have a lingering fear even today.
A) insufficient
B) ambiguous
C) negligible
D) ignorant
5.Many countries have adopted systems of _____ education in order to promote the average level of education.
A) constrained
B) compulsory
C) cardinal
D) conventional
6.In addition to the rising birthrate and immigration, the _____ death rate contributed to the population growth.
A) declining
B) inclining
C) descending
D) increasing
7.Don't let such a _____ matter as this come between us so that we can concentrate on the major issue.
A) trivial
B) partial
C) slight
D) minimal
8.The cut in her hand has healed completely, without leaving a _____.
A) defect
B) wound
C) sign
D) scar
9.Over the past ten years,natural gas production has remained steady,but _____ has risen steadily.
10.In November 1987 the government _____ a public debate on the future direction of the official sports policy.
11.Europe's earlier industrial growth was _____ by the availability of key resources,abundant and cheap labor,coal,iron ore,etc.
12.We've just installed a fan to _____ cooking smells from the kitchen.
13.We work to make money,but it's a _____ that people who work hard and long often do not make the most money.
14.Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very _____.
15.I had eaten Chinese food often,but I could not have imagined how _____ and extravagant a real Chinese banquet could be.
16.Because of the _____ noise of traffic I couldn't get to sleep last night.
17.If you go to the park every day in the morning, you will _____ find him doing physical exercise there.
A) logically
B) ordinarily
C) invariably
D) persistently
18.Althougn she's an _____ talented dancer,she still practices several hours every day.
A) rationally
B) additionally
C) traditionally
D) exceptionally
19.The idea is to _____ the frequent incidents of collision to test the strength of the windshields.
A) simulate
B) accumulate
C) forge
D) assemble
20.I told him that I would _____ him to act for me while I was away from office.
A) identify
B) authorize
C) rationalize
D) justify
21.We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it _____ when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society.
A) compacted
B) dispersed
C) delayed
D) restricted
22.Allen will soon find out that real life is seldom as simple as it is _____ in commercials.
A) drafted
B) depicted
C) alleged
D) permeated
23.Diamonds have little _____ value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.
A) subtle
B) eternal
C) inherent
D) intrinsic
24.Retirement is obviously a very complex _____ period and the earlier you start planning for it,the better.
A) transition
B) transaction
C) transmission
D) transformation
25.As one of the youngest professors inthe university,Mr.Brown is certainly on the _____ of a brilliant career.
A) porch
B) threshold
C) edge
D) course
26.They are _____ investors who always make thorough investigations both on local and international markets before making an investment.
A) indecisive
B) implicit
C) cautious
D) conscious
27.Most people in the modern world _____ freedom and independence more than anything else.
A) illuminate
B) fascinate
C) cherish
D) embody
28.Doctors are interested in using lasers as a surgical tool in operations on people who are _____ to heart attack.
A) prone
B) disposed
C) infections
D) accessible
29.These were stubborn men,not easily _____ to change their mind.
A) tilted
B) converted
C) persuaded
D) suppressed
30.The circus has always been very popular because it _____ both the old and the young.
A) facilitates
B) fascinates
C) immerses
D) indulges
31.By patient questioning the lawyer managed to _____ enough information from the witnesses.
A) evacuate
B) withdraw
C) impart
D) elicit
32.George enjoys talking about people's private affairs.He is a _____.
A) solicitor
B) coward
C) gossip
D) rebel
33.The new secretary has written a remarkably ________report within a few hundred words but with all the important details included.
A) concise
B) brisk
C) precise
D) elaborate
34.His face ________as he came in after running all the way from school.
A) flared
B) fluctuated
C) fluttered
D) flushed
35.Steel is not as ________ as cast iron; it does not break as easily.
A) elastic
B) brittle
C) adaptable
D) flexible
36.A big problem in lemming English as a foreign language is lack of opportunities for ________interaction with proficient speakers of English.
A) instantaneous
B) provocative
C) verbal
D) dual
37.Within ten years they have tamed the ________hill into green woods.
A) vacant
B) barren
C) weird
D) wasteful
38.The ________of our trip to London was the visit to Buckingham Palace.
A) summit
B) height
C) peak
D) highlight
39.Harold claimed that he was a serious and well-known artist, but in fact he was a(n) ________.
A) alien
B) client.
C) counterpart
D) fraud
40.We don't ________any difficulties in completing the project so long as we keep within our budget.
A) foresee
B) fabricate
C) infer
D) inhibit
1.C 参考译文:随着审判的继续,谋杀案背后的故事慢慢地展现开来。
2.D 参考译文:相互尊重领土完整是我们两国关系得以发展的基础。
3.B 参考译文:礼堂的设计体现了很大的独创性,我们以前从未见过这样的建筑物。
4.C 参考译文:事故中我车子的损伤并不严重,但至今我还心有余悸。
5.B 参考译文:许多国家采用了义务教育制度,以提高教育的平均水平。
6.A 参考译文:除了出生率的上升和移民人数的增加,死亡率的下降也是人口增长的一个因素。
7.A 参考译文:别让这样的小事来妨碍我们,以便我们可以全神贯注地来处理重要问题。
8.D 参考译文:她手掌上的伤口完全愈合了,没有留下疤痕。
9. A 参考译文:在过去的十年里,天然气生产量始终保持不变,但消费量却在稳步上升。
10. B 参考译文:1987年11月,政府就官方体育运动方针政策的未来走向发起了一场公开辩论。
11. C 参考译文:欧洲早期的工业发展由于关键资源,充裕而廉价的劳动力,煤、铁矿石等原材料供应的源源不断而得到维系。
12. B 参考译文:我们刚安装了一台电扇以将厨房中的烹调味排走。
13. D 参考译文:我们靠工作挣钱,但一个看似矛盾的事实是,那些长时间努力工作的人往往又不是挣钱最多的人。
14. C 参考译文:很少有人能听懂这位教授的.讲座,因为讲座的主题太晦涩。
15. A 参考译文:我以前经常吃中餐,但从未想象过一场正式的中式宴会有那么丰盛奢侈。
16. C 参考译文:由于没完没了的交通噪音,昨晚我一夜没法入睡。
17. C 参考译文:如果你每天早晨去公园,总是会发现他在那儿锻炼身体。
18. D 参考译文:尽管她是一位非常杰出的舞者,她每天还要练习好几个小时。
19. A 参考译文:这种理论是模拟经常发生的碰撞事故,以测试挡风玻璃的强度。
20. B 参考译文:我告诉他当我不在办公室时,我会授权他替我行使职权。
21. D 参考译文:我们都享有选择的自由,并且不希望看到这一自由在社会法律和道德的范围内受到限制。
22. B 参考译文:艾伦很快会发现现实生活很少能象商业广告中所描述的那么简单。
23. D 参考译文:钻石本身不具有什么内在价值,其价格几乎完全取决于其稀缺程度。
24. A 参考译文:退休显然是一个非常复杂的转变阶段,他越早有所准备就越好。
25.B 参考译文:作为大学最年轻的教授之一,布朗先生正处于辉煌事业的开始阶段。
26.C 参考译文:他们是谨慎的投资者,在做出每笔投资前,总是要对当地和国际市场进行彻底调查。
27.C 参考译文:当今世界的绝大多数人珍视自由和独立胜于其他任何事物。
28.A 参考译文:医生们很乐意为容易受到心脏病侵袭的病人实施激光外科手术。
29.C 参考译文:他们很固执,不容易被说服改变主意。
30.B 参考译文:马戏团总是很受欢迎,因为它吸引老人也吸引年轻人。
31.D 参考译文:通过耐心询问,律师从证人口中得到足够信息。
32.C 参考译文:乔治喜欢谈论别人的私事,是个爱拨弄是非的人。
33. A参考译文:新秘书写了份简洁的报告,只用了几百个词,却包含了所有重要细节。