

时间:2024-10-05 08:53:18 词汇 我要投稿




  Alert a.警觉的,留神的,注意的 vt.向报警,使警惕 使认识到

  Alert n.警戒(状态),戒备(状态);报警

  Sirens sounded the alert for an air raid. 空袭报警的警笛响起来.

  Nuclear-armed bombers were put on the alert during the crisis. 核武装轰炸机在危机期间 进入高度警备状态.

  Arbitrary a.随意的,任意的;专断的,武断的,专制的

  The diet imposes overall calorie limits,but daily menus are arbitrary. 食谱规定了总的热量限制,但每天的菜单可据喜好自定.

  Behalf n.利益,方面

  Mother Teresa's efforts on behalf of Calutta's poor eventually brought her the Nobel Peace Prize. 德兰修女为加尔各答 穷人所做的一切努力最终为她赢得了诺贝尔和平奖.

  Bulk n.大小,体积; 主体,绝大部分;大量 vt.显得大,显得重要

  The great bulk of necessary work can never be anything but painful. 大量必须做的工作真令人痛苦.

  Safety considerations bulked large during the development of the new spacecraft.在建造新的宇宙飞船时, 安全考虑占了很大比重.

  Chip v.削(或凿)下(屑片或碎片)n.屑片,碎片

  Chip [pl]炸土豆条(或片); 集成电路片,集成块; 缺口,瑕疵

  "Fish and chips"is a typical English food. “炸鱼土豆条”是典型的 英国食品.

  The paint has chipped off where the table touches the wall. 桌子接触墙壁的地方漆皮已剥落.

  Collapse vi/n.倒塌,塌下; 崩溃,突然失败

  The enterprose collapsed through lack of support. 该企业因无力支持而倒闭.

  competition n.竞争,竞赛

  Because there is so much unemployment,the competition for jobs is very fierce. ;由于失业人员众多,求职的竞争十分激烈.

  Five candidate cities including Beijing participated in the competition to host the 28th Olympic Games.共有包括北京在内的五个城市参加了争夺第28届奥运会主办权的角逐.

  weapons.俄罗斯的国防部长坚持认为俄应削减花在常规武器上的开支, 而更多地在战略武器上投入.

  Mother is so conventional in her views.妈妈的观点太保守.

  destruction n.毁灭,破坏,消灭

  The hot ash and the lava from the volcano Etna brought total destruction to the village.来自埃及特纳火山的滚烫 的火山灰和熔岩给那个小村庄带来彻底的毁灭.

  emergency n.紧急情况

  Wahid threatened to proclaim a state of emergency if Congress decided to impeach him瓦希德威胁说如果国会弹劾他,他就宣布紧急状态.

  The patient was asked to ring the bell in an emergency and the nurses on duty would come straight away.病人在有紧急情况时可以按铃, 然后当班的护士就会立即前来.

  Fantasy n.想象,幻想;想象的产物

  Young people often live in a world of fantasy and parents always tell them to face the reality. 年青人常生活在幻想的世界里,而父母亲总会告诉他们要面对现实.

  Stop looking for a perfect job--it's just a fantasy.别想找到十全十美的工作了,那简直是幻想.

  Function n.功能,作用,职能;重大聚会;函数

  The function of a chairman at a meeting is to lead and control meetings.在会上,主席的职责是引导并控制会议.

  An old machine won't function properly if you don't oil it regularly.旧机器如果不经常加油是不能正常运转的.

  Heave vt.举起,拉起;扔; (沉重地)发出(叹息、呻吟等)

  Heave vi.(用力)举起,提起 (有节奏的)起伏;呕吐 n.举起,升降

  The naughty children have just heaved a stone through my window.淘气的孩子们刚刚把一块石头扔进我的窗户.

  Identify vt.认出,鉴定; (~with)把...等同于 vi.(~with)认同

  Do you identify beauty with wisdom? 你认为美貌与智慧能相等同吗?

  The characters on the rubbings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify.拓片上的文字模糊不清, 难以识别.

  Jail n.监狱,看守所 vt.监禁,拘留

  Romeo was sentenced to jail for 15 days for starting a fight with his rival.因为与情敌发生冲突,罗密欧被判15日监禁.

  Has it ever occurred to you that jails were first invented for debtors? 你有没有想过,监狱最初是为了关押欠债人而发明的?

  Line vt.使排成一行;划线于 vi.排队,排齐

  Line n.线条;方针,路线;线路,电话线;线,绳;排,行;行业,专长

  People lined the streets to see the famous man go past.人们站在街道两旁看那位 著名人士走过.

  Line and color are both important in portrait painting.线条和色彩在肖像绘画中 都很重要.

  Master vt.掌握,精通;征服,控制 a.主要的,重要的;精通的,优秀的

  Master n.男主人,雇主;能手,名家,大师;[M~]硕士

  Who is the master mind behind this plan? 谁是这个计划的幕后决策人?

  I don't think we can master a language in a year's study. 我不相信经过一年的学习我们就可以掌握一种语言.

  Notion n.概念,观念;意图,想法,念头

  The notion that the earth is round has been widely accepted since Magellan accomplished the first voyage around the world. 关于地球是圆的概念已广泛为人们所接受自从麦哲伦首次完成环球旅行以来.

  Some men have a notion that women should never wear cosmetics.有些男人认为女人应该素面朝天.

  Option n.选择;选择权,选择自由;(供)选择的事物 (或人物)

  The government has two options, to reduce spending or to increase taxes. 政府只有两种选择,不是削减开支便是增加税收.

  Please make a list of the various options.请列出可供选择的项目.










