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Section A
Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.
This is not a typical summer camp. But Michelle Pawlaw is glad she signed up for it. "Getting to experience the fires hands-on is really cool and something that most people don't get to do," she said.
Michelle and eight other teenage girls are (36) ______in the three-day camp offered by the Arlington County Fire Department (37)______ just outside of Washington.
Firefighter Clare Burley is in charge of the program. "The purpose is to try to get young women interested in (38) ______the fire service as a career," she said. The free of charge, overnight camp is designed to let the girls experience what (39)______ do in the line of duty to protect the community. That includes some rigorous activities such as moving a fire victim. They take classes and learn how to climb the ladder on a fire truck, (40) ______emergency tools and rescue. They also do their share of cleaning the(41) ______and the equipment for an injured person. Firefighting is still a male-dominated service, but Burley says with 22 women on its force of 320 the Arlington Fire Department is above the national(42) ______of 4.5 percent.
Burley joined the department seven years ago. "We do everything that the guys do to the same standard. We are tested to the same standard. We are (43)______ to operate at the same standard," she said. "We need to wash the lettuce and put it in a green big bowl," said Lieutenant Robert Beer. The girls help the (44) ______on duty prepare for dinner. It is also part of the program. And, the girls say, by (45)______ three days together, they also made new friends and had a lot of fun.
A. located
B. average
C. almost
D. operate
E. expected
F. firehouse
G. crew
H. greenhouse
I. considering
J. firefighters
K. nearly
L. cost
M. participating
N. imagined
O. spending
这虽然不能算是典型的夏令营。但米歇尔•帕洛很高兴她报名参加了。 “能亲身体验火真的很棒,大多数人不会做的,”她说。
米歇尔和其他八名女孩(36) 正在参加阿灵顿郡消防局提供的为期三天的夏令营,消防局就(37) 位于华盛顿郊外。
这个项目是由消防员克莱尔•伯利负责的。她说:“这次夏令营的目的是尽力引起年轻女性将消防服务(38) 看作一种职业的兴趣。” 这个免费的短期夏令营旨在让女孩们感受(39) 执勤队员为保护社区做出的工作。其中有一些要求严格的活动,例如,将受害者带离火场。这些女孩学习课程并且学会如何爬消防车上的梯子,如何(40) 操作紧急设备并且施救。她们也做打扫(41) 消防站和清洁救治伤员用的设备的工作。救火仍然是男性占主导的行业,但伯利说阿灵顿消防局320人的队伍中有22名女性,这一比例已经超过全国4.5%的(42) 平均水平。
伯利七年前加入消防局。她说, “男人们做的事情我们都(43) 能够按标准做到一样好。”罗伯特•比尔中尉说, “我们要洗莴苣并且把菜放到一个大绿碗里。”女孩子们帮助(44) 值班队员做饭。这也是项目内容的一部分。女孩们说这三天她们在一起(45) 度过,还结交了新朋友,过得很快乐。