- 相关推荐
When I fetched the sketch on the stretcher I found the secretary's secret.
fetch [ fet ] n. 取得 v. 接来,取来,带来 [计算机] 取
sketch [ sket ] n. 素描,草图 v. 描绘略图,写生
stretcher [ 'stret ] n. 担架
secretary [ 'sekrtri ] n. 秘书,部长,大臣,书记
secret [ 'si:krit ] a. 秘密的,机密的 ad. 秘密地 n. 秘密
The mutual spirits inspired us to reach the annual aim.
mutual [ 'mju:tjul, 'mju:tul ] a. 共同的,相互的
annual [ 'njul ] a. 每年的,年度的 n. 年刊,年鉴
spirit [ 'spirit ] n. 精神
inspire [ in'spai ] v. 使...感动,激发,启示
The roaring oar hit the coarse keyboard on the cupboard aboard the boat.
roaring [ 'r:ri ] n. 吼声,咆哮,怒吼 a. 风哮雨嚎的,喧哗的,兴胜的
oar [ :, ] n. 桨,橹 v. 划(行)
coarse [ k:s ] a. 粗糙的,下等的,粗俗的
cupboard [ 'kbd ] n. 碗橱
aboard [ 'b:d ] ad. 在船上,在火车上,在飞机上 prep. 在...之上
keyboard [ 'ki:b:d ] n. 键盘 vt. 用键盘输入(信息)
My intimate mate's ultimate estimate approximates the appropriate value.
intimate [ 'intimit ] a. 亲密的,私人的,秘密的 v. 暗示,通知,告诉
mate [ meit ] n. 配偶,同事,助手 v. 使...配对,交配,使...一致,结伴
ultimate [ 'ltimit ] n. 终极,根本 a. 终极的,根本的,极限的,最后的
estimate [ 'estimeit ] n. 估计,估价 v. 估计,估价,评价
approximate [ 'prksimit ] a. 大约的,近似的 v. 接近,约等于
appropriate [ 'pruprit ] a. 适当的 v. 拨出(款项)
In case of necessity, necessary session can be held on the vessel.
necessity [ ni'sesiti ] n. 需要,必需品,必然
necessary [ 'nesisri ] a. 必需的,必要的 n. [pl.]必需品
session [ 'sen ] n. 会议,开庭期,市盘
vessel [ 'vesl ] n. 船,容器,脉管
By the navigation of microwave, the navy paved a pavement on the wavy sea.
navigation [ nvi'gein ] n. 航行,航海
microwave [ 'maikruweiv ] n. 微波
navy [ 'neivi ] n. 海军
pave [ peiv ] v. 铺设,安排,为...铺路
pavement [ 'peivmnt ] n. 人行道
wavy [ 'weivi ] a. 波浪形的,起伏的
The minority of us are confronted with difficulty in the frontier of the major.
minority [ mai'nriti, mi- ] n. 少数,少数民族
major [ 'meid ] n. 主修,成年人,陆军少校 a. 主要的,较多的,大部份的 v. 主修
confront [ kn'frnt ] v. 面对,对抗,遭遇
difficulty [ 'difiklti ] n. 困难
frontier [ 'frntj ] n. 边界,边境
From the context of the text, I find the next pretext for selling the textile.
context [ 'kntekst ] n. 上下文 n. 环境,背景
text [ tekst ] n. 本文,文件,正文 v. 发短信
next [ nekst ] a. 下一个的 ad. 其次 n. 下一个 prep. 靠近
pretext [ 'pri:tekst ] n. 借口
textile [ 'tekstail ] a. 纺织的 n. 纺织品
The systematic items stem from the walker's talk about the chalk.
systematic [ sisti'mtik ] a. 有系统的,分类的,体系的
item [ 'aitem, 'aitm ] n. 项目,条款
stem [ stem ] n. 茎,干,船首 v. 堵住,阻止,起源于
talk [ t:k ] n. 谈话,会谈,讲话 v. 说话,谈话,讨论
chalk [ t:k ] n. 粉笔 v. 用粉笔写,记录
Theoretically, their heir's theory of meteorology can explain the meteor.
theoretically [ θi'retikli ] ad. 理论上
theory [ 'θiri ] n. 理论
meteorology [ mi:tj'rldi ] n. 气象学,气象状态
meteor [ 'mi:tj ] n. 流星,大气现象,一夜成名的人
heir [ ] n. 继承人
I affirmatively confirmed the conformity of the theory with practice.
affirmatively [ 'f:m'tivli ] ad. 肯定地(断然)
confirm [ kn'f:m ] v. 确定,批准,证实
conformity [ kn'f:miti ] n. 适合,一致,相似
The subordinate coordinates are in accordance with that set by the cordial chorus.
subordinate [ s'b:dinit ] n. 属下,附属物 a. 下级的,次要的,附属的 v. 使...居下位,使...服从
coordinate [ ku':dinit ] n. 同等的人物,同位格 a. 同等的,等位的 v. 协调,整合,综合 [计算机] 坐标
accordance [ 'k:dns ] n. 符合,一致
cordial [ 'k:dil; 'k:dl ] n. 兴奋剂,补品 a. 热忱的,诚恳的,兴奋的
chorus [ 'k:rs ] n. 合唱队,齐声说道
The transactor thinks activating the atomic interaction in the intact reactor is practicable.
activate [ 'ktiveit ] v. 刺激,使...活动,创设
interaction [ intr'kn ] n. 相互作用,相互影响
intact [ in'tkt ] a. 尚未被人碰过的,原封不动的,完整的
reactor [ ri(:)'kt ] n. 反应堆
practicable [ 'prktikbl ] a. 可实行的,可做的,可用的
The distracted reader can't be absorbed in the abstract extract.
distract [ dis'trkt ] v. 转移,分心
absorb [ b's:b ] v. 吸收,吸引...的注意,使全神贯注
abstract [ 'bstrkt ] n. 摘要 a. 抽象的 v. 摘要,抽炼
extract [ iks'trkt ] n. 榨出物,精汁,选粹 v. 摘录,提取,吸取 [计算机] 提取
The compact faction fractured because of friction.
compact [ 'kmpkt ] a. 紧凑的,紧密的,简洁的 v. 使装满,使简洁 [计算机] 紧凑的 n. 合约,条约
faction [ 'fkn ] n. 小派系,内讧
fracture [ 'frkt ] n. 破碎,骨折 v. 破碎,破裂
friction [ 'frikn ] n. 摩擦,摩擦力
Under the guideline, the output of streamlined seamless liners declines linearly.
guideline [ 'gaidlain ] n. 指引
streamline [ 'stri:mlain ] n. 流线,流线型 v. 使...成流线型,使...合理化
seamless [ 'si:mlis ] 无缝的
liner [ 'lain ] n. 班机,班轮
decline [ di'klain ] n. 衰微,跌落 v. 降低,婉谢
linearly [ 'linili ] ad. 成直线地(线性地)
The dreadful tread on the meadow broke the deadly deadlock.
dreadful [ 'dredful ] a. 可怕的
tread [ tred ] n. 踏,梯级 v. 踏,行走
meadow [ 'medu ] n. 草地,牧场
deadly [ 'dedli ] a. 致命的,致死的 ad. 非常地,如死一般地
deadlock [ 'dedlk ] n. 僵局,停顿 v. 停顿,相持不下
The heading is "Headline of Headlong Pleadings".
heading [ 'hedi ] n. 标题
headline [ 'hedlain ] n. (pl.)新闻提要,大字标题
headlong [ 'hedl ] a. 头向前的,匆促而用力的,轻率的 ad. 头向前地,猛然的用力的
pleading [ 'pli:di ] n. 恳求
I overhear that the hearty man heartily yearns for my harness in the barn.
overhear [ uv'hi ] v. 无意中听到,偷听
hearty [ 'hɑ:ti ] a. 诚恳的,热烈的,旺盛的
heartily [ 'hɑ:tili ] ad. 衷心地,真实地,热心地
yearn [ j:n ] v. 渴望,想念
harness [ 'hɑ:nis ] n. 马具,系在身上的绳子,甲胄 v. 束以马具,披上甲胄,利用产生动力
barn [ bɑ:n ] n. 谷仓,牲口棚
After the rehearsal, the weary mechanic repaired the gears with shears and spear.
rehearsal [ ri'h:sl ] n. 排练,彩排 v. (使)排练,背诵
weary [ 'wiri ] a. 疲倦的,厌烦的 v. 疲倦,厌烦,生厌
gear [ gi ] n. 齿轮,传动装置,工具,用具 v. 以齿轮连起,配搭活动,安排
shear [ i ] n. 修剪,剪下的东西,羊的一岁 v. 修剪,割,剥夺
spear [ spi ] n. 矛(正负电子对撞机) vt 用矛刺
Having checked the parameters of the apparatus, the paralysed parasite went to the paradise by parachute.
parameter [ p'rmit ] n. 参数,参量
apparatus [ p'reits ] n. 装置,器具,器官
paralyze [ 'prlaiz ] v. 使...瘫痪,使...麻痹
paradise [ 'prdaiz ] n. 天堂
parachute [ 'pru:t ] n. 降落伞 v. 跳伞
In the compartment, the impartial participant told me his counterpart's departure.
compartment [ km'pɑ:tmnt ] n. 间隔,个别室,小事
impartial [ im'pɑ:l ] a. 公平的,不偏不倚的
participant [ pɑ:'tisipnt ] a. 参与的 n. 参加者,参与者
counterpart [ 'kauntpɑ:t ] n. 相似之物(正副二份中之一,对应物)
departure [ di'pɑ:t ] n. 离开,出发
The articulate man's artistic cartoon startled the charterer.
articulate [ ɑ:'tikjulit ] a. 有关节的,发音清晰的 v. 以关节连接,接合,明白地说
artistic [ ɑ:'tistik ] a. 艺术的
cartoon [ kɑ:'tu:n ] n. 动画片 vt. 为...画漫画
startle [ 'stɑ:tl ] n. 惊愕,惊恐 v. 吃惊,使...惊愕
The guardian found a quarterly quart of quartz in the safeguard.
guardian [ 'gɑ:djn ] n. 保护人,监护人
quarterly [ 'kw:tli ] a. 季度的 ad. 每季一次 n. 季刊
quart [ kɑ:t ] n. 夸脱
quartz [ kw:ts ] n. 石英
safeguard [ 'seifgɑ:d ] n. 保卫,保护措施或条款 v. 保卫,保护
The immortal man's mortgage can be a shortcut to resolve the food shortage.
immortal [ i'm:tl ] a. 不朽的 n. 不朽的人物
mortgage [ 'm:gid ] n.&v. 抵押
shortage [ ':tid ] n. 不足,缺少
shortcut [ ':tkt ] n. 捷径
resolve [ ri'zlv ] n. 决定之事,决心,坚决 v. 决定,解决,决心
The escort resorted to the orthodox paradox to retort his distortion.
escort [ is'k:t ] n. 护送者,护卫者,护航舰 v. 护卫,护送
resort [ ri'z:t ] n. 渡假胜地,手段,凭藉 v. 诉诸,常去,滞留
orthodox [ ':θdks ] a. 正(传)统的
paradox [ 'prdks ] n. 似非而是的隽语,自相矛盾的话
retort [ ri't:t ] n. 反驳,顶嘴,蒸馏器 v. 反驳,回嘴,反击
distortion [ dis't:n ] n. 扭曲,变形,曲解
The oppressor suppressed his aggressive opinion about compressor.
oppressor [ 'pres(r) ] n. 压迫者,压制者
suppress [ s'pres ] v. 镇压,使...止住,禁止
aggressive [ 'gresiv ] a. 侵犯的,攻击性的,有进取心的
compressor [ km'pres ] n. 压缩物,压缩机,收缩肌
opinion [ 'pinjn ] n. 看法,意见 v. 判断,意见,主张
The senseless senator's pretense of consensus caused a sensation.
senseless [ 'senslis ] a. 无感觉的,无意识的,不省人事的
senator [ 'sent ] n. 参议员
pretense [ pri'tens ] n. 藉口,虚假,伪装
consensus [ kn'senss ] n. 一致,合意,交感
sensation [ sen'sein ] n. 感觉,感情,感动
The conspicuous suspicious pension is in suspension.
conspicuous [ kn'spikjus ] a. 显著的,显而易见的
suspicious [ ss'pis ] a. 怀疑的
pension [ 'penn ] n. 退休金,年金,抚恤金 v. 发给退休金
suspension [ ss'penn ] n. 悬挂,未决,中止
He repents having compensated the dispensable pesion for fear of penalty.
repent [ ri'pent ] v. 后悔,悔悟
compensate [ 'kmpnseit ] v. 偿还,补偿,付报酬
dispensable [ dis'pensbl ] a. 不是必要的,可有可无的
pension [ 'penn ] n. 退休金,年金,抚恤金 v. 发给退休金
penalty [ 'penlti ] n. 处罚,惩罚
Abundance doesn't mean redundance. The hound found a profound book on the roundabout.
abundance [ 'bndns ] n. 丰富,充裕
redundancy [ ri'dndnsi ] n. 冗余
hound [ haund ] n. 猎犬 v. 带猎犬狩猎,追捕,激励
found [ faund ] v. 建立,创立, 创办 vbl. (find的过去分词)找到
profound [ pr'faund ] a. 极深的,深奥的,深厚的
roundabout [ 'raundbaut ] a. 绕道的 n. 远路 环状交叉路口
By courtesy of the mourner, he endeavours to devour the nourishing odour.
courtesy [ 'k:tisi, 'k:- ] n. 礼貌,好意,恩惠
mourner [ 'm:n ] n. 悲伤者,哀悼者,送葬者
endeavour [ in'dev ] n. 奋力号(航船的名字)
devour [ di'vau ] v. 吞食
odour [ 'ud ] n. 气味
nourishing [ 'nrii ] a. 有营养的,滋养多的
The thermal therapy terminated after the terminal germ seminar.
thermal [ 'θ:ml ] a. 热的,热量的 n. 上升的热气流
therapy [ 'θerpi ] n. 疗法,治疗
terminate [ 't:mineit ] a. 有结尾的,有限的 v. 结束,终止,满期
terminal [ 't:minl ] n. 终端机,终点,末端 a. 终点的,按期的,致死的
seminar [ 'seminɑ: ] n. (大学的)研究班,研讨会
germ [ d:m ] n. 微生物,细菌
The terraced terrain near the Mediterranean ferry is terrific.
terrace [ 'ters ] n. 平台,阳台,梯田 v. 使成阶地,使成梯田 vt. 使成梯田
terrain [ 'terein ] n. 地带,地域,地形
ferry [ 'feri ] n. 渡船,渡口
terrific [ t'rifik ] a. 极好的,非常的,极度的
The consul's consultant hauled out the assaulter from the vault.
consul [ 'knsl ] n. 领事
consultant [ kn'sltnt ] n. 顾问
vault [ v:lt ] n. 窖,地下室,撑竿跳 v. 做成圆拱形,撑竿跳跃
haul [ h:l ] n. 用力拖拉,努力的结果 v. 拖,改变方向
The nitrogen atoms combine instantaneously, simultaneously and spontaneously.
nitrogen [ 'naitrdn ] n. 氮
instantaneously [ instn'teinjsli ] ad. 即刻地,瞬间地
simultaneously [ saiml'teinisli ] ad. 同时地(联立地)
spontaneously [ spn'teinisli ] ad. 自发地(自生地,自然产生地,自然地,天然地)
The respectful spectator gave the prospective president a retrospect of the spectacular spectrum.
respectful [ ris'pektful ] a. 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的,谦恭的
prospective [ prs'pektiv ] a. 未来的,预期的
retrospect [ 'retruspekt ] n. 回顾 v. 回顾,回想,追溯[反]foresee
spectator [ spek'teit;'spekteit ] n. 观众,旁观者
spectacular [ spek'tkjul ] a. 公开展示的,惊人的
spectrum [ 'spektrm ] n. 光谱, (比喻)范围, 系列
The suicides in adjacent area are incidental coincidence.
suicide [ 'sjuisaid ] a. 自杀(者)(的) v.&n. 自杀
adjacent [ 'deisnt ] a. 毗连的,邻近的,接近的
incidental [ insi'dentl ] a. 附带的,偶然的,容易发生的
coincidence [ ku'insidns ] a. 同时发生的 n. 巧合
His ignorance of her dignity ignited her indignation.
ignorance [ 'ignrns ] n. 无知
dignity [ 'digniti ] n. 尊严
ignite [ ig'nait ] v. 点燃,使燃烧 vi. 着火 vt. 点燃
indignation [ indig'nein ] n. 愤怒,愤慨,义愤
The man tackling the drawback of the brackets runs a slack snack business.
tackle [ 'tkl ] n. 工具,复滑车,扭倒 v. 处理,抓住
drawback [ 'dr:bk ] n. 不利点,退税
bracket [ 'brkit ] n. 支架,括号
slack [ slk ] n. 松弛,家常裤 a. 松弛的,不流畅的 v. 使松弛,松弛
At the turning the turtle met a turkey and made a turnover on the turnips.
turning [ 't:ni ] n. 旋转,回转,转向
turtle [ 't:tl ] n. 海龟
turkey [ 't:ki ] n. 土耳其,火鸡
turnover [ 't:nuv ] n. 翻覆,翻折,半圆卷饼,营业额,成交量 a. 翻折的领子
turnip [ 't:nip ] n. 大头菜
The overthrown president is overwhelmed by the controversy.
overwhelm [ 'uv'welm ] v. 淹没,受打击,压倒
controversy [ 'kntrv:si ] n. 争论,争议
The handicapped man got a second-hand handout of shorthand handbook beforehand.
handicap [ 'hndikp ] n. 障碍 v. 妨碍
second-hand [ 'seknd'hnd ] a. 旧的,用过的
handout [ 'hndaut ] n. 散发材料(免费发给的新闻通报)
shorthand [ ':thnd ] n. 速记
handbook [ 'hndbuk ] n. 手册,指南
beforehand [ bi'f:hnd ] ad. 预先,事先
Hitherto the withering flowers can't withstand the sunshine notwithstanding my care.
hitherto [ hi'tu: ] ad. 到目前为止,迄今
wither [ 'wi ] v. 使...凋谢,枯萎,衰退
withstand [ wi'stnd ] v. 抵抗,对抗,经得起
notwithstanding [ ntwiθ'stndi ] ad. 虽然,尽管 prep. 纵使 conj. 虽然
I averted my eyes from the diverse advertisements for the invert converter.
avert [ 'v:t ] v. 转开,避免,防止
diverse [ dai'v:s ] a. 不同的,相异的,多种多样的
advertisement [ dvr'taizmnt ] n.&ad. 广告
invert [ in'v:t ] a. 转化的 v. 反转,颠倒 [计算机] 反置
converter [ kn'v:t(r) ] 转换器
It's deduced that the induced fluctuation does no good to the reproducing productivity.
deduce [ di'dju:s ] v. 推论,演绎出
induce [ in'dju:s ] v. 引诱,招致,感应
fluctuation [ flktju'ein ] n. 波动,起伏
reproduce [ ri:pr'dju:s ] v. 再生,复制,生殖
productivity [ prdk'tiviti ] n. 生产率,生产能力
In the Catholic cathedral the athlete shouted out his wrath in the athletic oath.
catholic [ 'kθlik ] a. 天主教的 n. 天主教徒
cathedral [ k'θi:drl ] n. 大教堂
athlete [ 'θlit, 'θli:t ] n. 运动员
athletic [ θ'letik ] a. 运动的
oath [ 'uθ ] n. 誓言,誓约
wrath [ r:θ ] n. 愤怒,激怒,猛烈的力量
The destiny of the pest in chestnut is not known before reaching the destination.
destiny [ 'destini ] n. 命运
destination [ desti'nein ] n. 目的地,终点
pest [ pest ] n. 害虫
chestnut [ 'testnt ] n. 栗子 a. 栗色的
The wrestler's testimony manifests that he has large estates.
wrestler [ 'res()l(r) ] n. 摔角选手,扭
testimony [ 'testimni ] n. 证言,证据
manifest [ 'mnifest ] n. 载货单,运货单,旅客名单 a. 显然的,明白的 v. 显示,出现,证明
estate [ i'steit ] n. 财产,房地产
Having attained the entertaining center, the retained man was detained and sustained pain.
attain [ 'tein ] v. 达到,获得
entertain [ ent'tein ] v. 娱乐,招待,怀抱
retain [ ri'tein ] v. 保持,保留
detain [ di'tein ] v. 扣留,扣押
sustain [ ss'tein ] v. 承受,支持,经受,维持