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最新英语四级作文 保护环境

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2015最新英语四级作文范文 保护环境


2015最新英语四级作文范文 保护环境

  I saw a cartoon, this seemingly absurd comic has deep meaning. "A lot of garbage floating on the surface, some of the more important is sinking. A fish swimming in the water with an umbrella." It is titled "fish need protection".


  Interesting cartoon, humorous title, composed of a common comic. But if you want to, in a few years, ten years, dozens of years...... It will become a reality? According to the survey, 20% of the freshwater fish is on the verge of extinction, 50% coral reef degradation. In 2025 2/3 of the population are about water supply difficulties...... Various unsightly data show that the earth -- the home of mankind is experiencing great harm. As human beings, we have to stand up face. We should start from every little thing such as: to protect the environment, health, actively promote the protection of public health...... Hugo said: "mother nature is good, the butcher is grim." If you do not protect the environment, then, flowers, trees have become the people viewing the exhibits, you can not say so rare? Because the trees every year all over the world have decreased, soil flow of about about 30000000000 tons, after not even more? Then, the earth will give us money?


  The phenomena of shocking, we have only one earth, we all live in this environment, the basic necessities of life and the environment is closely related to us all. Look at the streets of a car, the car tail smoke drifted into the blue sky. Maybe one day, it will never fade. In order to let oneself, also let the children have a good living environment, protect the environment, everyone is imperative!

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