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  Praise is not pudding.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的大学英语CET4听力sectionA在线测试,希望能给大家带来帮助!下面是小编整理的大学英语CET4听力sectionA在线测试,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


  Section A

  11. [A] Go with her to the airport. [B] Talk to her for a short time.

  [C] Find out when the plane is leaving. [D] Make the phone call now.

  12. [A] He went to the dancing party.

  [B] He forgot about the dancing party.

  [C] He didn’t find the note in the mailbox.

  [D] He didn’t know about the dancing party.

  13. [A] She’ll run if no one else wants to.

  [B] She’ll not run because it is time-consuming.

  [C] She’ll run for sure.

  [D] She hasn’t decided.

  14. [A] How to find the subway. [B] How to drive safely.

  [C] How to avoid heavy traffic. [D] How to escape the busy life of town.

  15. [A] The pictures of night view are really better than he expected.

  [B] He didn’t know how he finished his role in the play.

  [C] The film hasn’t been processed yet.

  [D] He didn’t have enough film.

  16. [A] She is sure John was joking.

  [B] She believes John may sell his shop.

  [C] She thinks John wants to go into business.

  [D] She thinks John has already studied some profession.

  17. [A] She’ll probably buy neither of the gloves.

  [B] She’ll probably buy the leather gloves.

  [C] She’ll probably buy two pairs of gloves.

  [D] She’ll probably buy the artificial leather gloves.

  18. [A] The woman always thinks the man is an athlete.

  [B] The man is surprised to hear what the woman says.

  [C] The man doesn’t look like an active participant in sports.

  [D] Most people that the man meets think differently from the woman.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. [A] In his last week public relation class.

  [B] In his last week literature class.

  [C] In his last week history class.

  [D] In his last week maths class.

  20. [A] In 621. [B] In 1621. [C] In 1631. [D] In 1641.

  21. [A] They were religious people from New England.

  [B] They were religious people from America.

  [C] They were religious people from England.

  [D] They were ethnic people from England.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22. [A] The benefits of nuclear weapons.

  [B] The environmental pollution caused by nuclear-powered stations.

  [C] The disadvantages of used fuel.

  [D] The advantages of nuclear-powered stations.

  23. [A] 7,500. [B] 75,000. [C] 57,000.[D] 15,000.

  24. [A] The United Nations Atomic Energy Authority.

  [B] The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Organization.

  [C] The United States Atomic Energy Authority.

  [D] The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.

  25. [A] The nuclear stations are safer than the coal-fired stations.

  [B] The cost of building the nuclear stations is more than that of the coal-fired stations.

  [C] The cheaper running of the nuclear stations can offset its great construction.

  [D] The nuclear stations are much cleaner than the conventional ones.

  Section A

  11. M: I know I ought to call home, but I’ve got a plane to take and I may be late.

  W: But it only takes a minute.

  Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

  【解析】选[D]。女士所说的But it only takes a minute意为“但是(给家里)打个电话只需一分钟”,标明她建议男士现在就打电话,故选[D]。

  12. W: Why didn’t you go to the dancing party last night?

  M: If I’d remembered to check the mailbox, I might have found your note.

  Q: What does the man imply?

  【解析】选[D]。女士问男士为什么没有参加昨晚的舞会,男士说如果他记着查看邮箱,也许他会发现女士的留言(note)。这是虚拟语气表假设,实际上男士没查看邮箱,所以不知道有舞会,也没去参加舞会,选项[D] 符合题意。选项[C]的错误在于他根本就没有查看邮箱,而不是没有发现留言。

  13. M: Are you going to run for Student Union VP this year?

  W: I would, but it eats up a lot of my time. If no one runs, I might, but let’s hope someone does.

  Q: What will the woman probably do?

  【解析】选[A]。run for指“竞选”;VP是“Vice President(副主席)”的缩写;eat up指“耗费,耗尽”。

  14. M: I need to go across town, but the traffic is so heavy this time of day.

  W: When you take the subway, you don’t have to deal with traffic. I never drive any more.

  Q: What are the two speakers talking about?

  【解析】选[C]。the traffic is so heavy、take the subway、deal with traffic构成了“谈论如何应付交通拥挤”的特定场景。

  15. W: Did your pictures of the night view come out like you expected?

  M: Actually, I ran out of film before I could even begin. I didn’t realize I’d finished the roll.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  【解析】选[D]。根据对话中run out of film...可知胶卷已经用完,没法拍照片了,[A]、[C]两项与此意矛盾,故错误;对话中男士提到I didn’t realize I’d finished the roll.这只是对上一句话起到补充说明的作用。关键的信息在上一句话中。另外,view一词在这里只是表示景色,不表示场景(scene),因此没提到play,故[B]项错误。

  16. M: John must be joking when he said he planned to sell his shop to go to university.

  W: Don’t be too sure. I don’t know how many times he has told me he wished study some profession instead of going into business.

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  【解析】选[B]。男士说John打算卖了商店去上大学,一定在开玩笑。女士说别那么肯定,John已经对她说了很多遍他希望学习专业的知识而不是经商。这里的don’t be sure是否定男士的must be joking,即你可别那么肯定John是开玩笑的,意思是她相信John有可能要卖他的商店,选项[B] 符合题意。

  17. M: These gloves are a lot cheaper than the leather ones. They are made of artificial leather, but I can’t tell much difference.

  W: I really like the leather ones, but I can’t afford $26.

  Q: What will the woman probably do?

  【解析】选[D]。女士所说的…like the leather ones, but I can’t afford… 可断定她不会买the leather ones,故同时排除[B]、[C]。女士的I really like the leather ones表明对话中很可能提到the leather ones以外的品种,故答案为[D]。

  18. W: It never occurred to me that you were an athlete.

  M: Most people who meet me don’t think so either.

  Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

  【解析】选[C]。男士说他碰到的大部分人也都没认为他过去是运动员,据此判断,选项[C]的说法符合题意,即男士看起来不像一个积极参加运动的人。选项[A] 与对话中的never矛盾;选项[B]与对话相反,男士并不惊讶,反而是赞同女士的看法;选项[D] 对话中大多数人与女士的看法是相同的,而不是differently。

  Conversation One

  M: Mary, last week in our history class, our teacher asked us if we knew anythingabout Thanksgiving Day. We all looked at each other. Nobody could give the answer. So, please tell me something about it, will you?

  W: Oh, it’s a long story. I don’t think you’ve got the patience.

  M: Come on, I’m really interested. Is it a national holiday in the United States?

  W: Yes, it’s a most truly American holiday and it’s closely connected with the earliest history of the country.

  M: When was it first celebrated?

  W: In 1621. By the English settlers or pilgrims.

  M: What people were the pilgrims?

  W: They were religious people from England. At that time, they didn’t have the right to worship in their own way. They sailed to America on the Mayflower to have freedom of worship.

  M: What happened to them when they got to America?

  W: During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. The survivors began farming, hunting and fishing and laboured hard.

  M: Did they have a good harvest the first year?

  W: Yes, the yield was rich beyond their expectations. That’s why they decided to fix a day to give their thanks to God.

  M: Oh, I see. How do people in the States celebrate it now? And when is it?

  W: The fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day. It’s an occasion of family reunion. The most traditional and favourite food on the dinner table is roast turkey and pumpkin pie. Of course, with lots more to eat.

  M: Ok, you’ve helped me out. I’d like to treat you to ice cream. Let’s get going.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. Where did the man hear of Thanksgiving Day for the first time?

  【解析】选[B]。对话首句提到in our history class,做笔记。听问题,问男士在什么地方第一次听到感恩节,[B]为细节再现。

  20. When was Thanksgiving day first celebrated?

  【解析】选[B]。听音时注意和时间有关的信息,听到In 1621时做笔记。听问题,问感恩节最早在什么时候庆祝,[B]为细节再现。

  21. What people were the pilgrims?

  【解析】选[C]。听音时注意和地点有关的词,听到religious people from England时,England做笔记。听问题,问the pilgrims是什么人,[C]为细节再现。

  Conversation Two

  W: What’s the advantage of using nuclear power in the generation of electricity?

  M: In an advanced reactor, as much electricity can be made from one ton of enriched uranium fuel as from 75,000 tons of coal.

  W: Then you need only a few lorry loads of fuel at a nuclear power station instead ofmany trains of coal.

  M: Exactly.

  W: With coal you have a residue of ash. What about the used fuel from a nuclear-powered station?

  M: Well, being radioactive, it can’t be left lying around.

  W: So how do you dispose of it?

  M: It’s loaded into thick steel flasks each weighing 45 tons. They’re dispatched to the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority for reprocessing.

  W: So there’s little actual wastage?

  M: But that doesn’t eliminate cost. The reprocessing isn’t done for nothing.

  W: But electricity from a nuclear-powered station is cheaper than from a coal-fired plant, isn’t it?

  M: Well, the cost of operation of nuclear stations is only half the cost of even the leastexpensive coal-fired stations. And later on the figures will show an even greater advantage for nuclear energy.

  W: But don’t nuclear stations cost more to build?

  M: Yes, they do. However, their cheaper running gains more than offsets the construction costs.

  W: And aren’t the nuclear stations cleaner in operation?

  M: Yes, and they’re better looking than conventional stations and can be built in places unsuitable for conventional plants. In most cases, they are safe.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22. What are the two speakers talking about?


  23. How many tons of coal can produce the same electricity as it can be produced by one ton of enriched uranium fuel?

  【解析】选[B]。听音时注意数据信息,as from 75,000 tons of coal,做笔记。听问题,问多少吨煤和一吨铀产生的电量相当,[B]为细节再现。

  24. Where is the used fuel disposed of?

  【解析】选[D]。听音时注意提到的能源机构名称,dispatched to the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority,做笔记。听问题,问使用后的燃料放到哪里去?[D]为细节再现。

  25. Which is not the advantage of the nuclear stations?

  【解析】选[B]。听音时注意核能发电站和煤发电站的对比,[A]、[C]、[D]都是核能发电站的优点,问到nuclear stations cost more to build,回答是Yes。而题干问的是核能发电站的缺点,由此可知[B]正确。


  6.M:Hello. I’m calling to see if the summer position you advertised in the paper is still available?

  W:Uh, yes. Certainly. When could you come to the office for an interview?

  Q:What will the man probably do?

  7.M:I’m surprised that Sarah told her boss he was wrong to have fired his secretary.

  W:I know. But that Sarah … if she has an opinion, everyone’s got to know it.

  Q:What does the woman mean?

  8.W:Excuse me, did anybody find a black umbrella after the last show? I left it under my chair.

  M:As a matter of fact, we did. Check it at the ticket counter. That’s where we turn in the lost-and-found items.

  Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?

  9. M:How about a movie tonight? That new comedy is opening in town.

  W:Sounds great, but I’ve got be finishing sketches on my psychology research paper.

  Q:What does the woman imply?

  10. M:Could you lend me your biology notes?

  W:Do you think you’ll be able to make out my handwriting?

  Q:What does the woman imply about the notes?


  A) Order a newspaper.

  B) Take a trip in the summer.

  C) Put an advertise in the paper.

  D) Go to the interviewer’s office.


  A) Sara rarely makes mistakes.

  B) Sara usually says what she thinks.

  C) Sara’s boss is hard to work with.

  D) The secretary wasn’t hard worker.


  A) Look for the umbrella in the theater.

  B) Ask the ticket seller about the umbrella.

  C) Buy another ticket for the show.

  D) Write a check for the umbrella.


  A) She’d prefer to see a different type of movie than a comedy.

  B) She has already finished her research paper.

  C) She won’t be able to go to a movie with the man.

  D) She’d like the man to help her with her research paper.


  A) She left them at home.

  B) She needs them right now.

  C) They might be hard to read.

  D) They are incomplete.










