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Every body is a star in the sky.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的大学英语四级听力重点练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!
Conversation Two
A. Hurricanes.
B. TV up-date.
C. Names of hurricanes.
D. Wind velocity.
A. A storm and a hurricane differ in the time they land.
B. A storm and a hurricane differ in the speed wind travels.
C. A hurricane is the least serious.
D. A storm is less serious than a depression.
A. Those people discovered the hurricanes first.
B. It's easy to tell hurricanes apart.
C. Those people are pop stars.
D. Those people are the weather forecasters.
A. Examine the map again.
B. Turn on the radio.
C. See the hurricane outdoors.
D. Watch TV weather report.
Conversation Two
M: Is that a map? Are you going sailing orsomething?
W: I wish. It's a hurricane-tracking chart. [22]It's amap of tropical ocean areas southeast of us. Itfollows the development of tropical storms, evenhurricanes. They develop and move around theAtlantic in Caribbean and here on Florida coast. Weget hit a lot by those in July or August, at least winds or rain.
M: Do you think that the tropical storm is on the way?
W: Too early to tell, but we need to be prepared. The radio mentioned possible evacuationroutes.
M: Really? It's that serious?
W: You'd better believe it. Late summer is hurricane season. The television updates locationsand speeds every hour.
M: What did they say is out there now?
W: A couple of tropical depressions, two storms and two hurricanes.
M: [23]What's the difference?
W: [23]Wind velocity. A depression is least serious actually, and a hurricane is the mostserious.
M: How serious are the winds in hurricanes?
W: They have sustained winds of 74 miles per hour and up.
M: What are the names on the map? David, Arlene, Francisco, and Gina.
W: [24]You know weather forecasters give the hurricanes the names of people to make stormseasy to identify.
M: I wonder what the status of the storm is now.
W: [25]You shall turn on the television, and it has the best coverage. There is an up-datecoming up in five minutes.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
22. What is the conversation mainly about?
解析:对话开头女士就说到,“这是一张飓风路线图”,之后两人就一直讨论飓风问题,故A正确。对话提到过几个飓风的名字,也说到风速是区别热带低压(tropical depressions)、暴风(storm)与飓风(hurricane)的指标,最后还提到电视上会有对飓风的最新报道,B、C、D均是一些细节,但它们都不是对话的主题,都不对。正确答案特征:在对话开头就会提及,往往在对话中多次提到。
23. Which is true about a depression, a storm and a hurricane?
解析:对话中女士提到了低气压、暴风和飓风,男士就问“它们有什么区别”,女士说,其区别在风速。故B正确。A中的the time they land应改为wind velocity或the speed wind travels;C中的least应改为most,D中的less应改为more。
24. Why are hurricanes named after people?
解析:男士在问到地图上的人名时,女士解释说:“天气预报工作者给飓风取上人的'名字,以便使它们容易区别开来。”B项中的tell apart即对话中的identify之义,故B正确,含有因果、目的等关系的语义突出之处常设考点。|
25. What are the man and woman going to do next?
解析:对话结尾处女士说,“你该打开电视,它报道最清楚。5分钟后就会有最新报道了。”因此对话中的两人是准备看电视上的天气预报,选D。四个选项的动词及其宾语构成的搭配,一般由动词确定答案(原词再现或同义替换)。本题原文是turn on the television,应为D而不是B!这里应根据名词TV选出答案!