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人永远是要学习的。死的时候,才是毕业的时候。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的最新大学四级听力模拟预测,希望能给大家带来帮助!想了解更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!The wolves thus addressed the sheep-dogs
"Why should you, (1)-{who are like us in so many things
not be entirely of one mind with us
(2)-{and live with us as brothers should
We differ from you in one point only.
We live in freedom, but (3)-{you bow down to
and (4)-{slave for men
who in turn (5)-{for your services,flog you with whips and put collars on your necks
They (6)-{make you also guard their sheep
and while they eat the mutton
throw only the bones to you.
If (7)-{you will be persuaded by us
you will give us the sheen
and (8)-{we will enjoy them in common,} till we all are surfeited.
"The dogs listened favorably to these proposal
and (9)-{entering the den of the wolves
they were set upon and (10)-{torn to pieces}.
Passage One
In the living-room the voice-clock san
"Tick-tock, seven o'clock,time to get up,seven o'clock.
as if it were afraid that nobody would.
The house lay empty
the clock ticked on
repeating its sounds into the empties
"Seven-nine,breakfast time,seven-nine
In the kitchen the stove ejected from its warm interiors eight pieces of perfectly browned toast
eight eggs sunny-side up
sixteen slices of bacon, two coffee
and two cool glasses of milk
"Today is August 5,2026" said a second voice from the kitchen ceiling
"in the city of Allendale, California
"Today is Mr. Featherstone's birthday.
Today is the anniversary of Tillta's marriage.
Insurance is payable,as are the water
gas,and light bill
Somewhere in the walls,relay clicker
memory tapes glided under electric eyes
eight one o'clock,off to school,off to work
run, run, eight-one
but no doors slammer
no carpets took the soft tread of rubber heels.
the weather box on the front door sang quietly
"Rain, rain, go away
rubbers, raincoats for today..."
11. What does "as if it were afraid that nobody would" mean?
12. Who prepared the rich breakfast?
13. How many special devices are mentioned in the passage?
14. What can you learn from this passage?
Passage Two
The immensity of the United States makes air travel common place.
The passenger train network cannot compare with its European counter part
in terms of density and quality standard
On major routes between large centers there are even shuttle services---up to 50 flights dairy
--- which make one think of bus more than air transport.
All you need is a boarding pass to get a seat on the next plan
You'll pay on rout
Fares are comparatively low
and numerous discount air fares are available.
Safety regulations limit the sizes of carry-on luggage and personal belongings such as briefcase
umbrellas,hat boxes,cameras,musical instrument
packages,etc.so that they may be put under a passenger seat or in an overhead cabin compartment.
Acceptability for storage in the overhead compartment is dependent on the weight of the baggage.
Baggage that does not qualify as free allowance will be charged for published tariff rates.
15. Why is the air travel more common in the United States?
16. How does the Americans pay for flight?
17. Which of the following is not true?
Passage Three
Let's take the average person
who goes to a gambling resort for a vacation
The choice is a good one whether it be Las Vegas
Reno,Lake Tahoe or for that matter
any legalized gambling center
High level hotels,delicious food
first-rate entertainment,golf,tennis,swimming
complimentary cocktails and buffets and other lavish treatment all add up
to an outstanding value for them----the guest.
And they are probably paying one half of what the accommodation would cost at a non-gambling resort.
Merely walking around the casino morning,
afternoon,evening will get them all the complimentary cocktails they can drink.
Cigarettes are available at the tables
just help yourselves,cigars are yours for the asking.
They are enjoying all of these luxuries and having a supper time.
But soon they find that they too
are parts of the throngs that are practically throwing their money away at the roulette wheel
or shooting craps
And what they lost at the gambling tables is more than half of the big value they receive as guests.
18. Which place will be chosen if somebody wants to enjoy himself in a gambling resort?
19. Why do people want to spend their vacations at a gambling resort?
20. What is the fact or result in the end?