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task 1
Oil was an integral part of U.S. foreign policy in the twentieth century, and its influence has shown no sign of diminishing in the twenty-first century. Oil has been and continues to be central to military power and to modern industrial society, and possession of ample domestic oil supplies and control over access to foreign oil reserves is a significant, and often overlooked, element in the power position of the United States relative to its rivals.
美国是世界第一大石油消费国,也是世界上已探明石油探明储量最多的`国家之一。美国的石油炼制加工行业主要集中于得克萨斯州、路易斯安纳州、加利福尼亚州、伊利诺伊州、宾西法尼亚州、新泽西州、华盛顿州、俄亥俄州和印第安纳州。目前美国市场上占主导地位的油公司主要是埃克森美孚公司、飞利浦大陆石油公司、雪佛龙德士古公司、壳牌石油公司、Frontier Oil, Marathon Oil等公司。对于国内的石油开采与生产,美国用法律形式明确了石油资源的所有权、勘探权和开采权,然后用市场竞标方式确定开采权的租让价格。政府不直接干预私人企业的石油生产和经营,油品价格由市场供求决定。战略储备石油的采购、储存、释放基本上采取市场招标机制,政府运用金融衍生品工具和期货市场来分散和回避国际石油价格激烈波动的影响,或者降低储备成本。另外,政府还通过补贴、技术援助和融资手段支持国内能源企业参与国际竞争。
task 2
The Second Amendment to the US Constitution says, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Gun owners, led by the National Rifle Association (NRA), interpret this to mean that the government has no business telling people how many and what kind of guns they can own. Over the years, the NRA has headed off most attempts to restrict gun ownership, insisting that the freedom to own guns is the peoples' only protection against oppressive government. "Guns don't kill people," they say. "People kill people."
True enough, but studies have shown that a gun kept in the home for "protection" is 22 times more likely to be used on a family member than an intruder. Following several student shootings, high schools across the country have begun to install metal detectors and to search students for weapons at the door. Though the murder rate has dropped in recent years, for a while shootings were so common in some cities that newspapers didn't bother to report all of them.
People often buy guns because they feel afraid they might become victims of a crime. According to John Donohue of Stanford University, however, "criminals are more likely to use a gun if prospective victims are carrying guns," creating a vicious cycle. With all these guns so easily available, is it any wonder that so many people are dying?
On the other hand, guns are legal and widely available next door in Canada. How many people are murdered with guns in Canada annually? About a hundred.