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  6月大学英语四级翻译习题 1

  中国象棋属于二人对抗战略性棋盘游戏,是最受欢迎的棋盘游戏之一。在中国古代,象棋被列为士大夫们的修身之艺,现在则被视为一种益智的活动。象棋由两人轮流走子,以“将死”对方的将(帅)为胜。象棋棋盘共有64格,中间的“河界”将之分为两个“敌对”的部分。每人各有棋子16枚,包括1枚将、 2枚马、2枚车(chariot)、2枚象(相)、2枚士、2枚炮和5枚丢(pawn )。 一般而言,执红色棋子的.一方先走子。


  Chinese Chess

  Chinese chess, known as Xiangqi, is a strategyboard game for two players. It is one of the mostpopular board games. In ancient China, Chinesechess used to be listed as a way for scholar-officialsto cultivate their moral characters, while now its regarded as a kind of activities to developintelligence. The two players move by turn in the game with the objective of checkmatingthe opponents general or king. The board itself has 64 squares and has a “river” in the middlethat divides the board into two opposing parts. Each player has 16 pieces, including 1 general(king), 2 horses, 2 chariots, 2 elephants (bishops), 2 guards, 2 cannons and 5 pawns. Generallyspeaking, the player with the red pieces moves first.

  1.战略型棋盘游戏:可采取直译法,将三个名词并列翻译,即strategy board game。

  2.士大夫:指封建社会中的官僚阶层,也指还没做官的读书人,所以可译为 scholar-bureaucrat 或者 scholar-officials。

  3.修身之艺:修身指提高自己的道德修养,可译为cultivateones moral character;按照文字语境,“艺”在这里指“方式”,可译为way。

  4.象棋由两人轮流走子:如果采用直译法,得需要采用被动语态,译为 Chinese chess is alternately playedby two players.但后面的句子“以将死对方的将(帅)为胜”则需翻译为Its objective is...故不如采用主动语态,将两句话翻译为带with的复合结构。


  6月大学英语四级翻译习题 2

  中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine )有五千多年的历史,是中国古代劳动人民几千年来对抗疾病的'经验总结。中医将人体看成是气、形、神的统一体,以“望、闻(auscultationand olfaction)、问、切”为其独特的诊断过程。 中医使用中药、针灸(acupuncture)以及许多其他治疗手段,使人体达到阴阳调和。阴阳和五行是中医的理论基础。五行是自然界中的五种基本物质,即金、木、水、火、土。


  Traditional Chinese Medicine

  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a longhistory of more than 5,000 years. It is a summaryof the experience of the working people over manycenturies of struggle against diseases. TCM considershuman body as a unity of QI, XING and SHEN. The diagnostic process of TCM distinguishesitself by “observation,auscultation and olfaction, inquiry and pulse diagnosis”. TCM usestraditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and many other treatment means to make humanbody be harmony between YIN and YANG. The concepts of YIN-YANG and WU XING laid atheoretical foundation for TCM. WU XING refers to five basic substances in the nature, thatis, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

  6月大学英语四级翻译习题 3



  The Chinese and Americans have always had an intense interest in each other and cared deeply about each other.The Chinese people admire the pioneering and enterprising spirit of the Americans and their proud achievement in national development.As China develops rapidly and steady headways is made in China and US cooperation,more and more Americans are following with great interest in Chinas progress and development.

  开拓进取精神:the pioneering and enterprising spirit 随着...的快速发展 : As ...develops rapidly

  6月大学英语四级翻译习题 4

  据说在中国,蜡染(wax printing)早在秦末或者汉初就已经出现,但它最初作为成品出现是在唐朝。蜡染是“丝绸之路”的商品之一,这些商品被出口到欧洲和其他地方。蜡染在中国是代代传承下来的。它是苗族(Miao ethnic minority)独特的绘画和手工染色工艺。作为中国最具有民族特色的.艺术之一,蜡染产品的种类很多,有墙上挂饰、邮包、书包、桌套等等。


  It is believed that wax printing appeared in China asearly as the late Qin or early Han Dynasty, but it firstoccurred as a finished product during the TangDynasty. It was one of “the Silk Road" goods thatwere exported to Europe and elsewhere.Wax printinghas been passed down from generation to generation in China. It is a unique drawing anddyeing handwork of the Miao ethnic minority. As one of the most characteristic national artsin China, wax printing products are various including wall hangings, letter bags, bags, table-clothes and so on.


  1.据说在中国,蜡染早在秦末或者汉初就已经出现:“据说”可译为it is said that 或it is believed that。表示时间状语的词“秦末”和“汉初”分别可译为the late Qin Dynasty和the early Han Dynasty。“早在”可翻译为as early as。

  2.但它最初作为成品出现是在唐朝:该句中的“出现”可译为occur,避免与上文重复,其是不及物动词。“成品”可译为a finished product,动词的过去分词可以表示动作已完成。

  3.蜡染在中国是代代传承下来的:“代代”可译为from generation to generation, from…to意为“从一个到另一个 “流传’’可译为pass down。

  4.中国最具有民族特色的艺术之一:“最…之一”可翻译为“one of the+形容词最高级”的形式。“民族特色的艺术”可译为characteristic national art。

  6月大学英语四级翻译习题 5

  脸谱(facial makeup)在中国戏曲中是一种特殊的艺术表现形式。它们淸楚地展示了不同角色的外表,还有他们的性情(disposition)和道德品质。脸谱也有助于表达对角色的褒贬。脸谱有不同的颜色,如红、黄、蓝、白、黑、紫、绿、金和银。脸谱的主色象征着人物的性情。例如,红色代表忠诚、勇气和正直,金色和银色通常用于神灵。脸谱可以辅助男女演员在表演中表达情感。


  Facial makeup is a special art form in Chineseoperas.They distinctly show the appearances ofdifferent roles as well as their dispositions and moraltraits.In addition, facial makeups also serve toexpress praise or condemnation toward thecharacters.Different colors such as red, yellow, blue, white, black, purple, green, gold and silverare used for facial makeups.The main color in a facial makeup symbolizes the disposition ofthe character.For example,red indicates devotion,courage and uprightness, while gold andsilver are usually used for gods and spirits.Facial makeups can assist the actors and actresses inexpressing their feelings when they act.

  1.它们清楚地展示了不同角色的'外表,还有他们的性情和道德品质:“清楚地” 可译为distinctly。“展示不同角色的外表”可译为show the appearances of different roles。“还有”在该句中等同于“也”,可以用as well as来表达。“性情” 和“道德品质”可以分别译为dispositions和moral traits。

  2.脸谱也有助于表达对角色的褒贬:“有助于表达”可译为serve to express,在这里serve是“对...有用”的意思。“对角色的褒贬”可译为praise or condemnation toward the characters。

  3.脸谱可以辅助男女演员在表演中表达情感:该句可译为一个复合句,可以理解为“在男女演员表演时,脸谱可以帮助他们表达情感”,即Facial makeups assist the actors and actresses in expressing theirfeelings when they act。其中“辅助”可译为assist。










