

时间:2024-05-27 20:10:41 试题 我要投稿
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  Speech By Prime Minister Of India

  At Peking University No objective analysis can deny the combined strength and complementarity of an India -China partnership:

  We have the problems of continent-sized1 countries — unequal development, a wide spread of income disparities, and a potential digital divide. Exchange of developmental experiences can be valuable.

  We are both at the forefront of developing and applying the technologies, which drive the Knowledge Economy.

  We have a harmonious balance of strengths. India 's strengths in Information Technology, software engineering, management and financial services are well matched by the Chinese expertise in hardware, construction and industry.

  Both India and China were present at the broader dialogue of developing countries with the G-8 countries2 in Evian. I was struck by the congruence in our positions. If we acted in concert, it would be very difficult for the world to ignore us.

  India and China have frequently reiterated their commitment to the development of a cooperative multi-polar world order3 . In the complex international situation of today, we have a role to play in helping to restore the authority of the international organisations,which have been undermined in recent months.

  One cannot wish away the fact that before good neighbours can truly fraternize with each other, they must first mend their fences. After a hiatus4 of a few decades, India and China embarked on this important venture a few years ago. We have made good progress.

  I am convinced that, with steadfast adherence to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, with mutual sensitivity to the concerns of each other, and with respect for equality, our two countries can further accelerate this process so that we can put this difference firm ly behind us. I am encouraged after my discussions with Premier Wen Jiabao that both our countries see an opportunity to proceed along this path.

  It is a tryst5 with destiny, which beckons to us. When we redeem it, we can truly fulfil the ideal of close cooperation, described so colourfully by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore :"When daylight breaks, we are free from the enclosure and the exclusiveness of our individual life . It is then that we see the light, which is for all men and for all times. It is then that we come to know one another, and come to cooperate in the field of life . "


  Ⅰ. Fill in each blank a ccording to Chinese meaning in bracket :

  1. The ( 互补性) of Sino-US economic relationship determines that we can truly ( 完成, 实现) the ideal of close cooperation .

  2. EU ( 多次重申承诺) keep the Euro within an acceptable exchange rate with American dollar.

  3. The Coalition waging Iraq War seriously ( 破坏) the authority of United Nations.

  4. Before good neighbours can truly ( 亲如兄弟) , they must first mend their fences.

  Ⅱ. Question :

  In which fields does India have advantages?

  Ⅰ.1. complementarity / fulfil

  2. have frequently reiterated their commitment to

  3. undermined

  4. fraternize with each other

  Ⅱ.Information Technology, software engineering, management and financial services.


  没有任何客观研究能够否认印中合作伙伴关系的优势和互补性:我们都有大国面临的问题——— 发展的不平衡, 普遍存在的收入差距, 以及潜在的数据鸿沟。相互交流发展经验是很有价值的。


  我们双方的优势可以和谐互补。印度在信息技术、软件工程、管理和财务服务方面的强项, 可以与中国在硬件、建设和工业方面的专长相互取长补短。

  印 度和中国都在埃维昂参加了发展中国家与八国集团的非正式对话。我对我们两国在立场上的一致性感到惊讶。如果我们一致行动, 世界将很难忽视我们。

  印度和中国都多次重申对于发展互利合作的多极世界新秩序的承诺。当今国际局势复杂多变, 我们都有义务帮助恢复国际组织的权威性, 这种权威性在最近几个月受到了破坏。

  人们不能忽视这个事实: 好邻居必须首先修补自己的篱笆, 然后他们才能真正善待彼此。虽然裂痕存在了几十年, 但两国几年前就开始了这项重要的补救事业, 并且已经取得了长足的进步。我相信, 只要我们坚持和平共处五项原则, 对彼此关心的问题保持一种共有的敏感, 尊重彼此的平等权利, 我们两个国家就能够进一步促进两国之间的发展, 坚定地把分歧放在一边。在同总理会谈后, 我们都看到了沿着这条道路继续发展两国关系的机遇, 对此我深受鼓舞。

  这个会谈是历史的必然, 它在不断地召唤着我们。只要我们恢复两国之间的关系, 我们就能够真正地实现密切合作的愿望, 就像我国诗人泰戈尔所描述的那样绚丽多彩:“ 当日光破晓, 我们从自我封闭和孤独中解脱出来。正是此时我们得见赐予全人类的永恒的光明。正是此时我们开始互相了解, 开始在生活原野上合作。”

  1. continent-sized adj. 像大陆一样的, 幅员辽阔的。( 反义词) small-sized, pocket-sized, portable.印度别称Indian Subcontinent ( 印度次大陆) 。

  2. 八国集团。原来的“ 西方七国集团” 包括: 美洲的美、加, 欧洲的德、法、英、意,亚洲的日本。1997 年俄罗斯正式加入。该组织主要讨论经济问题, 协调各国的宏观经济政策。近年来政治问题也逐渐成为会议的重要议题。最近有呼声要求邀请中国加入,成为“九国集团”。

  3. 多极化世界秩序。在前苏联解体后, 原有的两极化格局被打破, 世界进入由美国( 唯一超级大国) 和多极( 欧洲、中国、俄罗斯等) 构成的世界新秩序。

  4. hiatus n. 裂缝。中国和印度曾因边界上英国殖民遗留的“ 麦克马洪线”问题动过武, 印度至今仍然实际占领我国西藏地区的大片土地。

  5. tryst n. ( 古英语) 约会。( 同义词) appointment, date, rendez-vous.

  6. 罗宾德拉纳德·泰戈尔( 1861—1941) 是印度著名诗人、小说家、艺术家、社会活动家。1913 年11 月, 泰戈尔的《吉檀迦利》获得了诺贝尔文学奖。他曾访问中国, 和我国文学名家徐志摩、冰心等有交往。









