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  四级阅读常见转折题型考点 1

  常见转折关联词有:but, however, yet, nevertheless, while(然而), on the contrary等等。



  例1:A few months ago, it wasnt unusual for 47-year-old Carla Toebe to spend 15 hours per day online. Shed wake up early, turn on her laptop and chat on Internet dating sites and instant-messaging programs–leaving her bed for only brief intervals. Her household bills piled up, along with the dishes and dirty laundry, but it took near-constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.(2010.6, cet4 )

  51. What eventually made Carla Toebe realize she was spending too much time on the Internet?

  A. The poorly managed state of her house.

  B. The high financial costs adding up.

  C. Fatigue resulting from lack of sleep.

  D. Her daughters repeated complaints.


  【解析】本段主要描述了Carla Toebe因上网严重影响到生活,最后一句后半句通过转折指出,是她4个女儿的不停抱怨才让她最终意识到自己有了问题(had a problem),而这一问题正是题干中提到的"spending too much time on the Internet"。

  例2:I had waited tables during summers in college and was treated like a peon(勤杂工)plenty of people. But at 19 years old, I believed I deserved inferior treatment from professional adults. Besides, people responded to me differently after I told them I was in college. Customers would joke that one day Id be sitting at their table, waiting to be served.

  54. How did the author feel when waiting tables at the age of 19?

  A. She felt it unfair to be treated as a mere servant by professional.

  B. She felt badly hurt when her customers regarded her as a peon.

  C. She was embarrassed each time her customers joked with her.

  D. She found it natural for professionals to treat her as inferior.


  【解析】作者19岁时在饭店当招待员,对于不被顾客尊重,她的看法是"deserved inferior treatment",即“低人一等是理所当然的`”。换句话说,作者觉得有专业技能的人看低她是十分自然的事,即D选项所述。

  四级阅读常见转折题型考点 2


  Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor.

  "We are slaves to nothing but the clock,” it has been said. Time is treated as if it were something almost tangible. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it,kill it, cut it, account for it;we also charge for it. It is a precious commodity. Many people have a rather acute shortness of each lifetime. Once the sands have run out of a persons hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count.

  A foreigners first impression of the U.S. is likely to be that everyone is in a rush-often under pressure. City people appear always to be hurry to get where they are going, restlessly seeking attention in a store, elbowing others as they try to complete their errands. Racing through daytime meals is part of the pace of life in this country. Working time is considered precious. Others in public eating places are waiting for you to finish so they too can be served and get back to work within the time allowed. Each person hurries to make room for the next person. If you dont, waiter will hurry you.You also find drivers will be abrupt and that people will push past you. You will miss smiles, brief conversations, small courtesies with strangers. Dont take it personally. This is because people value time highly, and they resent someone else “wasting” it beyond a certain courtesy point.

  This view of time affects the importance we attach to patience. In the American system of values, patience is not a high priority. Many of us have what might be called “a short fuse.” We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return-be this in terms of pleasure, work value, or rest. Those coming from lands where time is looked upon differently may find this matter of pace to be one of their most difficult adjustments in both business and day life.

  Many newcomers to the States will miss the opening courtesies of a business call, for example. They will miss the ritual socializing that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be traditional in their own country. They may miss leisurely business chats in a cafe or coffee house. Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over prolonged small talk;much less do they take them out for dinner, or around on the golf course while they develop a sense of trust and report. Rapport to most of us is less important than performance. We seek out evidence of past performance rather than evaluate a business colleague through social courtesies. Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, we start talking business very quickly.

  Most Americans live according to time segments laid out in engagement calendars. We often give a person two or three (or more) segments of our calendar, but in business world we almost always have other appointments following hard on the heels of whatever we are doing. Time is therefore always ticking in our inner ear.

  As a result we work hard at the task of saving time. We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices;we communicate rapidly through telexes phone calls or memos rather than through personal contacts, which though pleasant, take longer-especially given our traffic-filled streets. We therefore save most personal visiting for after work hours or for social weekend gatherings.

  1.“If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind.”(Para.1,Line1) means ____.

  A) if you are moving, you are falling down?

  B) you would fall behind if you move ahead?

  C) you are moving ahead or you are falling behind?

  D) you are not moving, you are disappear?

  2.The second paragraph implies____.

  A) everyones life has his regrets?

  B) everybody has his defaults?

  C) lifetime is not long for everyone?

  D) lifetime is full of pities?

  3.In the American system of value, patience is not a high priority indicates ____.

  A) patience is very important?

  B) patience is high valuable?

  C) patience is not of value

  D) patience is ranked after others?

  4.“We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return...”, this sentence reflects Americansattitude to life ____.

  A) is not patient enough?

  B) gets angry easily?

  C) saves times?

  D) values time?

  5. Is the article to____?

  A) narrate

  B) tell story?

  C) inform

  D) argue ?


  1.C 理解题。第一段第一行中If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind.的意思是……。从文章的前两句我们可以得出,本句的意思为“不进则退”,所以答案为C。

  2.C 段落大意题。第二段表明了……

  文章第二段中有这样一句话:Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime.这句话进一步说明了本段开头对于时间的看法,指出“许多人深感人的一生之短促”。所以答案为C

  3.D 细节考查题。在美国人的价值观中,耐心并没有排在很高的.地位,表明了……


  4.D 理解题。“We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return...”,这句话反映了美国人对生活的态度是……。本句的意思是:只要我们感觉消耗了时间而没有回报,我们就开始烦躁不安地走来走去……,由此得知,答案为D。

  5.C 理解判断题。这篇文章是……。整篇文章中,作者都在说明美国人对于时间的观念。所以该篇文章是以说明为主的,所以答案为C。










