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    GMAT的SC考题中经常出现what从句,这是很多同学的痛点,带有what从句的选项有时候对,有时候错,基本没有很强的猜题规律的,需要我们在具体题目当中去判断。下面是小编整理的该如何去思考GMAT SC中的what从句,希望对大家有用,更多消息请关注应届毕业生网。



  What you said is right这句话里面what就是指代你说的话,所以这句话完全等同于The word that you said is right. 大家注意到没,后面的句子其实就是把what的指代对象the word直接给出了,然后加一个that(如果是人加who/whom)变成定语从句,这样句子是不是好理解很多。


  He is not what he was five years ago.还是一样首先找出what在句子当中指代什么,然后加上that/whom,其他部分照抄,所以这句话等同于He is not the man whom he was five years ago。


  The ancient Anasazi harvested such native desert vegetation as the purple-flowered bee plant, what they now commonly call wild spinach in northern Arizona and other parts of the southwestern United States.

  A. what they now commonly call

  B. a plant that they now commonly call

  C. now commonly called

  D. and is now commonly called

  E. which it is now commonly called


  对!就是plant,所以A选项完全等同于a plant that they now commonly call,咦。。。。是不是就是B选项,所以秒排AB了,因为能选A就能选B,肯定都错。(我就不仔细分析每个选项啦哈,这个专题只是帮助大家了解what从句而已)

  Even though more money was removed out of stock funds in July as in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as an industry trade group had previously estimated.

  A. as in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as

  B. as had been in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what

  C. than there was in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as that which

  D. than in any month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as

  E. than in any other month since October 1987, sales of fund shares in July were not as low as what


  这里的what根据语义判断,应该指代sales of fund shares,所以E选项最后部分等于sales of fund that an industry trade group had previously estimated。这样as low as前后比较是不是很平行!sales和sales比较,七月份的sales和之前所估计的sales比,所以是对的。

  Unearthed in China, fossils of feathered dinosaurs offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds.

  A. offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds

  B. offer evidence more dramatic than what has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds

  C. offer more dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship than any yet discovered between dinosaurs and birds

  D. have offered the most dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds that have yet been discovered

  E. have offered more dramatic evidence than any that has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds

  这一题B选项里面的what应该指代的是evidence,,所以than后面的what从句等于the evidence that has yet been discovered......这样看than前后比较对象也很平行啊,evidence和evidence比啊,那为啥是错的呢??!!!因为than后面的evidence前面应该加上一个other,比的时候要把自身排除出去,这里的比较级其实表达的是最高级的意思。

  While digging in the Egyptian desert, huge fossil bones have been found by paleontologists, which appears to have been the second most massive dinosaur that ever lived.

  A. huge fossil bones have been found by paleontologists, which appears to have been

  B. huge fossil bones have been found by paleontologists, which appear to be from

  C. it appears that paleontologists have found huge fossil bones that are from

  D. paleontologists have found huge fossil bones from what appears to be

  E. paleontologists have found huge fossil bones, which are from what appear











