
once or twice的翻译形式与用法

时间:2021-06-09 12:49:55 翻译 我要投稿

once or twice的翻译形式与用法

  我们除了要知道英文once or twice具体的翻译形式以外,还应该了解它正确的用法。快来看看小编为你准备了英语once or twice实际的翻译以及用法,欢迎大家阅读!

  once or twice的翻译

  英 [wʌns ɔ: twais] 美 [wʌns ɔr twaɪs]

  once or twice 基本解释

  一两次, 偶尔

  once or twice 相关例句


  1. I've been there once or twice.


  once or twice的.单语例句

  1. So he deliberately found a job far from home the day after marriage and came back just once or twice a month.

  2. Though she is off the drugs her doctor had prescribed her, she continues with the therapy once or twice a week at school.

  3. Influenza or flu occurs in epidemic form once or twice each winter.

  4. I can only see my brother once or at most twice a year, especially since he graduated from the university and landed a job in Shanghai.

  5. Snow falls in Jerusalem once or twice each winter, but temperatures rarely drop low enough for it to stick.

  6. We had only met once or twice but as soon as we started shooting it was pretty instant how we got along so well.

  7. But the cruel fact is that only once or twice a year does Chinese media produce investigative reports like Fu's.

  8. It would cause coastal flooding of the sort that now happens once or twice a century to occur every few years.

  9. Once or twice I caught myself leaning too heavily on the windowsill and stepped back with a start.

  10. She travels to China once or twice a year to promote Scottish tourism.

  once or twice的双语例句

  1. You will have to be transferred once or twice to reach the wireless data division.


  2. The model is calibrated by laboratory analysis once or twice per shift.


  3. I come here once or twice a week.


  4. This is usually once or twice a day, depending on the antibiotic used.


  5. I've read about it once or twice but it's not on my mind.


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