
英语as far as怎么样翻译最好

时间:2022-01-27 09:59:16 翻译 我要投稿

英语as far as怎么样翻译最好

  我们应该要知道怎么样读as far as这一英语,还有必要知道怎么样用中文来翻译它是最好的。一起来看看小编为大家整理收集了英文短语as far as详细的'中文翻译形式吧,欢迎大家阅读!

英语as far as怎么样翻译最好

  as far as的翻译

  英 [z fɑ: z] 美 [z fɑr z]

  as far as 基本解释

  只要; 远到…; 据…; 直到…为止


  1. They walked as far as the lake.


  2. I'll help you as far as I can.


  as far as的单语例句

  1. Departure times gleaned so far by investigators have differed by about an hour, as has the timing of the wreckage discovery.

  2. Many disapprove of such inhuman treatments, going so far as to call out the actions in an online forum.

  3. Another 30 percent went not quite as far, saying video resumes could be very useful for them to hunt for a good job.

  4. Candy goes as far as to predict online shrines may soon consign cemeteries and graveyards to the past.

  5. China's logistics industry has lagged far behind that of developed countries, leading to problems such as the slow circulation of capital.

  6. Caretaker coach Wang Haiming is now far away to the post as the team's consecutive loss dented his chance.

  7. We should not worry about the resulting growth in our trade surplus or even carry it too far as to bear a sense of guilt.

  8. A hurricane warning was in effect for all of Belize, the Cayman Islands and parts of the Yucatan Peninsula as far north as Cancun.

  9. Liu was among the first Chinese farmers to tap the potential of Russia's Far East as a major global grain producing center.

  as far as的双语例句

  1. But, you know, as far as anything else goes, you know, I had a strategy and I applied it.


  2. You can use the far aft stern bulkheads for the prop shaft bearing mount or use some ABS of PVC sheet to make the bearing mount as I did.


  3. As far as colors and the different sizes that you have available to you as well.


  4. Further experiments such as Far-western and immunoprecipitation confirmed this interaction in vitro and in vivo.


  5. A sort of stool pigeon, as far as I could gather.


  6. And it is far from finished, as such is the difficulty of map-making a path to a new destination.


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