
no matter怎么样翻译最贴切

时间:2021-06-09 11:19:38 翻译 我要投稿

no matter怎么样翻译最贴切

  由于英文no matter是一个重点的短语,我们有必要知道怎么样用中文来贴切的把它翻译出来。今天就让小编带你来看看英语no matter恰当的.中文翻译,欢迎阅读。

  no matter的翻译

  [nəu ˈmætə]

  no matter 基本解释

  不管; 不论; 不介意; 不要紧

  no matter的单语例句

  1. He called on everyone to act in strict accordance with the Basic Law no matter how different their views and positions may be.

  2. He can by no means conceal the separatist nature of his activities no matter what by whatever disguise and whatever florid rhetoric he may use.

  3. A terrorist act is a terrorist act no matter how it is dressed up and no matter what organization is behind it.

  4. The top cabinet spokesman said on Tuesday the government would take no action on the matter.

  5. You can't help but blaze trails today, no matter what you're doing on the surface.

  6. No matter how popular they may be, one cannot help but feel they don't belong.

  7. The truth of the matter is that there is no easy solution to the woes of the world capitalist economy at this point.

  8. There are always going to be some falls in life for everybody, no matter what career you have.

  9. The retired athlete career program is available to any athlete, no matter what achievements he or she accomplished.

  no matter的双语例句

  1. No matter what you would like to be or not to be, youmust admit that his decide was right.


  2. I totallyagree with the assertion that Government should preserve the wildernessareas in their natural state no matter how many people will accessthere(这个短语结构不明白什么意思呀~) because these areas deserve and have the necessity to beprotected and government is a powerful organization to gain this ends.


  3. I don't think many of my birds are visitors, because they come back every day no matter what the weather, so they must be mostly resident birds.


  4. NO matter where you go, you can see that computer have an affect on people's lives.


  5. You'll end up better off, no matter what.



1.in the matter of具体怎么样翻译

2.like that怎么用汉语翻译最好

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