
英文come into play的翻译形式

时间:2021-06-08 14:28:44 翻译 我要投稿

英文come into play的翻译形式

  英文come into play是比较常用的,我们有必要知道它具体的.翻译形式。小编为大家精心准备了英语短语come into play准确的翻译形式,欢迎大家前来阅读。

  come into play的翻译

  英 [kʌm ˈɪntuː pleɪ] 美 [kʌm ˈɪntu pleɪ]

  come into play 基本解释


  come into play 相关例句


  1. The new rules have already come into play.


  come into play的单语例句

  1. When all these issues come into play, discussions on GM become complicated.

  2. Analysts have predicted the country's economy will pick up in 2013, as the global economy is stabilizing and government measures and reforms have come into play.

  3. Liu said that the spirit of creativity and teamwork shall come into play, and services will improve for the trade sector.

  4. Another six to 12 states could come into play before their unconventional campaigns draw to a close.

  5. Other Southern tossup states may come into play for Kerry, but only if he's doing unexpectedly well everywhere else.

  6. Another problem is that Beijing's bicycle rental scheme is to be operated by a company where profit margins come into play.

  7. This will increasingly come into play to curb demand for energy and consequently reduce the economic growth rates of all countries.

  8. Chinese experts believe that China has the technical ability to carry out the project, but other considerations may come into play.

  9. Others contend that the market has many blind spots and public policy should come into play here.

  come into play的双语例句

  1. This is where good used metal office furniture can come into play.


  2. Of course there are lots of subtleties that come into play, but you don't have to worry about that the first time.


  3. In reality, lots of other factors come into play.


  4. The wings only come into play on steep angles because at about a 50 - 60 degree incline the birds start slipping.

  翅膀只有生效发挥在陡峭的角度,因为在大约50 -6 0度倾斜,鸟开始下滑。

  5. This is where the role of experienced moving companies come into play and they take away the concern and botheration from the moving process.


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