

时间:2021-12-04 08:42:26 翻译 我要投稿




  蛋饼的'英文翻译:Egg cakes

  1. In that box are cakes with flavors of pineapple, egg yolk, and green tea.


  2. The Danish people like egg cakes and desserts, and they have made Danish butter biscuit that is fashionable in the world.


  3. If you want a more substantial breakfast, add the turnip cake with soy-based sauce, a pancake-and-egg combo, and crisp cakes, lightly baked, hollow thin cakes with sugar, sesame or peanut paste spread on the inside.


  4. The company currently has a product brand as follows: spin spin circle cookie snack cakes, candied fruit yo-mei brands, Fort pure egg yolk egg cake, crisp egg roll spin spinning volumes, such as Wu Bai meters Gamigo Snack Foods fine.


  5. To secretly determined, must study well and to do personally to the father egg bake cakes.


  6. To Chengdu, eat a lot of well-known snacks, such as the Tam-Tam, 10-minute dumplings, Chao Shou-Lai Tang Yuan, beef coke cake, jelly northern Sichuan, Bobo chicken, Suanla powder, but most affects the stomach and heart The humble egg or bake cakes.


  7. These are the Multi-Layer Cakes. These are the Preserved Egg Cakes And these are the Custard Tarts.


  蒸饺的英文翻译:Steamed dumplings

  1. Leshon中式餐饮机构,主营中华传统风味小吃,品种丰富、风味纯正,元盅土鸡汤、蟹黄小笼包、红烧牛肉面、菜肉蒸饺等都是它的招牌产品。

  Leshon Chinese restaurant famouse for its traditional food, like Double-boiled chicken soup and braised beef with noodle in soup etc. Create a fashion and leisure diet space, make everyone eating here feel warm and release, like home is Leshon need.

  2. Leshon中式餐饮机构,主营中华传统风味小吃,品种丰富、风味纯正,元盅土鸡汤、蟹黄小笼包、红烧牛肉面、菜肉蒸饺等都是它的招牌产品。

  Leshon Chinese restaurant famous for its traditional food, like Double-boiled chicken soup and braised beef with noodle in soup etc. Create a fashion and leisure diet space, make everyone eating here feel warm and release, like home is Leshon need.

  3. 那也许是蒸饺。是放在竹笼里吗?

  Did they come in a bamboo steamer?

  4. 玉米面蒸饺玉米面1000克,韭菜500克。

  Cornmeal steamed dumpling cornmeal 1, 000 grams, leeks 500 grams.

  5. 在秦皇岛昌黎县城关东街有家门面不太大的饭馆,这就是以卖蒸饺负有盛名的赵家馆。

  In Qinhuangdao Changli county home off East Street facade is not a big restaurant, which is based on selling steamed dumpling Zhao prestigious museum.

  6. 香菇蒸饺的馅心是有新鲜猪肉和香菇调制而成,加上鲜美的香菇汁水,上蒸笼蒸熟后肉嫩汁饱,轻轻一吸,一股浓浓的清新气息在口腔中弥漫。

  Xian Xin of Zhengjiao mushrooms are fresh pork and mushrooms from modulation, combined with the delicious mushroom juice, the steamer on full steam after the tender juice, a little smoke, a deep sense of fresh air in the oral cavity filled.

  7. 我会给你们上四个蒸饺。

  I'm going to bring you the four dumplings.

  馒头的英文翻译:steamed bun

  1. The traditional snack also has it all, the old Beijing's sausage, the strong-smelling fermented beancurd, explode the stomach, the tea soup......Also has north Chiangnan's famous specialty product, the Tianjin dog pays no attention to the steamed stuffed bun, 18 street bread twists, the Mongolian barbecued mutton, the Hong Kong Buddha jumps the wall, ......Most unusual is this insect feast, any cicada, the centipede, the spider, the seahorse, the scorpion all can explode are eating, looked I all am tremble with fear!


  2. The merit is the yummy treats is quick, the produce by rubbing material does not give off heat, the color fresh not to destroy the textile fiber, the feeling in the mouth slides thin, widely applies in foods and so on production meatball, gefilte fish, canned food, each kind of sausage, ham intestines, steamed stuffed bun, stuffed dumpling, grinds to the muddy flesh the poultry bone add-on to enter the product which in food makes, the feeling in the mouth tastily, unique, the color is fresh and tender, the meat fragrant rich and absorbs the calcium element in delicacy delicious food, with ease makes up the calcium, and can reduce the cost to enhance the product rate, to increase the elasticity, including the high quality protein, the organization is richly exquisite, may substitute the partial lean meat and the Kara rubber, the packing meat product.


  3. Methods: T2DM who came to see doctor were given steamed bun, using magnetic antibody immunity assay method to test insulin level. Then obtained a normal number of empty abodoma insulin was fyom 4.03 μIU/ml to 23.4 μIU/ml. The test results were divided into three groups: lower group on empty abodoma, normal group on empty abodoma the higher group on empty abodoma.


  4. Make an example: You can eat a steamed stuffed bun before, must let you eat 5 steamed stuffed bun now, did your not feel like eating go?










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