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  1. 工程结构 building and civil engineering structures


  2. 工程结构设计 design of building and civil engineering structures


  3. 房屋建筑工程 building engineering


  4. 土木工程 civil engineering


  5. 公路工程 highway engineering


  6. 铁路工程 railway engineering


  7. 港口与航道工程 port ( harbour ) and waterway engineering


  8. 水利工程 hydraulic engineering


  9. 水利发电工程(水电工程) hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering


  10. 建筑物(构筑物) construction works


  11. 结构 structure


  12. 基础 foundation


  13. 地基 foundation soil; subgrade; subbase; ground.


  14. 木结构 timber structure


  15. 砌体结构 masonry structure


  16. 钢结构 steel structure


  17. 混凝土(砼)结构 concrete structure


  18. 特种工程结构 special engineering structure


  19. 房屋建筑 building


  20. 工业建筑 industrial building


  21. 民用建筑 civil building; civil architecture


  22. 公路 highway



  One of the most challenging tasks facing civil engi-neers in recent decades has been tackling overwhelming earthquake phenomena, which causes heavy casualties. The traditional technique used to mitigate these casual-ties involves designing seismic-resistant buildings strong enough to withstand such destructive forces. As an al-ternative, many researchers have recently investigated and improved energy dissipation controllers, such as passive and active dampers, to improve the seismic be-havior of structures. Many engineers have devoted their efforts to the development of strategies and numerical studies of structural control systems, including active and passive control devices for buildings subjected to seismic forces. These investigations basically target the reduction of the seismic responses of structures against dynamic loads like earthquake, wind, or blast.

  Implementation of actuators as active vibration con-trol devices is thoroughly proven to enhance structures’ imperfect seismic response, preventing loss of life and structural damages. Saleh and Adeli (1998b, 1994, 1996) advanced the idea of parallel algorithms associated with an integrated structural control system. Performance of these parallel algorithms was accelerated by combining vector computations and multitasking approaches.

  Vibration control in smart structures (also known as adaptive structures) equipped with active vibration con-trol has been studied by Adeli and Saleh (1997) and Saleh and Adeli (1998a), using parallel algorithms to solve the Riccati equation. Advances in digital control and sensor techniques have helped to make the grow-ing control algorithms more reliable. Adeli (1999), Lin et al. (2006), and Chen and Liu (2010) proposed mon-itoring the behavior of a structure under seismic load using actuators and sensors together to synchronize and subsequently control the optimum output force of the actuators.


  执行器作为主动振动控制装置的应用被完全证明可以增强结构的不完美的地震响应,防止寿命损失和结构损坏。 Saleh和Adeli(1998b,1994,1996)提出了与集成结构控制系统相关的并行算法的想法。通过组合向量计算和多任务处理方法,加速了这些并行算法的性能。

  Adeli和Saleh(1997)和Saleh和Adeli(1998a)使用并行算法来解决Riccati方程,研究了配备有主动振动控制的智能结构(也称为自适应结构)中的振动控制。数字控制和传感器技术的进步有助于使成长控制算法更可靠。 Adeli(1999),Lin et al。 (2006),Chen和Liu(2010)提出了利用致动器和传感器一起监测地震荷载下结构的行为,以同步并随后控制致动器的最佳输出力。


  大理石 marble

  直爬梯 vertical ladder

  碰球 ball latch

  长脚铰链 parliament hinge

  素混凝土 plain concrete

  有机玻璃 organic glass

  粘土砖 clay brick

  镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door

  推拉窗 sliding window

  平台 landing (platform)

  脊瓦 ridge tile

  陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete

  地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope

  bricks and tiles 砖和瓦

  石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)

  扇形踏步 winder (wheel step)

  活动盖板 removable cover plate

  (大门上的)小门 wicket

  磨光玻璃 polished glass

  空心砖 hollow brick

  波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) portland cement

  保温砂浆 thermal mortar

  搁栅 joist

  沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar

  珍珠岩 pearlite

  旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair)

  沟盖板 trench cover

  机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor

  楼梯平台 stair landing

  楼梯间 staircase

  石英玻璃 quartz glass

  防水砂浆 water-proof mortar

  耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar

  弹簧门 swing door

  水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo

  细砂 fine sand

  门边木 stile

  集水沟 gully

  折叠门 folding door

  平板玻璃 plate glass

  窗钩 window catch

  防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage)

  闭门器 door closer

  钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel

  防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass

  透明玻璃 clear glass

  木窗 wooden window

  瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring

  夹板门 plywood door

  电梯井道 lift shaft

  夹丝玻璃 wire glass

  门樘侧料 side jumb

  卵石 cobble

  插销 bolt

  cement, mortar and concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土

  门钩 door hanger

  石灰砂浆 lime mortar

  蛭石 vermiculite

  地板砖 flooring tile

  麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar

  防火砖 fire brick

  水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar

  塑钢窗 plastic steel window

  液压电梯 hydraulic lift

  疏散门 emergency door

  耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar

  吊车梯 crane ladder

  电梯坑 lift pit

  客梯 passenger lift

  毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)

  地弹簧 floor closer

  中悬窗 center-pivoted window

  窗帘盒 curtain box

  窗扇 casement sash

  扶手 handrail

  暗插销 bolt

  排水沟 drainage trench

  波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheet

  窗边木 stile

  自动扶梯 escalator

  玻璃门 glazed door

  钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (r.c slab)

  防火门 fire door

  火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement

  水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring

  电梯机房 lift mortar room

  疏散梯 emergency stair

  着色玻璃 pigmented glass

  面砖 facing brick

  上悬窗 top-hung window

  集水坑 sump pit

  踏步 step

  马赛克地面 mosaic flooring

  窗中梃 mullion

  槽口 notch

  玻璃砖 glass block

  预制水磨 石地面 precast terrazzo flooring

  红砖 red brick

  中砂 medium sand

  琉璃瓦 glazed tile

  窗台 window sill

  lime, sand and stone 灰、砂和石

  玻璃瓦 glass tile

  j. building material words and phrases 建筑材料词汇及短语

  平开窗 side-hung window

  窗台板 window board

  防酸地面 acid-resistant floor

  企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring

  老虎窗 dormer window

  水泥砂浆 cement mortar

  孔翻边 hole up stand

  毛石 rubble

  天窗 skylight

  门槛 door sill

  汉白玉 white marble

  密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing

  门锁 door lock

  上冒头 top rail

  密闭门 air-tight door

  碎石 crushed stone

  装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading

  推拉门 sliding door

  门扇 door leaf

  门框 door frame

  集水口 gulley

  吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass

  操作平台 operating platform

  硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring

  i. staircase, landing & lift (elevator) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯

  链条 chain

  水磨石 terrazzo

  石膏 gypsum

  缸砖 clinkery brick

  硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring

  楼梯 stair

  下冒头 bottom rail

  单扇门 single door

  结构开洞 structural opening

  梯段高度 height of flight

  门过梁 door lintel

  乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring

  平开门 side-hung door

  白水泥 white cement

  双扇门 double door

  混凝土地面 concrete floor

  电缆沟 cable trench

  固定窗 fixed window

  水泥地面 cement floor

  转轴 pivot

  客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift

  窗横木 mutin

  踏步宽度 tread width

  门洞 door opening

  铝合金门 aluminum alloy door

  下悬窗 hopper window

  百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)

  拉手 pull

  钢窗 steel window

  瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile)

  砾石 gravel

  h. doors,glass,windows & ironmongery(hardware)门、玻璃、窗及五金件

  空腹钢窗 hollow steel window

  活动百叶窗 adjustable louver

  压缝条 cover mould

  栏杆 railing (balustrade)

  电动开关器 electric opener

  防滑条 non-slip (strips)

  木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door

  平台栏杆 platform railing

  硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement

  花岗岩 granite

  货梯 goods lift

  灰缝 mortar joint

  纱门 screen door

  钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel

  卷帘门 roller shutter door

  镶板门 panelled door

  纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar

  踏步板 tread

  吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole

  粗砂 course sand

  马赛克 mosaic

  铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window

  保温门 thermal insulating door

  气窗 transom

  旋转门 revolving door

  观光电梯 observation elevator

  油地毡地面 linoleum flooring

  合页(铰链) hinge (butts)

  档步板 riser


















  1. 工程结构 building and civil engineering structures


  2. 工程结构设计 design of building and civil engineering structures


  3. 房屋建筑工程 building engineering


  4. 土木工程 civil engineering


  5. 公路工程 highway engineering


  6. 铁路工程 railway engineering


  7. 港口与航道工程 port ( harbour ) and waterway engineering


  8. 水利工程 hydraulic engineering


  9. 水利发电工程(水电工程) hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering


  10. 建筑物(构筑物) construction works


  11. 结构 structure


  12. 基础 foundation


  13. 地基 foundation soil; subgrade; subbase; ground.


  14. 木结构 timber structure


  15. 砌体结构 masonry structure


  16. 钢结构 steel structure


  17. 混凝土(砼)结构 concrete structure


  18. 特种工程结构 special engineering structure


  19. 房屋建筑 building


  20. 工业建筑 industrial building


  21. 民用建筑 civil building; civil architecture


  22. 公路 highway



  One of the most challenging tasks facing civil engi-neers in recent decades has been tackling overwhelming earthquake phenomena, which causes heavy casualties. The traditional technique used to mitigate these casual-ties involves designing seismic-resistant buildings strong enough to withstand such destructive forces. As an al-ternative, many researchers have recently investigated and improved energy dissipation controllers, such as passive and active dampers, to improve the seismic be-havior of structures. Many engineers have devoted their efforts to the development of strategies and numerical studies of structural control systems, including active and passive control devices for buildings subjected to seismic forces. These investigations basically target the reduction of the seismic responses of structures against dynamic loads like earthquake, wind, or blast.

  Implementation of actuators as active vibration con-trol devices is thoroughly proven to enhance structures’ imperfect seismic response, preventing loss of life and structural damages. Saleh and Adeli (1998b, 1994, 1996) advanced the idea of parallel algorithms associated with an integrated structural control system. Performance of these parallel algorithms was accelerated by combining vector computations and multitasking approaches.

  Vibration control in smart structures (also known as adaptive structures) equipped with active vibration con-trol has been studied by Adeli and Saleh (1997) and Saleh and Adeli (1998a), using parallel algorithms to solve the Riccati equation. Advances in digital control and sensor techniques have helped to make the grow-ing control algorithms more reliable. Adeli (1999), Lin et al. (2006), and Chen and Liu (2010) proposed mon-itoring the behavior of a structure under seismic load using actuators and sensors together to synchronize and subsequently control the optimum output force of the actuators.


  执行器作为主动振动控制装置的应用被完全证明可以增强结构的不完美的地震响应,防止寿命损失和结构损坏。 Saleh和Adeli(1998b,1994,1996)提出了与集成结构控制系统相关的并行算法的想法。通过组合向量计算和多任务处理方法,加速了这些并行算法的性能。

  Adeli和Saleh(1997)和Saleh和Adeli(1998a)使用并行算法来解决Riccati方程,研究了配备有主动振动控制的智能结构(也称为自适应结构)中的振动控制。数字控制和传感器技术的进步有助于使成长控制算法更可靠。 Adeli(1999),Lin et al。 (2006),Chen和Liu(2010)提出了利用致动器和传感器一起监测地震荷载下结构的行为,以同步并随后控制致动器的最佳输出力。


  大理石 marble

  直爬梯 vertical ladder

  碰球 ball latch

  长脚铰链 parliament hinge

  素混凝土 plain concrete

  有机玻璃 organic glass

  粘土砖 clay brick

  镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door

  推拉窗 sliding window

  平台 landing (platform)

  脊瓦 ridge tile

  陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete

  地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope

  bricks and tiles 砖和瓦

  石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)

  扇形踏步 winder (wheel step)

  活动盖板 removable cover plate

  (大门上的)小门 wicket

  磨光玻璃 polished glass

  空心砖 hollow brick

  波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) portland cement

  保温砂浆 thermal mortar

  搁栅 joist

  沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar

  珍珠岩 pearlite

  旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair)

  沟盖板 trench cover

  机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor

  楼梯平台 stair landing

  楼梯间 staircase

  石英玻璃 quartz glass

  防水砂浆 water-proof mortar

  耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar

  弹簧门 swing door

  水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo

  细砂 fine sand

  门边木 stile

  集水沟 gully

  折叠门 folding door

  平板玻璃 plate glass

  窗钩 window catch

  防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage)

  闭门器 door closer

  钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel

  防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass

  透明玻璃 clear glass

  木窗 wooden window

  瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring

  夹板门 plywood door

  电梯井道 lift shaft

  夹丝玻璃 wire glass

  门樘侧料 side jumb

  卵石 cobble

  插销 bolt

  cement, mortar and concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土

  门钩 door hanger

  石灰砂浆 lime mortar

  蛭石 vermiculite

  地板砖 flooring tile

  麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar

  防火砖 fire brick

  水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar

  塑钢窗 plastic steel window

  液压电梯 hydraulic lift

  疏散门 emergency door

  耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar

  吊车梯 crane ladder

  电梯坑 lift pit

  客梯 passenger lift

  毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)

  地弹簧 floor closer

  中悬窗 center-pivoted window

  窗帘盒 curtain box

  窗扇 casement sash

  扶手 handrail

  暗插销 bolt

  排水沟 drainage trench

  波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheet

  窗边木 stile

  自动扶梯 escalator

  玻璃门 glazed door

  钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (r.c slab)

  防火门 fire door

  火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement

  水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring

  电梯机房 lift mortar room

  疏散梯 emergency stair

  着色玻璃 pigmented glass

  面砖 facing brick

  上悬窗 top-hung window

  集水坑 sump pit

  踏步 step

  马赛克地面 mosaic flooring

  窗中梃 mullion

  槽口 notch

  玻璃砖 glass block

  预制水磨 石地面 precast terrazzo flooring

  红砖 red brick

  中砂 medium sand

  琉璃瓦 glazed tile

  窗台 window sill

  lime, sand and stone 灰、砂和石

  玻璃瓦 glass tile

  j. building material words and phrases 建筑材料词汇及短语

  平开窗 side-hung window

  窗台板 window board

  防酸地面 acid-resistant floor

  企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring

  老虎窗 dormer window

  水泥砂浆 cement mortar

  孔翻边 hole up stand

  毛石 rubble

  天窗 skylight

  门槛 door sill

  汉白玉 white marble

  密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing

  门锁 door lock

  上冒头 top rail

  密闭门 air-tight door

  碎石 crushed stone

  装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading

  推拉门 sliding door

  门扇 door leaf

  门框 door frame

  集水口 gulley

  吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass

  操作平台 operating platform

  硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring

  i. staircase, landing & lift (elevator) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯

  链条 chain

  水磨石 terrazzo

  石膏 gypsum

  缸砖 clinkery brick

  硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring

  楼梯 stair

  下冒头 bottom rail

  单扇门 single door

  结构开洞 structural opening

  梯段高度 height of flight

  门过梁 door lintel

  乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring

  平开门 side-hung door

  白水泥 white cement

  双扇门 double door

  混凝土地面 concrete floor

  电缆沟 cable trench

  固定窗 fixed window

  水泥地面 cement floor

  转轴 pivot

  客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift

  窗横木 mutin

  踏步宽度 tread width

  门洞 door opening

  铝合金门 aluminum alloy door

  下悬窗 hopper window

  百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)

  拉手 pull

  钢窗 steel window

  瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile)

  砾石 gravel

  h. doors,glass,windows & ironmongery(hardware)门、玻璃、窗及五金件

  空腹钢窗 hollow steel window

  活动百叶窗 adjustable louver

  压缝条 cover mould

  栏杆 railing (balustrade)

  电动开关器 electric opener

  防滑条 non-slip (strips)

  木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door

  平台栏杆 platform railing

  硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement

  花岗岩 granite

  货梯 goods lift

  灰缝 mortar joint

  纱门 screen door

  钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel

  卷帘门 roller shutter door

  镶板门 panelled door

  纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar

  踏步板 tread

  吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole

  粗砂 course sand

  马赛克 mosaic

  铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window

  保温门 thermal insulating door

  气窗 transom

  旋转门 revolving door

  观光电梯 observation elevator

  油地毡地面 linoleum flooring

  合页(铰链) hinge (butts)

  档步板 riser