
大象 elephant的幼儿园少儿英语故事

时间:2021-06-29 17:12:17 少儿英语 我要投稿

大象 elephant的幼儿园少儿英语故事

  There are two major kinds of elephants – African and Indian. You can tell them apart pretty easily by their size. The African elephant has a larger body and big, floppy ears, while the Indian elephant is a little smaller and has small, stubby ears.

大象 elephant的幼儿园少儿英语故事

  · I live on the continent of Africa and in the country of India.

  · I live on plains and deserts and in tropical rain forests and river valleys.

  · I'm too big to have a house. I rarely lie down and usually sleep standing up.

  · I have a large body with wrinkled skin and tusks made out of ivory. I also have a very long nose that I use to smell, make trumpet calls, rip leaves off trees and spray water on myself.

  · I am gray, tan or light brown with yellowish-white tusks.

  · I am very tall – usually between 10 and 15 feet (between 3 and 4.5 meters)!

  · I'm huge! I can weigh between 11,000 and 15,000 pounds (between 5,000 and 7,000 kilograms)!

  · I eat as much as 500 pounds (about 225 kilograms) of food each day! And 50 gallons (almost 90 liters) of water! My meals include leaves, grasses and other plants.

  · My only real enemies are human hunters who value my ivory tusks. Even though I can't walk very fast, I have few enemies that are wild animals.

  · I don't see very well, but my ears and nose make up for it! My famous nose allows me to smell food (or danger!) and lets me talk to my friends.




  · 我住在非洲大陆和印度。

  · 我生活在草原、沙漠、热带雨林和河谷。

  · 我太大了以至于不能有个房子。我很少躺下,一般站着睡觉。

  · 我有一个满是褶皱皮肤的庞大身躯和尖尖的象牙。我还有个非常长的鼻子,我用它闻味儿,当喇叭叫,从树上剥叶子,给自己洒水。

  · 我是灰色、茶褐色或浅棕色的,象牙黄白色。

  · 我非常高—通常在10-15英尺之间(约3-4.5米之间)!

  · 我是巨大的!我的体重在11,000-15,000磅之间(约5,000-7,000千克之间)!

  · 我每天吃500磅的食物!喝50加仑(将近90公升)的水!我的饭包括叶子、草和其它植物。

  · 我唯一真正的'敌人是人类捕猎者,他们认为我的象牙很值钱。虽然我不能走得很快,但是我却没有什么野生动物为敌。

  · 我的视力不是很好,但是我的耳朵和鼻子却弥补了这个缺点!我著名的鼻子使得我能闻食物(或嗅到危险!),并且让我和朋友交谈。

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