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While women have for centuries been labelled as the weaker sex, new research suggests the truth is quite the opposite.
According to a study, the fairer sex is genetically programmed to better resist infections and cancer, and also have a back-up system for fighting disease.
The discovery sheds light on why members of the so-called stronger sex succumb to "man-flu".
The reason why women are more robust appears to be microRNAs - short strands of RNA encoded on the chromosome, scientists believe. RNA is a genetic cousin of DNA and can have important biological effects.
The microRNAs have the effect of "silencing" immunity genes on X-chromosome, according to the new research. This leaves men at a disadvantage since they only have one X chromosome. Women have two, so that even when immunity genes are silenced on one the other can compensate. So man's immune systems are no match for those of wives and girlfriends.
Study leader Dr Claude Libert, from Ghent University in Belgium, said: "Statistics show that in humans, as with other mammals, females live longer than males and are more able to fight off shock episodes from sepsis, infection or trauma. We believe this is due to the X chromosome. "
From a biological point of view, the difference has probably evolved because women are more likely to ensure the survival of the species. They need to be able to resist infection when pregnant and when nuturing a child.
The research is published today in the journal BioEssays.
Young women put off starting a family for fear it will damage their looks, career and lifestyle
A generation of young women have been putting off starting a family because it will damage their lifestyle, career and looks, a survey shows.
One in three childless women quizzed now say they don't ever want to become a mother while increasing numbers of thirty-somethings in stable relationships and with good jobs have different priorities.
Almost half would rather get on the property ladder than have a baby while 28 percent would prefer a £100,000 salary, according to a poll of 2,000 women.
The Grazia magazine report commissioned to coincide with the release of Sarah Jessica Parker's latest film I Don't Know How She Does It uncovered a whole new tribe dubbed the 'I Don't Know Why She Does It' generation.
The film portrays the life of a high-flying professional woman Kate Reddy, who also looks after two children in the evening and is happily married to an out-of-work architect.
Childless women just aren't willing to make the sacrifices they now see are necessary for motherhood with 44 percent feeling sorry for working mums struggling to have it all, the survey said.
A quarter think working mothers always look exhausted and one in five say it looks so difficult it makes them think twice about having children.
Half of childless women over 30 look at stay-at-home mothers and think it will be difficult for them to get back on the career ladder and a fifth believe they've lost their identity.
Body issues are also a factor with three in ten worried about the effect pregnancy would have on their appearance.
Almost a third think having a baby would make them less body confident while almost one in three mothers miss their pre-baby figure and feel judged by society thanks to coverage of glamorous celebrity mums.
Four in ten childless women say they're not ready to give up their lifestyle - and a quarter still feel too young for a child.
Meanwhile 26 percent admit they are fearful of the effect motherhood would have on their career.
Almost half think having a child would make them poorer and over half say they couldn't afford a baby even if they wanted one.
The survey also identifies a rise in the 'emotionally infertile' - childless women who feel they have left it too late to have a baby with women admitting they put their career first or they didn't meet the right man.
Bigger feet a growing shoe problem for UK women
Demand for larger shoe sizes is growing among women -- but big-footed females are ashamed of stepping out in their shoes, according to a survey by British department store Debenhams.
The study questioned 1,000 women with size eight (U.S. 10.5) or nine feet about their shoe buying, with 82 percent admitting they are ashamed of their shoe size.
Over half of the women said asking the shop assistant for their size was the part of shoe-shopping they found most uncomfortable, and 36 percent said they hated taking their shoes off in public.
"Buying shoes online can be a tricky feat which is why we decided to ask women why they were shopping behind closed doors. We were surprised to learn a case of cold feet was behind it all," Carie Barkhuizen, Debenhams spokeswoman, said in a statement.
The problem is not uncommon as average female shoe size has increased to a size six over the last 10 years, and demand for size nines has triggered an 80 percent increase in stocks at the department store, Debenhams reports.
The change is attributed to women's feet becoming broader rather than longer - experts believe this may be due to an increase in average body weight.
But big is not necessarily bad, as shoemakers begin to adapt fashionable show designs for larger feet, with celebrities Nicole Kidman, Michelle Obama and Paris Hilton sporting larger footwear on the red carpet.
"High fashion shoes such as stilettos in larger sizes have to be made much stronger with sturdier load bearing points, able to cope with greater levels of stress and wear," Barkhuizen. "The materials and techniques now available means that the majority of shoes can made strong and comfortable enough in larger sizes which would have been unimaginable just 10 years ago."
30 going on 13: How mothers copy their daughters' fashion
Carole Middleton, Sarah Ferguson and Demi Moore could often be mistaken for their daughters. From their trendy clothing to their groomed tresses the similarities are uncanny.
Now a study confirms that mothers today look to their daughters for fashion and beauty inspiration.
Researchers from Temple University, Philadelphia also say that children - although they might appear to act older than their years - are far less likely to take style notes from their parents.
Coined as 'reverse socialisation', many middle-aged women are becoming 'consumer dopplegangers' striving to regain their youthful appearance as they buy into the same products as their offspring.
Journalist Amanda Platell commented that it is a pattern that has become more noticable in recent years, with high fashion becoming more accessible on the high street.
'The trend for good-looking mothers to compete with their daughters in the glamour stakes seems to be creeping into all sections of society.
'It's known as the 15/50 phenomenon — because the woman may look like a teenager from behind, but she is decidedly middle-aged from the front.'
Researchers questioned 343 mother and daughter pairings, with an average age of 44 for mums and 16 for the daughter.
It discovered that if a mum is young at heart and fashion conscious she is more likely to view her daughter as a style expert and copy her.
Dr Ayalla Ruvio, of Temple University, Philadelphia, said: 'This finding provides initial support for the notion of reverse socialization and suggests that the impact adolescents have on their parents is much more profound than has been credited to them.'
Once you're fat, you never go back: Scientists say dieters' bodies rarely return to their former shape
It is what failed dieters have long suspected: fat people really can't keep the weight off.
Scientists have confirmed that the majority of overweight people who try to lose weight either by cutting calories or exercising will return to their former size.
Fewer than 10 percent of the 12million Britons who go on a diet each year succeed in losing significant amounts of weight and most of those who do put it all back on again within a year.
The study of 25,000 people provides further evidence of the prevalence of 'yo-yo dieting' where slimmers get into a cycle of losing weight and regaining it.
The scientists, from the Medical Research Council's National Survey of Health and Development, have concluded it is better to avoid getting fat in the first place.
They followed 5,362 men and women from their birth in 1946 and 20,000 from birth in 1958, measuring their weight and blood pressure and assessing their lifestyles. The researchers found both groups began gaining weight in the 1980s and have steadily increased in size ever since.
Dr Rebecca Hardy, the council's programme leader on body size, said: 'Once people become overweight, they continue relentlessly upwards. They hardly ever go back down.
'A few lose weight but very few get back to normal. The best policy is to prevent people becoming overweight.
'For men [weight] goes up steadily through life. For women it starts slowly and accelerates in the mid-thirties.'
But the study's findings do not mean dieting is pointless, as eating less and taking more exercise can increase fitness and lower blood pressure.
Camera shy: Half of women 'hate' looking at themselves in photographs
She may smile for the camera, but it will turn to a frown the moment you show her the picture you've taken.
Half of women are so critical of their appearance that they 'hate' looking at photographs of themselves, a study has found.
And three-quarters are self-conscious enough to try to avoid appearing in snaps altogether.
When they do brave the camera lens, women's most common complaint is that they don't like their smile.
A third grumble that their teeth aren't white enough and a quarter worry that they're wonky.
A total of 14 percent moan about the 'smile lines' on their faces.
Even once the smile is out of the picture, they are likely to lament having their eyes closed or feeling embarrassed by their outfit.
Many women fear the pictures will attract catty comments if they appear on social networking websites such as Facebook.
And even on what is supposed to be the happiest day of their lives, 36 percent of brides feel anxious about being the focus of so much photographic attention.
But despite the fairer sex's insecurities, men said the first thing that attracted them to a woman was her smile, according to the survey by Macleans toothpaste.
Celebrity photographer Daniel Kennedy, who has shot stars including Angelina Jolie and Thandie Newton, advised self-conscious women: 'Try to enjoy yourself. A natural smile that goes through to the eyes is far more attractive than a fake one.
'Keep your chin down and look up through your eyelashes for a face-slimming look that enhances your cheekbones.'
Women spend more on holiday outfits than trip
Chaps, if you’re planning a summer getaway with the lady in your life, be warned – the flights and hotels may be the cheapest part.
Four out of five women over 50 spend more on their holiday clothes than on the trip itself, a study has found.
The research, by Which magazine, found that around 85 percent of women aged over 50 plan on spending over £1,000 on their entire summer holiday wardrobe, often more than they paid for the actual trip. The average holiday abroad costs £677 per person.
Research into 50-something women by online retailer isme.com also found that while 54 percent take up to 10 individual outfits, 96 percent crammed in five pairs of shoes into their jam-packed suitcases.
A further 91 percent haul an average of five handbags with them on seven-day trip - yet 65 percent of ladies only wear half of what they pack.
The overpacking and excessive spending, according to adult psychologist, Susan Quilliam, is the need to boost confidence when hitting the beach or enjoying a night out.
Regular BBC Woman's Hour psychologist Quilliam said: 'While mature women may effortlessly balance work and family life for 50 weeks of the year, when it comes to holidays even the most self-aware women may find their confidence slipping.
'Shedding layers and revealing what's underneath can make mature women feel vulnerable.
'Surrounded by toned and tanned perfect beach bodies, a mature woman can lose confidence, making her feel insecure and unloved.
'It's clear from the findings that a woman's answer is very practical - to make sure that she has every advantage when it comes to what she wears on holiday.
'She needs clothes and accessories that flatter, show off her good points and make her feel great about herself.'
The research for isme.com was carried out online by One Poll in May 2011 amongst a panel resulting in 1,000 UK women over 50.
零售商isme.com的这一调查是由调查公司One Poll于2011年5月在网上开展的,调查对象涵盖了1000名年过五十的英国女性。
It found nearly half (48 percent) splurge on more clothes while on their break as their own doesn't fit or 'isn't me', with one in three (36 percent) spending an additional £50 on new items while away from home.
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